
The Lonely King.

The story starts with the second prince being exiled by his father, king Orion. The second prince is banished for a crime that he didn't do. While being dragged away while lost in a daze, his brother, the first prince, Jae appears looking condescendingly at his brother. This marks the beginning of the journey of the lost king. ----------- This is my first time writing something so don't hate it too much. give some helpful tips and I'll try to write this story better. If I continue writing I might rewrite this one. I hope you all have a good day

ShoninRonin · 其他
37 Chs

The lost elf

It has been about a month is Zion started training Nix. After countless beatings, Zion finally lets Nix have a day off.

Nix has decided to use his day off to explore the city and relax.

---------( The shopping district)-------------

We can see Nix in a bustling crowd walking from stall to stall. Nix wanted to try the different foods that Riveria has to offer.

While eating Nix sees an elf go into an alleyway looking confused. Nix paid no mind to it until four suspicious-looking cloaked figures followed.

Nix just lets out a tired sigh and follows them into the alleyway.

"You're coming with us, whether you want to or not!" One of the cloaked figures yells.

"Well as much as I want to see this cliche thing happen, I'm gonna have to stop yall," Nix says lazily.

The kidnappers turn around to look at Nix.

"This has nothing to do with you. Keep your nose out of others people's business." One of the cloaked figures says while approaching Nix.

Once the kidnapper got close enough, Nix grabs him by the hand and pulls him down, to land a roundhouse kick to the side of his head.

With one of the kidnappers down, Nix connects a shadow rope to one of the other ones, and slams him into a wall, knocking him out.

The last two kidnappers run at Nix pulling out their weapons. Nix lazily dodges the sword going to stab him. Nix grabs his arm, then flings him at the other kidnapper knocking them both out.

"Hey, you okay over there?' Nix says.

The elf woman looks surprised, before smiling at Nix."Yes, I'm perfectly fine now that you are here."

Nix just nods, before starting to walk away.

"Hey, wait! You can't just leave like that!" The elf yelled out.

Nix annoyed sighs before turning around."Anything else you need? The way I see it it's fine for you to walk out again."

"No, it's not! These people have been following me for days! I need someone to protect me for the day! After that, I should be perfectly fine."

Nix just sighs before nodding his head following the woman around, for what felt like years.

----------( 9 hours later)----------

The elf made Nix carry every bag whenever she bought something.

While walking back to wherever the woman would be safe someone yelled at them.

"Halt! You are surrounded! Hand over the woman and nothing bad will happen!"

Nix looks around, and there are 15 armored soldiers around them.

The elf looks scared and goes closer to Nix."These are the people that are after me. If you can beat them it'll be all over."

Nix just sighs before summoning his scythe, and resting it on his shoulder."If you want her, you have to beat me first." Nix exclaims.

The soldiers didn't need to give a second warning, before charging at Nix with swords and shields. Nix picks up the elf beside him."What are you-" Before the elf could finish Nix throws her high up in the air.

"AAAHHHHHHH" The woman screams while being thrown up.

When the soldiers were about to pierce Nix with their swords, he uses his scythe to boost himself up.

With none of the soldiers expecting this outcome, Nix spins around on his scythe kicking all the soldiers across the head.

With all the soldiers down, Nix unsummons his scythe and stretches out both of his arms.

The elf still screaming while falling down lands in Nix's arms. She is still screaming, not aware that Nix caught her.

"SHUT UP! Stop yelling already! It's annoying." Nix yells at the woman.

The elf stops screaming and opens her eyes. She lets out a cough before getting out of Nix's arms.

"Well follow me. I should be safe once I get home."

--------(40 minutes later)-----------

With Nix following the woman, there is a crowd standing in front of them. At the front of the crowd, the king of the elves is standing there, about to give a speech.

"My fellow elves, someone has kidnapped the princess! If you have any clues of their whereabouts, please tell any guard you see. If you see the perpetrator, kill on sight!" The king says with a loud voice that travels across the whole crowd.

Nix looks at the woman beside him, to see that she has worries in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to have dragged you into this. I was just tired of being locked in that castle all day. Whenever I was out of it, I was always surrounded by the guards. I only wanted to know how it feels to be normal for once. I'll go up there and let my father know that I wasn't kidnapped. I will also try to clear your name. Goodbye, I hope we meet again." And with that, the elf ran through the crows to her father.

Nix is stunned for a couple of moments before letting out an annoyed sigh and walking back to his inn.

(At the inn, in Nix's room)

Nix is getting ready to sleep, before someone pounds on his door.

Nix ignored it until they kicked down his door.

"Hey what he-" Before Nix could finish speaking he is restrained by earth mages.

Not able to move Nix just complies, and is dragged away by the elf soldiers.



I always wanted to do one but couldn't ever think of a way to do one

hope yall are having a wonderful day

and leave your writing tips here