
Chapter 28

The loud group of friends seems oblivious to the growing annoyance around them. They continue to chatter and laugh, their voices rising even higher, their conversation now bordering on raucous. A few more patrons are openly glaring at them, some even muttering under their breaths. The café owner is now looking quite irritable, his eyes shooting daggers at the rowdy group.

The young couple has now gone silent, their earlier intense conversation replaced by a tense, awkward silence. They are both staring at the noisy group, their faces a mix of annoyance and discomfort. The female of the couple is especially bothered, her eyes narrowed, her mouth a thin line.

The group of young friends continues to monopolize the atmosphere, oblivious to the growing hostile mood in the café. The café owner is now looking downright furious, his face red and his eyes practically shooting bolts. He has now moved from behind the counter and is heading straight towards the noisy table.

The café owner reaches the table where the young friends are sitting. With a stern expression, he leans down and barks at them to quiet down. The group looks up, surprised at his outburst. For a moment, there is silence in the café as everyone waits to see how the young friends will respond.

The group of young friends look at each other, a bit taken aback. One of them, a bold young man, looks at the café owner and says "We're just having a good time, man! Why you gotta be such a killjoy?" The café owner is clearly not amused, his expression hardening.

The café owner takes a deep breath, visibly trying to maintain his composure. "This is a café, not a nightclub. Some of us are trying to have a peaceful morning. So either you lower your voices and behave like grown-ups, or I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

The young man who spoke up grins defiantly. "Yeah, and what if we don't? You gonna throw us out?" A few of the other friends snicker at this, clearly enjoying the confrontational attitude.

The café owner's face now turns almost purple with anger. He leans closer to the young man and says, in a low but fierce voice, "Don't push me, sonny. I don't have a problem making a scene if you don't follow my rules. You and your friends won't be having coffee anywhere in this town after I'm done with you."

The young man looks around at his friends, seeking support. A few of them look concerned, realizing that the café owner isn't bluffing. But the main instigator seems undeterred. He looks back at the café owner and says, his voice cocky but a hint of uncertainty now in his eyes, "You're all bark and no bite, old man."

The café owner looks incensed, his patience finally snapping. He slaps his open palm on the table, making a loud thump that silences the group momentarily. "You've got about five seconds to quit your mouthing off and behave or I'll personally throw each one of you out." The café has now fallen completely silent, all the other patrons watching the scene unfold.