
Chapter 12

The door shuddered again as the hunters bashed against it, the sound of their efforts becoming more frantic. The girl tensed, her grip on the poker tightening. Just as the door looked like it was about to give, the sound of a voice outside froze everyone in their tracks.

"We know you're in there," the voice outside called out, cold and menacing. "We can smell you. You can't hide forever." The girl's face paled slightly at the words. Obviously, she hadn't considered the possibility that the hunters could track them by scent alone. Isaac felt a shiver run down his spine. If the hunters could smell them, then they were in more danger than he thought.

The girl took a step back, her eyes darting between the door and the fireplace. Her plan to defend the cabin by the fireplace was clearly threatened by the new information. She muttered something under her breath, her face clouded with concern.

The sound of the hunters' assault on the door continued, the wood groaning under their relentless onslaught. The girl's hand clenched on the poker, her knuckles turning white. She was clearly struggling to come up with a new plan.

The hunters were getting closer to breaking through. The door was shaking fiercely under their blows, the lock groaning under the strain. The girl suddenly made a decision. Dropping the poker, she quickly grabbed Isaac's arm and pulled him towards the back of the cabin.

The girl led him through a narrow passage at the back of the cabin, her movements quick and graceful. She pushed open a small door, revealing a small storage cupboard. "Get in," she said urgently.

Isaac hurried into the cupboard, his body barely fitting into the cramped space. The girl squeezed in behind him, the small room becoming even more compressed.

The girl shut the door behind them, locking it with a soft click. They were enveloped in total darkness now, the only sound their rapid breathing. Isaac could feel her body pressed against his in the cramped space, the heat of her skin surprisingly comforting.

The sound of the hunters outside grew louder, the thumps against the door more vigorous. The girl stayed silent, her breath steady. Isaac, on the other hand, found it increasingly difficult to control his breathing. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest, the fear and uncertainty nearly overwhelming him.