
The Sunstrider and Dart

The elf who shot the arrow revealed himself fully.

He wore light golden armor. His bow still on his hand.

This elf had snow white hair, his pupils matched the color. It was cut short, but long enough for stray strands to swish against his brows, ears and nape.

"Who the hell are you?"

Grim asked.

No response. He just walked towards Grim slowly.

"I-I am not scared of you! I swear I'll cut you down where you stand if you don't stop!"

Elves were always taller than normal humans.

With Grim being only thirteen years old, he was already the average height of a male human.

But this elf, he was exponentially taller than Grim, his body type was lanky, though.

It seemed as though this person just ignored whatever Grim was saying and continued to approach him.

He placed his bow on his back and began cracking his knuckles.

Grim did not hesitate and swung his knife at the elf.

He figured that this guy was out for blood ever since he shot that arrow that close to him.

The elf stopped the attack by holding the blade with his bare hands.

Blood started to drip from his palms.

"Did you see the dragon?"

He asked.

His voice was cool and soothing.

Grim jumped back and picked up a wooden plank.

"This is not worth any semblance of my time. Trust me, child."

The elf said.

"You're the one who attacked me first! I could have died!"

Grim cried out.

"But you didn't."

Grim rushed towards the golden elf and revved up his wooden plank for an attack.

The elf just ducked from the child's wide swing.

After ducking, he stood straight up and kicked Grim right in the stomach.

Grim coughed out blood as he applied pressure to his stomach.

"I already told you to behave, didn't I?"

He said as he took a knee to get down on Grim's level.

The elf looked around the village, hoping to see the prized dragon that he was looking for.

Grim spat out blood on the floor. He was panting hard as well.

"Have you seen the dragon or not? It had black scales and a dozen horns based on what the townspeople have said."

Grim shook his head.

"I see."

"Why is this guy looking for the dragon?"

Grim asked himself.

The elf walked towards the north, the opposite direction of the forest where the cave was located.

"By the way, the people have been evacuated. We feared that the dragon might swoop in by and drop hellfire on the town. That explains the inhabitants missing."

"T-That's good."

Grim found it hard to speak as he was still catching up on his breath after being kicked like that.

He wiped his mouth off of the blood.

"Why are you looking for the dragon?"

He mustered his courage to ask the elf.

"Why do you think? As of today, the King has appointed me as the first Chimera Hunter."

"B-But you're an elf, how did you manage to get that close to the king? W-What's your name?"

Grim was amazed. It was quite honestly unheard of. An elf who has had close contact with the King of Vanheim himself.

Sure, elves were allowed to become foot soldiers or grunts in the governments policing force, but nobody has ever been appointed by the King himself.

"Does it matter what I am? As long as I can get the job done, that's all there is to it. I have no name. Folks just call me the Sunstrider."


The Sunstrider walked out of the conversation and continued forwards north.

"What was that guy's problem?!"

Grim cursed him out.

"Still, I have to be quick, the people are going to be back anytime now."

He made his way into the house and grabbed the book from where his grandfather told him it was located in.

Afterwards, Grim ran back to the cave, he was drenched by the rain which was still pouring.

"Hey, it's me!"

Grim announced his return, he thought that the baby dragon might attack him if he startled it.

"Oh. It's you."

"Yeah. It's me."

Grim answered back.

He took some more wood which were not wet outside and placed it on the bonfire. Prolonging the life of their heat source.

Grim opened the book.

It was a thick red one written on the title was 'The Tamer's Handbook.'

Grim saw the table of contents and saw the last portion had his family name on it. "The Fenrir Family…"

His fingers immediately opened up to the page where it was located and began reading.

"The Fenrir family are one of the royal bloodlines of the Elvenkind. They are master tamers and have the ability to perform 'Soulbound.' It is the ability to merge one's soul with the chosen chimera. This causes the tamer and the chosen chimera's soul to become entangled as one. Transcending time and space, locations and planes of existence. You are not able to opt out of a soulbind. Once you choose your chimera, that should be the final choice. You can still tame other chimeras while having the Soulbound chimera with you, however…."

Grim stopped reading the book and closed it.

"Did you know that elves and humans used to fight each other for generations?"

Grim asked the dragon.

"E-Elf? Humans? What are those?"

"Hm. Right, you haven't seen a human. Well, basically, they are just like me, I am an elf. As you can see, I'm pretty tall and my ears are pointy."

Grim stood up and pointed at his ears.

"Humans, on the other hand are a bit shorter than the average elf, the tips of their ears are also much more rounded. Also, they won the war, so we're basically stuck here since the elves never sent reinforcements. They just gave up, I guess."

The baby dragon nodded, taking in all the information that Grim said to him.

Grim's eyes wandered around the cave, that was when he saw a single dart on the ground, he used to play with it.

"By the way, I have a name for you."

The baby dragon looked at him in amusement.

"How does 'Dart' sound?"

"D-Dart… I guess I could live with that."

The dragon had a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Hey! What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing. It's a name I can live with, as I said earlier. I am just sad that someone other than my mother had to name me."

The baby dragon responded in a said tone.