
The lone she-wolf

Scarlet,a young girl faced with dangers,unfortunate events and hidden truth,betrayed by humans.will she ever find peace or loose herself on a rampage

cobalt_blue · 奇幻言情
87 Chs

Chapter seventy-five

Alex stepped out of the pool, leering down at the two people beside him. 

Zeus quickly brought his coat, avoiding eye contact with him. It was best not to look him in the eye or suffer the consequences.

He passed both of them going out of the outdoor pool into his chamber. To get suited up.

"Release all of them," he said calmly in a deep tone. 

When he got done, he went outside where all the fallen soldiers stood unconscious on the floor.

"Rise, on my command" and like he said they stood one by one staring at him in a slight daze. They were not their own vessel again but vessels to be used by the king to cause chaos. 

He looked at them from the high pedestal he stood on. The last one came to meet him from inside.

Blake passed him in slow strides, kneeling in front of him.

"We are your humble vessels use us as you may wish." He said,

He smiled in delight looking past his broken wall and defences into the sea across.