
The Lifetime Curse Of Oliver Scott

An overachieving psychiatry student named Oliver Scott has made huge headlines in the University of Munich after not showing up to class for over six months. Rumors have spread throughout campus saying he was murdered, committed suicide, or moved schools. Yet it so happens that one day, Oliver suddenly returns to school as if nothing happened. This catches the attention of his classmate and secret admirer Akane Maki, who aims to unravel the secret behind his disappearance. Problems relating to Oliver going missing may have been resolved, but that alone is just a tip of the iceberg. Ever since his return, people around the school have been struck with a series of unfortunate events - some of them lost their jobs, got into accidents, or even worse, died. Following this strange phenomena, Akane Maki and a group of college students form a faction that aims to interrogate Oliver on his knowledge of these events, to which he agrees, but on certain conditions. What will become of Akane Maki's investigation on Oliver Scott's return? Inspired by Junji Ito's famous manga Tomie, "The Lifetime Curse of Oliver Scott" aims to showcase the truth behind Oliver's body being brought back to life after a gruesome death six months ago. Having been murdered and dismembered to pieces, the only way to lessen the effects of Oliver's curse involves finding the culprit of his murder. Will Akane Maki and the rest of her team track down Oliver's killer and bring justice to his untimely death? Join her journey in this horror-supernatural novel guaranteed to scare children and adults alike. Contains themes of assault, violence, and sexual content. Proceed with caution.

jeanofarc · 灵异恐怖
1 Chs

Oliver Scott Is Back In Town

My, my, has it really been six months?

A strong breeze blew through our classroom from outside the open window, its currents being almost a luxury to breathe it all in. The ambience outdoors felt refreshing — leaves flew with the air, birds chirped from a distance, all while the smell of petrichor wafted through my nostrils. It's been an hour since the rain stopped, about the time we all entered biology class. I sat by the classroom window, exhausted from the school trip that took place just three hours ago when it was still raining. Having been brought back to campus earlier than usual, I felt like drifting off to sleep at any moment after a long day of testing samples and note-taking from medical experts. Indeed, pre-med was already stressing me out this badly despite it still being my sophomore year.

Apart from all the stress I had for this year's semester, there's also been one issue our university has been facing lately. It wasn't related to the university's main affairs, but more on one of the students.

It's been six months — six months since the disappearance of a fellow classmate here in biology class. Even to this day, there has been no signs or traces of his existence. To add fuel to the fire, rumors have spread; people were around stating he was brutally murdered, committed suicide, or just moved schools. Some even say his corpse was no longer found in any way possible. Either way, it would be a shame if he died too soon.

After all, I hate to admit it, but developing a huge crush on him was never in my bucket list. Regardless, it was that smile — that one smile which haunted me. He smiled as if he showed no care about the world, his patience never wearing thin. Sometimes I think to myself if that smile was just a part of his natural expression, because I wouldn't be surprised if it was. He looked good in any angle because of it, made quite the number of acquaintances because of it. One other thing I liked about him was that there was barely anything that made him tick. He always moved gracefully, his words soft-spoken and gentle. It'd take almost a century to anger him.

But regardless of his calming demeanor, not a single one of us knew of his past. Following his disappearance, not even a single one cared enough to dig up his personal records or search through the class directory for his whereabouts. All that remained were rumors. Rumors on top of another rumor.

It's a shame to see a man of my interest long dead, if he ever is. But what am I blabbering about now? It's not like we'd end up together anyway knowing he just disappeared off campus. Regardless, the university is doing its best in tracking him down.

I stared obliviously at the window, watching the sun clear itself off the fog that once filled the air with gloom. Smiling my anxieties around the whole situation away, I, for once, daydreamed about the endless possibilities of him returning back and justifying the cause of his disappearance. No matter what it takes, I'd do anything just to see him again.

As my eyes continued to glint towards the bright, lit sky from the window trying to make sense of his disappearance, I heard some footsteps nearing into my area, feeling a wooden stick hover over my arm.

"You've got guts to ignore my lecture."

"Oh!! I'm sorry....." I stammered as my arms twitched at the sudden feel of the stick. "I'm sorry, sir!!!"

"The discussions we're having are going to be essential for next week's written exam. So you all better listen!" exclaimed our professor as he returned to the whiteboard.

Giggles were heard across the classroom as I tried to close my eyes tightly, trying to evade the awkwardness filling the air. I shifted my position to sit properly as our professor continued his discussion. Perhaps, daydreaming excessively about a man I crushed on wasn't worth my time, anyway. But what if.....what if he was bound to return one day? Endless thoughts about him filled my head, despite me trying to focus on what my professor discussed in front of the whole class.

Regardless, I continued to jot down notes on molecular biology, which comprises one of our general subjects for sophomore year. I wouldn't say biology class was a piece of cake for everyone, but earning an A as a grade in it was fairly easy. I guess I shouldn't be one to brag after all, but being a top student in pre-med granted me a scholarship that only a few students can attain. Nevertheless, I acknowledge having a lot of privilege on my hands considering I'm able to score high in every single class there is, including that of biology.

Even as a consistent honor student, today was just one of those days where I couldn't stop thinking about his disappearance. I counted the days from when he first went missing, and even remembered the day he stopped entering class. I hope you don't see me as much of a stalker, though. Let's say I'm just being widely aware of where he came from, mostly from word of mouth.

However, the class all of a sudden remained silent after hearing a soft familiar voice echo from outside the door. It was gentle, haunting, and sounded nostalgic — I could mistake it for his possible ghost.

"Guys, is that who I think it is?" murmured a classmate beside me.

"No way, he must've been long dead!"

More whispers continued to become audible past me.

"....Now, now, class." interjected our professor. "I know everyone is slightly overwhelmed with Mr. Scott's return, so I gently advise all of you to remain calm and observant, alright? He seems to have gone through things we'd rather not know."

I knew it. I fucking knew it.

"Sir?" asked a classmate. "Does this mean you have a clue about Oliver's disappearance?"

Our professor remained speechless. Thinking through on what to say, he replied.

"Well, I spoke to him six months ago. He spoke of dropping his subjects and taking a leave off of university. After that, he never showed up again. Perhaps some of you might have been friends with him, am I wrong? Have you guys heard of—"

After a short while, there came two knocks on the door.

"Ah, come in."

The classroom's door let out a creak, opening to reveal a young man standing at six-foot three (yes, I remember his height all too well). It was none other than the infamous Oliver Scott — the man I've always fancied. What came after was something I had NOT anticipated during my entire stay at the university. My classmates and I shared similar reactions, each of them whispering about what everyone of us just witnessed. Eyes widening, eyebrows furrowing, and looks of confusion was what plagued each of my classmates. Yet it so happens that Oliver himself remained calm.

Oliver Scott adorned dirty blonde curtain locks, coupled with cool, desaturated green eyes. His skin sported a pale, yet warm undertone, though there was one small issue with his physical appearance. Around his neck was a dark brown scar that appeared as if his head had been sliced, decapitated, and stitched back. Strange, because Oliver has confessed to being the type of man who would take responsibility for his skincare.

"It's been a long time, class. It's me." Oliver announced, his soft-spoken tone being the center of discussion amongst fellow classmates.

"Where the HECK have you been? Aren't you supposed to be dead?!" exclaimed a classmate, pointing at Oliver. "Everyone's been spreading rumors about you!"

"YEAH! Tell us everything! What happened to you?"

Oliver chuckled, smug enough to garner mixed reactions from the class. Some felt ridiculed by time itself, while others were rather shocked. "Where I just came from isn't of much importance, everyone. What's far more important is that I'm back."

More whispers from the class began to ensue, leaving me confused and puzzled as to how Oliver suddenly returned as if nothing happened.

"Everyone, I know Mr. Scott's sudden return has caused quite the stir, but I recommend everyone to remain silent until we establish some truth about his disappearance." our professor reassured us.

"But sir, don't you think it's strange how Oliver suddenly returned as if nothing happened?" a classmate asked.

"I know, I know. I intend to speak with Mr. Scott by the end of our discussion. For now, I would like to have all of you give him a warm welcome. Save the questions about his disappearance for the next few days, and let's all be grateful Mr. Scott has been able to return."

"No need to flatter me, professor," Oliver laughed. "After all, I just happened to come back alive after taking a leave of absence. I'm very glad to still be a part of this university's system."

"Likewise." our professor replied. "Anyways, on with our discussion, shall we?"

As our professor continued his lecture, I couldn't help but gaze upon Oliver's back. Mind you, he was two front seats on my right. Of course, I knew better not to get caught once more by our professor who felt the need to have us pay attention. So I stole a few looks at Oliver while taking down notes, my pulse increasing as he looked around the classroom while sitting in his current place. Granted, I was trying to manifest him into staring right back, though I also multitasked my way out of the situation. Since recording my professor's notes by audio was illegal, I had to take down notes instead. This made it all the more difficult to pursue Oliver's gaze.

After a short period of time, Oliver stared right back at me. As we met each other's gaze, his look was haunting and monotonous, unknown as to whether he was smiling or if that was his natural expression. He stared through me as I averted my gaze to the window on my side. It wasn't as if I wholeheartedly liked him or anything.....I just thought he was cute and likable. Sure, I may have adored him, but it wasn't as if I wanted to shove my feelings down his throat like a crazed woman in love. He let out a satisfying hum, chuckling to his heart's content as he looked away.

There was one feature about his eyes which I always loved but dreaded at the same time — the look of emptiness. Of course, he was handsome, yes, but staring deep into his emerald pupils made me realize there was something absent, it was like a candle that lost its fuel to burn further. It was that look of warmth, a look of remorse which was absent within his eyes. He wasn't this way back then. But anyway, I think I'm thinking too much about how his look might affect me, I guess that's how he really looks at others, after all.

After our little game of catching each other's stares, I proceeded to jot down even more notes, trying to ignore Oliver watching me as he started inspecting the area from behind. I tried my hardest not to stare back, my ball pen mindlessly scribbling letters on my notebook. "Focus", I whispered to myself, trying not to get a hold of Oliver's attention.

However, to confirm if he was indeed staring at me, I looked back at those green eyes, at least, just for a split second. He gazed deeply towards my direction, as if he was trying to snatch my soul with that daunting look of his. Of course, I paid him no mind. After all, my objective this time was to jot down notes for my written exam in biology next Tuesday. I tried everything I could to listen carefully as to what my professor was trying to pinpoint, my pen rushing to get all the words jotted down onto my notebook.

Before I could even finish writing, the bell suddenly rang. It was about 6:00 in the evening while I was in the middle of jotting down notes for biology class. Checking my watch, I waited until it was time for our professor to dismiss us.

"....And that wraps up our discussion for today's session, everyone. Do any of you have questions so far?"

The class remained silent.

"I'll take that as a no." our professor continued. "That being said, classes are officially dismissed! Go forth with your newfound knowledge, and don't forget to study for our next week's written exam! I look forward to a productive weekend for all of you. As intended, everyone is permitted to leave, except for Mr. Scott."

Arranging my backpack and necessary belongings, I waited for my best friend Ashley to get herself ready. As we went for the exit, we proceeded with resuming our conversations about Oliver's long-awaited return. We walked home as night fell through the sky, careful as to not attract predators on the street.

"I can't believe your crush has finally returned back to campus! You sure it isn't his ghost?!" Ashley asked out of nowhere.

"Well, considering his disappearance for six months, he gave a reasonable excuse for not showing up those days, right? Supposedly a leave of absence...." I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, but that's not enough!" Ashley added. "There has to be an in-depth reason he hasn't showed up for months! And guess what, we haven't heard what his parents had to say about the issue...You think they were jerks all this time for not caring enough about his disappearance?!"

"I don't know, but what I aim to do is figure out what really brought about his disappearance. I really hope it's nothing too serious, though..."

"Good grief! He seems creepy though, I suggest not crushing on him any further, you hear me, Akane?"

"Ashley.....that isn't a very nice thing to say." I replied. "Who knows what the poor guy went through."

"Fine, fine..." she sighed. "I have to admit, though, with how he barely mingles with others, he sure has a lot of secrets untold! Who knows, you might be the first one who'll know everything about him deep down!"

"Ashley, Oliver has an ex-girlfriend who's head over heels in love with him. She's the only one who truly knows him. Besides. I'm sure he wouldn't want to date a brainless, no-boyfriend-since-birth creature like me."

"Brainless? Brainless?! Don't be too hard on yourself! You're far from being brainless, Akane!" Ashley exclaimed. "Mind you, you're a top student who aimed to ace that hard ass exam just the previous week! It'd be a shame for Oliver not to fall for you!"

"I don't think Oliver would want to fall for someone who values brains over looks like I do." I replied.

"Then that sucks to be him! To hell with his return, yes?" Ashley laughed.

"Yeah, but.....let's see." I said as we took the elevator to our dorm rooms. "As far as I know, we have yet to uncover the mystery behind his return. Not like my main objective is to entice the man.....but whatever caused his disappearance? I ought to find out."

"Yeah, yeah....." Ashley rolled her eyes. "Well, anyway, I think we need to just get a good night's sleep now that it's Frida—"

After a short while, we got interrupted by a strange occurrence.

As we reached the sixth floor, a gut-wrenching smell began seeping through the doors of the elevator. The smell was so strong that it reached both of us. I couldn't have been the only one who thought it was strong enough, anyway. I turned to Ashley and tried to capture her attention, only for her to already stare right back at me.

"Akane..." Ashley announced. "Do you..... smell anything weird?"

"It can't be just you! It reeks!" I replied, nearly throwing up at the horrible odor seeping through the walls. "Let's.....I don't know.....figure out what this is and report this to the dorm's staff???"

Me and Ashley rushed out of the elevator, only to cough at the harsh smell that penetrated through the opaque walls of the hallway. The stench only grew stronger as we both entered our dorm room.

"Let's call the office, Ashley." I ushered her as we approached the phone.


We dialed the numbers as fast as we could, never faltering at the strong smell that reached our room. It seems as if the smell belonged to that of a corpse, or something freshly killed. Regardless, it was still enough to equip us with a sense of urgency.

"Is there a dead body in the other room?!" Ashley asked, frightened.

"I'm afraid so." I replied. "Hello, is this the dorm's office personnel?"

"Ah, what seems to be the matter, missy? Please indicate your names and the floor number while we're at it." asked a staff member from the other end of the phone.

"There's a strong smell that's been infiltrating one of the dorm rooms lately," I spoke. "Our names are Akane Maki and Ashley Pascal. We're students from the sixth floor, room # 609."

"I see, I see. Kindly wait shortly. We'll conduct an investigation on the sixth floor after a while. Please remain patient and vigilant for any anomalies. Thank you for calling us."

As I hung up the phone, me and Ashley sat down in bed as we waited patiently for the dormitory's managers to arrive. Coming home to a horrible stench has not been on my anticipated incidents the moment I left school. At some point, I wondered if this smelly room incident was perhaps connected with Oliver's disappearance, knowing his ex-girlfriend's dorm was in the neighboring room.

Being sort of a deranged stalker that I was, I knew his ex always kept tabs on Oliver ever since their last breakup. She was last seen in the corridors just the other day, and all of a sudden, I lost track of her. She didn't come to school today. Was she.....perhaps dead at this point around?

"Hey, Ashley...." I called out.


"When was the last time you saw Nikita?"

"She was only in my class the other day. Come on now, Akane....I thought you were an expert in all this?"

"Just making sure." I replied. "Hmmmm.....if my hunch isn't correct, I'm guessing Nikita would have been dead at this point, right?"

"Probably! Besides, if that's the case, that means you have no competition when it comes to Oliver's attention....riiiiight?"

"Now, now....wishing death on someone isn't one of my feats." I sighed. "But yeah....perhaps she, or another girl, is probably dead by now. Who knows. Let's just find out the source of that smell so we can get this over with."

"Yeah! And I'm gonna bet it's her dead body!"

"Let's....not jump to conclusions now, shall we?" I sighed in frustration.

"Fine, fine...." Ashley pouted. "I'll not get ahead of myself like you always say. But if I win this bet, you'll have to treat me to dinner!"


This project is, by far, a short one at that. Regardless, I’m only trying to showcase my writing skills, if I even have any to show, that is.

I have a hunch that my novel is a bit too fast-paced, so kindly tell me if there are parts I need to change by leaving paragraph comments!

I hope some of you will like this story so far, I look forward to hearing what you guys think!

jeanofarccreators' thoughts