
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · 奇幻
61 Chs

Chapter 58 - Ventus

"So, this is Ventus." Mai said as the group walked along a sturdy rope bridge that connected two of the columns.

"From above, it looks way bigger than Aestus." Aaron added. "Where are we supposed to find this 'Tuzi' guy?"

"Maybe they can tell us." Kaden replied as he gestured to three women standing at the exit of the bridge ahead of them.

The three women were all dressed in a white and red assassin like outfit, with a white bunny mask covering their eyes and nose. Red markings extended from the nose of the mask, up between the eyes, then up the bunny like ears that extended from the top of the mask. The women did not say a single word to them. Instead, they just stood there blocking the entrance with their hands behind their back.

"Hello! We've come from Aestus to provide assistance!" Mai announced.

However, the ladies didn't move an inch.

"This doesn't feel good." Kaden stated.

A swiftly moving shadow flew past the group, prompting them to look up and then behind them as they felt something land on the bridge. It was another woman who wore the same clothes as the others except hers were black rather than white with red outlining. She also didn't wear a mask, but she did have rabbit whiskers painted on her cheeks. On her back, she carried a similar kite like device to the one Newt had.

"Who are you?" The lady asked sternly.

"... My name is Mai Aira. I'm a guard from Aestus sent to investigate the situation here in Ventus."

"The message sent to your people was scheduled to arrive yesterday, so how is it possible for you to be here now?"

"We came through the gate." Mai answered as she pointed to the top of the mountain.

The lady appeared stunned by Mai's answer.


Taibai finally flew down and perched on Mai's shoulder once again. Once the lady saw the falcon, her demeanor quickly changed.

"So, it is true. My apologies, Lady Aira. Please forgive my questioning."

"No, no, it's completely understandable." Mai replied in a friendly tone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I am General Shih Gao, leader of Ventus' special forces. Emperor Tuzi will be delighted to know that Aestus was actually able to send assistance even during your desperate times. I only have one final question for you."

She stepped forward and skeptically gazed directly into Jayson's eyes.

"Who is he?"

They all looked over to Jayson, who hesitantly stepped forward to introduce himself.

"My name is Jayson Hillinger."

"You're Ignian, yes?" Shih questioned.

"Well -"

"I can feel that the air around you is warm. Don't lie to me."

"... Yes, I am Ignian." Jayson replied.

"He is an ally." Mai quickly interjected. "He was on our side when they attacked Aestus, and he was the main one that wanted to assist you so that you may, in return, assist us."

Shih continued to glare at him with skepticism but eventually chose to believe in Mai's words.

"If you will follow me, I shall see you all to the Rabbit Palace." Shih stated.


The initial column they started on was shorter than almost every other column in the vicinity. Once they arrived atop the adjacent column, they were given a better view of Ventus.

"This is the stone forest." Shih announced to the group.

Ventus displayed a more vertical architectural design in comparison to Aestus or Ignus. Buildings and pathways were built into the sides of the columns, with numerous bridges connecting every pillar. Many of the city's inhabitants were wearing the kite apparatus on their backs while flying around.

"General Gao, was it?" Via questioned. "What are you wearing on your back?"

"This is a glider." Shih replied. "It does what the name implies. Flying around all day using just our essence would be taxing on the body, so we use these to help us cover ground without using much essence."

"That makes sense."

Kaden tapped Aaron's lower arm inconspicuously while dropping a few steps behind the group.

"This place reminds you of anything?" Kaden asked softly.

"Eastern Asia." Aaron replied. "China, to be more exact."

"I've never been to China, but this is what I imagine it'd look like."

"You watch too much anime. But it is almost uncanny how much this place has in common with a country from our world. From the building designs to the clothes to even her name."

"You studied much Chinese in uni?"

"Not at all. Everything I know came from movies or just general knowledge. It's all surface level."

"I know you studied Latin, though." Kaden stated.

"Yeah, I already noticed the names. Ventus, Ignus, Aestus. All Latin. This world is almost like if you ate a bunch of different cultures from our world and then just vomit them back out."

"I hate that visual. Anyway, remind me to talk to you later about our friend. New development."

Aaron immediately knew who he was talking about and nodded to confirm. They then picked up their pace to catch back up with the group, but before they did, Shih was already secretly watching the two of them out of the corner of her eye.

"The trouble you're having -"

"Emperor Tuzi will inform you himself." Shih replied, cutting off Mai. "It's better if we don't talk about it out in the open."

The group continued onward to the palace, which was roughly thirty minutes away on foot. On their way, they encountered more women wearing the rabbit mask as well as numerous different rabbit designs and decorations all over the settlement.

"Are rabbits the national animal or somethin'?" Kaden questioned as he viewed the scenery.

"It's the faction that's in control right now." Via answered.

"Oh yeah, you did mention something about different factions."

"Each faction is represented by one of the animals that were anointed by the Caladrius over five hundred years ago." Shih explained. "The stone forest is where you will find the rabbit faction, which is the largest faction on the air continent."

"Where are the others?' Aaron asked.

"The ox faction is on the mainland just outside the stone forest, and then the next closest would be the horse faction, which is further down in the valleys. All the others are scattered all over the continent."

"So is Taibai one of those anointed animals?" Mai asked as she glanced at the beautiful bird on her shoulder.

"No. While he was blessed by the Caladrius, his case was different from the others."

Taibai began to prune himself.

"So all of the factions together make up Ventus." Aaron concluded. "It's hard to believe that all twelve factions coexist perfectly."

"... Rightfully so." Shih responded after a prolonged pause.

Jayson glanced at her through the side of his eye, while Kaden and Mai traded suspecting glances at each other.

"Whoa!" Via exclaimed as the palace finally came into view.

The rabbit palace was larger in size than any other structure Kaden had come across in Aestus. The multi-level mansion sat atop the western most sea stacks, which also happened to be the largest of all the pillars in the stone forest. The palace extended three stories high from its base but also occupied the space between the pillars below. The bridge leading to the palace was much more complex in design in comparison to the rope bridges that connected all the other pillars. Banners swayed in the wind overhead while the bridge itself was made from birch wood, so it was lighter in color. There were also flower patterns painted all over it. Shih led the group to the front entrance, where they encountered two more of the women wearing the same rabbit mask. They guarded the door but did not acknowledge Shih and the others as they entered the palace.

"This place is the home of the emperor?" Mai asked as they all looked around.

"And his family." Shih added.

"It's quiet in here." Aaron stated.

"His Majesty should be downstairs at this hour. Please, follow me."

Shih led them down a spiral marble staircase into a large open office area where they found a singular man. He stood in front of the far wall, which was made entirely of a black stained one-way glass.

"Pardon my sudden intrusion, your majesty." Shih said as she bowed and stayed in that position.

Tuzi was unaware of their entrance, so he was caught off guard when he turned around and saw the number of people standing before. There was a single tear tracing down the right side of the emperor's face.

"Shih, who are these people?" Tuzi asked calmly.

It was then that Shih stood up straight once again, and the emperor noticed Taibai perched on Mai's shoulder.

"Your majesty, this is Mai Aira and her companions. They've come from Aestus after receiving your letter."


A bright smile quickly took over the melancholic face of Emperor Tuzi.

"May the gods blow good fortune over my being!" Tuzi exclaimed with excitement. "Oh wow! I was starting to weigh my options, and I didn't like the few I had in mind because I honestly thought Aestus was going to be unavailable! Welcome, welcome! Come, sit over here. Please take a seat!"

"I'm not complaining, but I'm surprised." Kaden said with a straight face.

"Shih, can you please bring refreshments for our guests." Tuzi ordered as he hurried over to the seating area.

"Of course, your majesty."

The general left promptly, ascending back up the spiral staircase, leaving the emperor alone with Mai and the others. Mai walked over to the seating area, closely followed by everyone else.

"How is it that you made it here so quickly?" Tuzi questioned.

"We traveled here using the gates." Mai explained. "However, the Gate of Sloth closed behind us, so we're unable to send a timely message back to Aestus now."

"Even if it remained open, the Gate of Sloth sits atop Mount Qomolangma, the tallest mountain in the world. Many of my own have trouble scaling it, and they're capable of flying. Even then, if you were able to reach the gate, you would still need someone to complete the trial in order to use the gate for transportation."

"Well, emperor, I think we should inform you now that I am the only pure water user in this group. These two on my left are Via Heder and Aaron Cooper. They both are pure wind users."

"Born on the water continent?" Tuzi asked.

"Yes!... your majesty." Via quickly replied.

"No need for the formalities, I'm not your ruler. Do you happen to know which faction your parents belonged to?"

"No sir, they never talked about their life on the air continent."

"Well, that's alright, I'm sure they have their reasons. And these two are?"

"These two are both of mixed blood." Mai stated. "Kaden Adams, who is of water and wind, and Jayson Hillinger, who is of water and fire."

"The two of you are mixed blood!?" Tuzi exclaimed. "That's two more than I've ever seen in my lifetime."


Prior to encountering General Gao and her forces on the bridge.

"You want us to say that you're a mixed blood like Jayson?" Mai questioned.

"Yeah. Please." Kaden replied. "I've thought about it, and I don't think it's a good thing for a lot of people to know I'm a lost soul. Not just for my sake, but for the rest of you too. I don't gain anything from people knowing, but I do become a target."

"We're already in unknown territory." Jayson added. "We should avoid as much unnecessary attention as possible."

"That's a good point." Mai replied.

"What's your story then?" Aaron questioned.

"... I'm a mixed blood that has both water and air essence." Kaden answered. "Mom's from Aestus, and the old man's from Ventus. However, dad died when I was a kid, so that's why I'm not as polished with my air essence. They shouldn't pry anymore than that."

"And if they do?" Mai asked.

"Then I bullshit my way through. I'm good at that."

"That means you have to keep a tight hold on your fire essence." Jayson stated.

"Should be fine since I haven't practiced with it much."

"Alright then. If this is what you decided, then we'll follow along." Mai assured.

"Appreciate it."


"Jayson Hillinger... A water and fire essence mixed blood. I would have never imagined such a person existing." Tuzi stated as he stroked his short goatee and gazed at the ceiling. "Fascinating, I would love to talk to you all for the rest of the evening."

"Firstly, if you don't mind, sir. Could you tell us why you needed our assistance?" Mai exclaimed.

"... Of course."

Tuzi's mood visibly shifted from a more relaxed, cheerful, and inviting nature to one more serious and cold.

"I have reason to believe that my daughter has been kidnapped."