
The Legendary Trainer

This is a rewrite of The legendary Pokemon trainer as i couldn't find a good translation i thought why not do it myself.. If original author wants i will remove this fanfic till then enjoy Synopsis: Sato kaede wants to become a person that can control his own destiny but in Pokemon world thats not as easy as it sounds follow his journey to power to a destiny far greater than his imagination. I got the cover from google if the original owner asks i will take it down Peace

BoredMortal · 漫画同人
61 Chs

Chapter 26: Law of the Jungle

The sun in the west gradually disappeared under the distant mountains, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually disappeared, and the Viridian forest gradually ushered in its own night.

At this time, Kaede had a fire going under the big tree that had his tree house, and a thick wild deer hind legs were roasting on the fire.

After being carefully roasted by Kaede, the wild deer legs sprinkled with salt are already golden yellow, and bursts of fragrance is also exuding from the wild deer.

In addition to the abundant Wild Pokémon resources, the Viridian forest is also rich in wild animal resources.

With the help of the Zubat bio-radar, Kaede easily found a group of wild deer, and then relying on Gloom's Stun Spore, successfully caught a majestic wild deer.

For this wild deer, Kaede maximized its use as much as possible. The deer blood was naturally stored in a glass bottle containing Tauros blood before, and the deer skin was carefully pulled off and washed by Kaede. After removing the bloody smell, let it dry on a branch.

Seeing the wild deer legs that have been completely roasted in front of him, Kaede moved his hand and quickly cut off a piece of the meat with a hunting knife to taste.

Now all the members of the team have eaten dinner except him, and he has also worked hard for the meal in front of him.

When Kaede was eating his dinner the fire and the attractive smell of meat also attracted a lot of Wild Pokémon.

Now in all the 4 direction of the tree where Kaede is, pairs of numerous of red or green eyes are watching here.

For these Wild Pokémon attracted by fire and meat, Kaede has gradually come to understand that it is useless to escape. If you want to truly gain a foothold in the forest, it is necessary to show your strength appropriately. The best example of this is the Wild Pokémon, who dared not act blindly without thinking by defeating many Wild Pokémon.

In fact, as long as the following Wild Pokémon continue to chase Kaede and his Pokemon, Zubat and Gloom, who are almost exhausted, will definitely be defeated, and Kaede will not be able to escape.

However, these subsequent Wild Pokémon had other plan so some of them attacked him which were quickly dealt with by Zubat and Gloom. After seeing the many fallen Wild Pokémon around Kaede and them, they all felt a strong threat from Kaede and his team.

As Wild Pokémon who have lived in the wild for a long time, they all believe in their wild intuition very much, and through the lessons of blood, they realize that there is danger here.

Through the detection function of the system, it is found that none of the Wild Pokémon Levels appearing in the vicinity exceeds Level 30, which means that the situation in front of us is still within the range that Sato Kaede can cope with, and these Wild Pokémons are not of one mind.

The most important thing is that after defeating many Wild Pokémons together, Zubat and Gloom, the two Pokémons, became more confident, and they also showed an imposing manner as a powerhouse.

Those Wild Pokémon who wandered in the vicinity felt the imposing manner of Zubat and Gloom who were guarding Kaede's side, and they were hesitant to do anything.

At the same time, Wild Pokémon's intuition is very keen. They all felt the killing intent of the human sitting in front of the fire at this time. As long as they dare to go forward, they will be killed immediately.

Indeed, today's Kaede is ready to kill. The law of the forest is weak are prey to the strong. Since these Wild Pokémon have the idea of ​​killing him and eating him, they must also be prepared to die at his hands.

just when he was about to eat a wild Persian couldnt wait anymore and decided to attack. Persian was extremely fast and walked silently. Kaede didn't know when it had climbed onto the branch above his head.

He suddenly Lunged down from above the branch, and with the force of the fall, it was like a white phantom dropping from the sky in the night.

A pair sharp cat claws would hit the top of the head of Kaede, ruthless, this shot was to be a fatal blow to Kaede.

It's a pity that Persian's every move has long been under Zubat's gaze. When the opponent first took action, Zubat, who was lying on Kaede's shoulders, also acted immediately.

He manipulated the Flying Type energy, A white whirlwind suddenly appeared on top of Kaede's head, and the Persian's was also drawn into the white whirlwind like walking right into a trap.

"Nah!" At the same time, Gloom, who was also watching everything around it, immediately attacked Persian, the sneak attacker. Within seconds of the white cyclone trapping Persian, 5 or 6 dark-green Energy Balls came from Gloom, and they precisely hit on Persian's body.

The Energy Ball exploded immediately after touching the Persian. In the next second, a series of explosions appeared, "Boom~~", and a Persian with riddled with scars all over was lying down on the grass in front of Kaede.

Persian has not completely lost the battle strength yet. it wants to get up from the ground and escape, but at this time Kaede is holding a hunting knife.

After finishing the dying Persian with a clean strike of his knife, Kaede returned to the position in front of the fire, and then continued to eat the remaining roasted wild deer legs, Zubat and Gloom also returned to their original positions.

At this time, most of the eyes peeping in the bushes in the vicinity had disappeared, and the owners of the remaining eyes, after seeing the corpse on the grass in front that had gradually cooled down, quietly chose to leave.

Soon, in the previously quiet terrifying environment, the Insect cry at night started to play along with the sound of Leafage spurred by the wind.

"I'm sorry, I can't die so fast, so I can only let you die for me." Looking at the dried-up corpse in front of him, Kaede sighed, using a voice that was so small that only he could hear it.

After killing the Persian, no Wild Pokémon came to disturb Kaede's rest all night, so they also had a good night's sleep in the tree house.

Of course, throughout the night, Zubat has dutifully used the ultrasonic detection capabilities to monitor every movement nearby. As a nocturnal creature, he is most active at night.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the sun rises from the east horizon again, and Kaede wakes up from his dream at a fixed time by the alarm clock set on the Team Rocket watch.

It was only 6:00 in the morning, but at this time, most of the residents in the forest had already woken up. Kaede had just pushed open the door of the tree house and walked out, startling a group of unknown birds.

Kaede found that the extinguished fire had traces of being trampled by creatures, and the Persian's corpse, which was originally lying on the grass, was also missing.

In response to this situation, Kaede paid careful attention to some of the footprints on the surrounding Ground. Finally, after being unable to distinguish the footprints of Pokémon or wild beast, he also temporarily set aside the matter. Then walk towards the river bank.

And when Kaede came to the river to wash, some Wild Pokémon and Wild animals who were drinking water by the river were startled. The weak and small Wild Pokémon and Wild animals that got together ran away in a blink of an eye.

After washing his face by the river to adjust his mental state to the best state, Kaede also started the breakfast of 3 Pokémon. Zubat got it's wish and drank the deer blood collected yesterday. Nidoran♂ is still on Miltank milk and Top Rank Poison Type Pokémon food, while Gloom roots to the ground and tastes the morning sun, fertile river mud and clear river water.

Of course, after the breakfast of the three Pokémons, Kaede also gave Zubat and Nidoran♂ these two Pokémons a calcium tablet that promotes physical development. As for the breakfast of Kaede, it is the leftover deer he ate last night. Meat and a sweet Pecha Berry.

After eating breakfast, Kaede did not enter the forest at all immediately to explore, but continued to let the three Pokémon start morning exercises in the clearing on the river bank.

That's right. In the morning, it was physical training. Zubat put on a weight vest again, and this time the weight vest is 10KG. The goal is to fly back and forth to the shore of the river on the other side (one cycle is about Is 500 meters).

As for Gloom, who is still relatively small nowadays, he also put on a 5KG weight-bearing vest, and then on the running wheel used for normal training of Nidoran♂ for running training, with a goal of 2 kilometres.

Kaede took advantage of Pokémon's physical training period. He also took off some of the bandages on his body, disinfected some of the wound he gain during the previous day with disinfectant water, applied Potion, and then wrapped it with a medical bandage. They were not serious injuries but even a mild cut could get infected in a forest.

Due to timely treatment and Potion's effect, after a night's rest these wounds would be completely healed in a matter of days.

About an hour later, Kaede took the two rejuvenated Pokémons into the forest and continued yesterday's exploration journey.

According to the original plan, the target of Kaede's exploration this time was naturally Beedrill's territory. The forest area that Kaede passed last time was just the edge of Beedrill's territory. But even so, Beedrill, who only patrols on the edge of the territory, they also have the ability to make Kaede and Zubat flee.

But now Zubat's strength has improved, and he has learned new group attacks. In addition, with the huge help of Gloom, Kaede is no longer afraid of Beedrill's group attacks. If those patrolling soldiers come again, It only gives Zubat and Gloom experience points.

The wisps of morning sun revealed that layers of Leafage were scattered in the forest, gradually illuminating the gloomy forest. Some Wild Pokémon and Wild animals also shuttled back and forth in the forest, and began to rush for a new day of livelihood.

Kaede saw a group of Butterfree gathering nectar around some flowers that were irradiated by the sun, and also saw some Rattata digging into some small holes with these nut-like fruits in their mouths, and saw a group of Pidgey flying down Looking for grass seeds and small Insect on the grass.

Because of the early morning, the entire forest quickly came to life, and now in front of Kaede, it presents peaceful scene without contention.

Unfortunately, what Sato Kaede now sees is only the scene that's displayed by the creatures at the bottom of the entire forest food chain. After the appearance of Wild Pokémon, such as Beedrill, Spearow, and Arbok, this peace and tranquility would be instantly broken, and the hunting games of chase and escape that appeared daily in the forest would began again.Seeing that the originally peaceful scene in front of him was instantly broken, Kaede thought with a serious face "Maybe the purpose of this trial is to show that this very jungle rule of strong prey on the weak also implies in the Team Rocket".

Afterwards, Kaede took Zubat and Gloom to the front of this forest. Along the way, they continuously battled against various incoming Wild Pokémons, and also took the initiative to challenge some of the strong Wild Pokémons.

Along the way, Kaede walked, there were many Wild Pokémons who were defeated and temporarily lost their combat capability.

Because the reason Kaede was attacked was he actively invaded other Pokémon territories, he did not kill these Pokémons. He just defeated them until they temporarily lost their combat capability.

Of course, Kaede was not always able to beat some of the Pokémon on this road. There are also times when he was chased by the powerful Wild Pokémon, such as at this time.

"Damn it, it's really a difficult situation, Zubat, use Air Cutter, Gloom,Sleep Powder with Zubat's Air Cutter for the Pinsir in front of you." Looking at the group of Pinsir behind him, Kaede immediately commanded Zubat next to him to attack.

While walking in the forest, Kaede accidentally found several Pecha Berry Berry Trees full of Pecha Berry. When Zubat told him that the surrounding Berry Tree was temporarily empty from other Wild Pokémon, he also took the opportunity to pick some as spare food.

But when Kaede approached the Berry Tree and was directing Zubat to help remove Pecha Berry from the Pecha Berry Berry Tree, a large Pinsir immediately emerged from the nearby Ground and launched a violent attack on them.

Afterwards, relying on Zubat and Gloom to easily defeat this big Pinsir which was only Level 25. At the next moment, more than a dozen Pinsir come out.

In the face of the crowds of Pinsir, Kaede naturally tried to flee with his life, so there is now this scene of chasing and fleeing.

To be continued…



hey this is your friendly neighbourhood Spooderman. Tell me guys should i keep uploading long chapters like this or the shorter ones from before are good for you?
