

Lander woke up from pain when he saw many people surrounding him, "What happened? Where am I?"

"Inuy-a!" Yan Yan was crying and more tears rolled out from her face when she saw that Lander was finally awake.

"Relax young man, do not overwork yourself. How are you feeling?" An old man asked him.

"Fine, I guess.. Aaargh!" Lander tried to sat from his sleeping position when he felt a pain from his abdomen.

"Aaaaaarggggggh!" Another intense pain came from his mind. The same feeling he felt when Wreck asked a person to erase the slave seal. He was screaming and was rolling on the bed that made his wound open up again due to constant moving.

"Help him up!" A terrifying aura suddenly dispersed inside the room that made everyone felt fright except Lander who was in pain, it was Great Duke Bobby!

"O.. okay!" The old man answered sweating as he gave Lander a calming potion. But Lander wasn't able to come down as the pain was so intense that he can't even think straight!

"This!.... This young man has a slave?" The old man asked Great Duke Bobby.

"He has three. Do you mean, someone from his slaves was able to erase the slave seal?" Great Duke Bobby answered.

"He has four Elder!" Yan Yan corrected.

"Wait.. what?" The Great Duke Bobby and everyone inside the room were stunned.

"What was the name of his last slave?" The Duke asked Yan Yan with anger.

"I.... I just know his name as Wreck!" Yan Yan was scared not even meeting the gaze of the Great Duke.

"Find him!" The Great Duke bursted out as he also stormed out of the room.

No one left aside the Great Duke and everyone finally felt a relief. Yan Yan swept her tears and sweat when she spoke,

"The will of the mind is strong!

Everyone comes and goes.

The path of martial arts is long!

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose!

Bear the pain, pave your path.

Train the body, be a steel.

Move a long, do not halt.

That is the martial arts will!"

Yan Yan repeated those lines. She remembered how Lander was telling her these lines when she was training and was about to limp down from too much fatigue. He would always repeat these lines that it was now implanted on her mind. She always felt a serene and comfortable feeling when Lander spoke those words that made her continue despite the fatigue she felt when training.

Soon, Lander stabilized and passed out again while talking,

"Be calm like the breeze,

Be gentle like the earth,

Be refreshing like the water,

But don't be fiery like the fire!

Inhale the air and breathe,

Savor the soil of your birth,

Drink, till we be healthier,

Avoid the wrath, don't be dire!"

Everyone from the room has a questioning gaze when one remembered, "These lines are just like of those monks?"

"Right! They somehow relate their martial arts to nature."

"Do you also practice martial arts Yan Yan?" Lady Chimlin asked Yan Yan.

"Yes, elder sister!" Yan Yan answered bowing her head.

"Then can you tell me why did he teach you?" The disciple of the Emperor asked pointing at Lander.

"He hated that we are being bullied and discriminated because we are outcasts so he told me to train with him so that I could protect myself." Yan Yan bowed again.

"Interesting! But do you know who is his master? The one who taught him martial arts?" The Respected Druid asked as he was now interested towards Lander after seeing him battle.

"I apologize Elder but he never told me about that. Only I knew that he was already dead." Yan Yan answered politely.

"Elder, please notify us if he wakes up again," Lord Kazo said to the old man treating Lander.

"Please inform father that I won't go see him today. I will wait till Elder Brother Lander awakes," Itzel ordered her maids.

"But..." Itzel's maid wanted to say something when Lady Chimlin spoke, "Do not worry, I will accompany both of them."

Then everyone from the room went out aside from the people who stayed.

Four hours passed when Lander regained his consciousness again, "What happened?"

"Are you feeling better now?" The old man treating him asked.

"Thank you Elder! I'm better now," Lander answered giving a smile.

Then the old man went out from the room when Itzel spoke, "The competition will continue tomorrow because of the news that someone from the Dark Force was able to enter the Capital."

Then Lady Chimlin filled him in with some other informations. The Wyrm Capital Kingdom was now being questioned together with the Wyrm Academy. Also, the original Prince Of Wyrm Academy was found dead inside the place they rented out together with the Lord of their Kingdom. Lander's opponent who disguised as the Prince was now held captive and being questioned. He was not the only Dark Force that came so the whole Wyrm Capital was on a lockdown hunting the others. She also told him that his slave Wreck, was now being hunted by the Great Duke personally. Finally, she informed him that he passed the qualifications to enter one of the Academies of the Dragon Continent.

"Passed? But I lost!" Lander stated feeling so weak because of his very first loss when he came to this world. He has lost several times on Earth but that was his first here.

"Although you lost, you were able to go toe on toe with your opponent especially that he was the second strongest competitor amongst all of you. If it had been others, they might even lose badly!" Lady Chimlin replied.

"Then who is the strongest?" Lander asked curious.

"Itzel," Lady Chimlin answered looking sweetly towards the young girl sitting besides Lander.

"You?" Lander coughed that made him feel another pain from his abdomen.

"Are you looking down on me Elder Brother?" Itzel said frowning.

"What do you want to eat today inuy-a?" Yan Yan interrupted.

"Whatever you make, I'm fine with it!" Lander said smiling.

"Then you should rest for a while," Yan Yan said as the three stepped out of the room together with the two.

"Oh, I almost forgot. The Amphiptere Academy Head Professor already announced that you are already enrolled in his Academy," Lady Chimlin gave again another information as she finally left.

"I have forgotten meditating ever since I came to this world. I should take it slow, martial arts comes first with meditation then learning swordsmanship, archery and magic." Lander said to himself as he clenched his fists determined.

Since he haven't meditated ever since entering this world he slowly sat down gritting the pain on his abdomen until he meditated.

An hour passed when people began entering the room again. They saw Lander sitting with his eyes closed and began wondering what he was doing. Someone was about to spoke when Lute came in, "Please don't disturb him!"

They already knew about Lander's slave so they respected it fearing the wrath of the Great Duke when he'll learn that they disturbed Lander.

Thirty minutes passed when Yan Yan, Itzel and Lady Chimlin entered the room each holding a pot. They placed it on top of the table beside the bed when Lander finally opened his eyes.

"This aroma! Yan Yan you can also cook?" Aria asked.

Yan Yan nodded as she looked at Lander. Looking at the the pots of foods, Lander noticed it wasn't enough for all of them. The people inside the room went there to visit him so he at least needed to thank them enough, "Lute, go and buy ingredients. We will be having a feast tonight at our place. Everyone is invited, I will personally cook this time to thank everyone for showing their care towards me." Lander ordered Lute. Lute bowed down and immediately stepped out of the room.

"Yey! I will finally have a great meal!" Itzel cheered.

"Was he really that good in cooking?" Itzel's father asked who also came this time after learning that Itzel stayed behind to check on an outcast so he got curious.

"Your wound was so deep young man so you shouldn't move a lot." The old man treating him reminded.

"Thank you elder for your treatment but I am fine! Please come later at the suburbs to enjoy one of a kind luxury meal!" Lander politely said giving the old man a warmth smile.