Most people don't choose reincarnation. Reincarnation finds their way to them. Perhaps they did something great in their life. Or maybe truck-sama wasn't looking where it was going. But without fail, those who reincarnate are destined for something great. A new life where everything changes for the better. But... Reincarnation isn't always the greatest thing. Sometimes you just draw the short end of the stick. Di Tou just happens to have drawn the shortest stick. Pulled out of his life randomly. Taken by a crazy old eccentric man not as a disciple, but as a body double?! And a janitor body double no less?! Grasping a system to find... It's a JANITOR SYSTEM!? Truly, how unlucky can one get?
Picking out a few pieces of straw from his garments before tossing them to the side, Di Tou looked around for a moment before heading in the direction where the noise was the longest. Scratching his nose, Di Tou waved to a few familiar faces taht waved to him first or said hello, and before long he found himself in the village square.
Calling it a village square was a bit of an overstatement. A few years back two huts had burned down, and after they were burned down, they hadn't been rebuilt. After a bit of cleaning and pushing things around, all that was left was a rather open space with a slightly raised platform that happened to be quite near the center of the village, and not too far from the main gate. Thus, since than any visitors, passerbies, or merchants would park themselves here and work.