
The Legend Of A Sin

A sin is questioning, defying God's will so what will happen if they manifest into the mortal plane. One Word Chaos The plot might be weird sometimes because im making this up as I go. 1000 words per chapter

Beastzu · 奇幻言情
2 Chs

A New Era

"Michael be prepared for your actions" Uriel whispered gently to himself. The Sin Of Wrath is the quickest way to solve this problem. The Sin of Greed entered the mortal plane without permission however sending THAT THING won't help the problem.

The reason Michael thought this idea was clever was obvious, the sin of wrath will just kill all the corrupted mortals. However, IT will kill everyone so we will need to send another sin to calm it down. Either way you look at this situation it won't end without change in the world.

Somewhere on the mortal plane, a white light descended from the heavens a holy aura rested on the land as the angel set foot on the ground. Ugh, why was I tasked with this job either way my job is now finished I successfully set The Sin on the mortal plane. I shall return to heaven, The Holy aura was still reminiscent in the area. On the ground laid a young girl, jade skin, hair white as snow. One look would refresh any mortal mind and body. Aura elegant yet ferocious un beholding of any holy being.

A chuckle could be heard, slowly her eyelashes rise, and her eyelids reveal silver eyes beautiful and exquisite, however, the pupil was a serpents and scarlet red. "Guess it's that time again I haven't fed on anyone in quite a while" The being chuckled.

"I wonder how many of the other sins are here currently, I'd live to kill one of those weaklings"

a laugh emerged. "I don't feel any magic in the atmosphere" chuckled the sin, guess they haven't given a holy blessing yet. "What a funny joke those angels are playing, to think that they could control me! The Sin of Wrath by taking away my magic." Roared the sin swiftly an indelicate monstrous aura appeared "guess I have to kill one of their weak priests, so I can tell them to refurbish the magic in this world." laughed the sin

"First let's have myself a comforting meal" sneered the being.

Screams could be heard for miles, blood all over walls and buildings, organs on the ground, heads rolling, limbs chewed. "Please mercy" a woman cried " how pathetic" sneered the sin, a head quickly rolled after she said this message however no body was left for evidence. "Hahaha how fun" she laughed in enjoyment hundreds of people and not one of them dare challenged me what a bunch of wastes" "they deserved to die" she giggled

"I should be an angel at this rate, purifying this world of all the wastes" she snickers to herself

From far above in heaven Raguel spoke " release the blessing of magic into the world, so the Sin of Wrath won't have too much fun slaughtering weaklings." "Along with that, release a few demons from hell. Get satan's permission first however he will most likely say yes, He's a damn sadist so he'll enjoy watching all this blood.

Raguel spoke once again " what an interesting turn in events however expected I'll give you what you want Sin." "What have you done, the idea to release magic into the world Raguel" Uriel yelled "Uriel don't worry about what I do just do whatever you do." " How do you not even know what I do in heaven" Uriel pouted " Because you never interested me, now let me keep watching the show" Raguel hastily announced to Uriel

"Haha what a surprise Raguel gave his blessing of magic" Michael spoke 'he doesn't do that often" "Michael you were supposed to be on my side" Uriel don't worry I am" Michael recited. Thank goodness" Uriel sighed in relief" I'm just also on his side" Uriel was left speechless.

"There's been a change" the sin quickly noted.

"This is... his blessing how exciting!!" If you want a show I'll give you a show!! I do have to build up my magic in this body however the angels did give me a perfect body in all factors. Building up my magic won't be too hard with this body ill do it in the easiest way possible! "By killing that is" a smile quickly emerged on this monarch's face!

Throughout the next few days, Raguel's messenger got the devil's permission to release demons into the mortal plane. Demons are classified by the number of horns on their body the more horns they have the stronger they are, Weaker demons are susceptible to holy magic, however stronger demons gain immunity to holy magic.

Throughout the next days, tragic events occurred throughout the mortal plane. Humans needless to say were not ready for the demons, however, the deadliest THING was no demon but a single

Sin. Blood all over covered the mortal plane corpses like grass all over the ground an overbearing amount simply tragic. Organs are, body parts ripped into pieces the sin of gluttony will soon come into the world if this keeps transpiring. "What a gift" roared the sin "so much food"

"What a beautiful sight" a bloodstained voice uttered! "Who would have thought this much fun could happen in God's absence!!" A voice howled

" My magic has increased at an insurmountable rate I am quite happy with this result" She wailed "what an enjoyable time this has been however I am getting quite bored" she muttered to herself

"I'll request for another sin to appear so I can have a rival!" The sin thought "but for now there is no reason to not kill when it's so easy!!"

Uriel was fatigued from telling the other archangels about how their choices were simply irresponsible. However, he understood that this needed to be done, the mortals overtook their rights and abused them so this was simply retribution for their actions. Nevertheless, this was simply brutal there was no fighting chance at all some humans started learning that they could use magic most of the time it was too late.

"Commandments are in place as Gods laws

So why must mortals never follow them?" Uriel questioned.