
The lazy first prince is the strongest

A/N Notes: God bless the cringe web novel titles, and I'll have a lot of troubled finding a good cover for this story In a certain kingdom, lives a prince whose life can be resumed to sleeping and being always tired, but he is more than meets the eyes, he has great strength but he doesn't use for finding too troublesome to actually use it, unless when he gets pretty angry Cover source: toke_shi [Twitter] Also available at Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · 奇幻
29 Chs

The departure day

(A/N Notes: From the moment you read this note you all will already have been forcefully put inside a cargo box and sent to Brazil)


Charlotte who had gone back to Douglas' room with him so that she could continue to passionately make out with him alone, was now reflecting on her outburst of love toward him with a red face, and to makes matter worse for her, he was using her thighs as pillows

"..." <God... He's just way too cute!> *Caressing his hair*

Correction, Charlotte wasn't reflecting on her outburst of love towards Douglas at all

<There's still about an hour for lunch...... I know! I can use my knowledge of cooking from my previous life to make delicious food for Douglas! I should get started then!> "... *Looks at Douglas*..." <After he wakes up, of course! This cute sleeping face is too precious for me not to watch>

After half an hour, Douglas finally woke up and Charlotte was finally able to get up, then she went to the kitchen, but when she reached there, she smelled the familiar smell of boiled rice

<Huh? They're making rice?>

And she went to ask the chef about it

"Hello, I just want to ask, but are you possibly boiling rice?"

"Hm? Oh! Do you know about rice, ma'am? But yes, I am boiling rice to make a traditional..."

<Japanese or Chinese dish, that's usually how it goes>

"Brazilian dish!" (A/N Notes: Welcome to Brazil, bitchas!)

<HUH!?... T, that's new> "I, interesting"

"And I even made sure to make the feijoada in the traditional way, together with farofa. By the way, why did you come here?" (A/N Notes: You all are already stranded in Brazil, mates)

"Ah! I, I just wanted to know what you were going to do for lunch"

"Oh... I see, yeah, I had some clients in the past who asked what I was cooking, good times those... By the way, for dinner, I will be making traditional dishes of the far east"


And with that Charlotte left the kitchen with a shadow casted over her eyes

<... Aren't I now only a princess who just happens to know about some stuff and acts weird sometimes?>

She was 100% correct! She may be a reincarnated Japanese, but her knowledge is of no help in here by now

Charlotte and Douglas had a good meal for lunch, and after that he went to have his magic lessons with Anastasia, and again Anastasia was already teaching Rose some new magic

"Yeah, that was an excellent first try at destruction magic"


"Hm? Oh! It's you, so are you prepare to depart tomorrow to the northern mountains?"

*Thumbs up*

"Huh? Are you two going somewhere?"

Rose who was there obviously joined the conversation Douglas and Anastasia weren't even trying to hide

"Yeah, we're going to search for a dragon's lair starting tomorrow"

"So cool! Can I come with you!"

"... Sure! Why not?"

They severely lacked the tsukkomi guy, and with that Rose was also set to go with them

"Usually, I would try to teach both of you about detection magic but... *Looks at the two siblings* You two are already able to detect any attack without any problem, so I'm going to save myself from the trouble of teaching you two that... So I guess, I'll teach you guys about... ... ..."

Anastasia was trying to find good magic to teach to the siblings

"Flight magic, I guess"

"Flight magic!? I want to learn that!"

"... Okay, master..."

The two siblings would combine flight magic and destruction magic to create the technique called carpet bombing (A/N Notes: Hello, Yes. I would like to talk with Megumin and Klee for making these jokes too memeable)

And while we're on the topic of siblings, Ricardo has been absent because he's visiting his fiancée in another nation

That night, Charlotte was able to find one use from her previous world knowledge, more and better ways to pamper Douglas

The next day, very early in the morning

Douglas woke up right on time, the sky was still dark, because the sun hasn't risen up yet, he sat up, caressed Charlotte's hair, and left his bed. He tiredly changed into hiking clothes, left the note he had prepared yesterday at his study desk, picked his hiking luggage, and left his room without making a sound

And the note said: I'm going out to search for a dragon's lair together with Gramps, Rose, master Anastasia and Maria at the northern mountains. We'll be returning soon


"Yeah, this should do, now time to meet with the others"

And Gramps silently left the empty prime-minister office, without anyone noticing him, and the note said in a nutshell: I'm going to find a dragon at the northern mountains with everyone, contact you later/P.S: Don't tell Alexander about this or we'll both be screwed

Meanwhile at the meeting spot

"Full house"

"Royal flush"

"Godly rush"

"Demonic surge"



Maria and Anastasia were playing cards as they waited for the others, while Rose was taking a nap on Maria's shoulder

"Hello, there"

"General Gramps!"

"Hm *tiredly waving hand*"

"Alright, now that we're all here. Rose wake up"


Maria picked her cards and put stored them on a card box, and put it in her pocket, then she, Anastasia and Rose picked their bags and got up, then Anastasia made a circle on the ground

"Okay, everyone stands inside this circle for the teleportation"

Everyone did as she said

"And let's go!"

Then they all got teleported away, and a fraction of a second later, they found themselves in the middle of a forest, that wasn't too dense, nor too spread out. Anastasia then took off a map from her bag and opened

"Alright, we're here. and the dragon's lair should be around here, at the mountain range to the northwest... Damn, it'll one hell of a walk there"

"Worry not, as I, brought the perfect transports"

Then Gramps opened his black leather bag and took out three motorcycles from it (A/N notes: For that you guys didn't expect)

"Oh, yeah! that's very to my liking"

Maria and Anastasia put on black leather jackets, and riding helmets. While Gramps put Rose on the kid seat he had on his bike, then they all got on the bikes, with Douglas riding together with Maria, who was going to be the one driving, then they all stepped deep into the accelerators and started running to the northwest at full speed (A/N Notes: And don't ask me about those motorcycles)

Later that morning

When John arrived at his office, he saw a letter on top of his desk, he opened it and read the contents, and he felt a cold shiver running down his spine as read it

"... *Picks up the interphone*"

"Hello, Prime-minister. How can I, James, help you?"

"Gramps went to the northern mountains to find the dragon's lair"

"... You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I was"

"No! God! No, please God no! NOOOOOOOOOOO-"

*Hungs up the call* "Why did he have to go to exactly where the lair of the Calamitous ancient dragon of devastation is located?... ... ... Didn't Anastasia say that she was going somewhere with Douglas and Rose today?... ... ... Oh god... I hope it's to the same place as Gramps"



Charlotte was breathing heavily while she was still wearing her nightly clothes, after she shouted the exact words that John didn't want to hear, he sat down and covered his face with his hand

"... "No! God! No, please God no! NOOOOOOOOOOO-"


And Charlotte who noticed the clothes she was wearing quickly left back to Douglas' room to change to more proper clothes, leaving John who didn't want to believe what he read and heard, screaming "no!"

(A/N Notes: Nobody: There's a limited amount of bullshit that can you put in a fantasy web novel

Author-san: Hold mah bubble tea)

Random Bullshit! Go!

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts