
The lazy first prince is the strongest

A/N Notes: God bless the cringe web novel titles, and I'll have a lot of troubled finding a good cover for this story In a certain kingdom, lives a prince whose life can be resumed to sleeping and being always tired, but he is more than meets the eyes, he has great strength but he doesn't use for finding too troublesome to actually use it, unless when he gets pretty angry Cover source: toke_shi [Twitter] Also available at Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · 奇幻
29 Chs

He has more guts than you, son

(A/N Notes: I happened to finish this chapter, and all I can say is that because of my thoughtlessness this chapter will certainly feel really, really hard to understand... At least the first half)

Douglas and Anastasia were walking in the direction of the castle she had seen when she flew over the forest canopy

"So boy, basically every living being has what I call as a natural anti-magic barrier that holds their magic inside them, that I abbreviate as magic gravity, and a magical core that releases magic power, or mana, for as long as they live, and for that, I call it magic pressure, you can think like how a star works"

"I see..."

"Those who have a magical core that is stronger than their magic gravity, always have a weaker physical strength but being capable to use magic from the beginning with ease, with it being also valid in the opposite way, the stronger the magic gravity relative to their magical core, they'll be unable to use magic, or with great difficulty at best, but having unparalleled physical strength"


"And them comes, what I like to call as the jack of all trades, those who have a magical core and a magic gravity in perfect balance, but with their magic gravity having holes which allows for some of their mana to escape, with neither of them being stronger than the other, that allows them with the proper training to use magic while maintaining a decent physical strength, meaning that they can pretty much fight against anything due to their sheer adaptability"


"In a nutshell, it can be resumed like this, the weaker their magic gravity is and the stronger their magical core is the more mana they leak, and vice-versa"

*Monotone clapping*

"But then, I found you, someone with not only a magic gravity so strong and dense that it's capable of resisting external magic from affecting you and that prevents any of your mana from leaking out, while your magical core is at the same time fighting against it with possibly an even stronger force, but still unable to escape in the end"

"... If... My mana... Doesn't leak..."

"How did I found you by your magic, you want to ask? Well, there's a thing I call magical radiation, but that's a topic for another time"

"Okay... *Yawns*"

When Anastasia looked at Douglas, who was already looking tired, a thought came to her mind

"Hmmm... Now that I think about it, the only other creature that I know that is comparable to you in magical power is a dragon, and they're known to hibernate for years, if not centuries... Hmmm... Maybe that has something to do with their magical cores... Hooo! Boy! You helped me make another discovery!"

"Is that so?..."

"Yep, yep...! I'm already seeing the exit of this forest"

Anastasia then hastened both of her and Douglas' paces, but when she managed to leave the forest, the first thing that came into her view was the sight of an army

"... Oh yeah... Of course, they would mobilize the army if they detected an enormous explosion of unknown mana happening in the middle of the forest... I forgot about that..."

As she had a blank face, the king used a magical tool to increase his voice

"You over there! Move away from my son in this very instant! And put your hands where I can see them!"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! I'm no criminal, king! In fact, I was even the court magician under the king Charles the plain, knew as Anastasia Corwell!"

"Stop with your lies! Anastasia Corwell has been dead since- Oi! What are you doing here, father!? Sto- Stop! Damnit!"


When Alexander was shouting back to her, his father suddenly tried to grab the megaphone from, and he was successful

"Anastasia-sensei? Is that you, you bitch?"

"Wait... Brat? Is that you little motherfucker?"

"Oh my gosh! You're alive, you fucking bitch!"

"I can't believe you actually grew up, you damn brat!"

The two, who were acquainted with each other, couldn't believe at seeing each other after so long, making all the tension disappear in an instant. Anastasia and Douglas then approached Alexander and gramps

"Wow! I can't believe you're actually alive, Anastasia! And you didn't even age"

"Well, about that... I actually had turned myself into a lich, but I managed to get my flesh back with resurrection magic with this kid magic"


Alexander made a very surprised face when he heard that

"I see! That certainly explains how you're looking young"

While Gramps was unfazed by her statement

"Wait, wait, wait! You're telling us, that my son, that we didn't detect a trace of mana in him is capable of activating a resurrection magic spell!?"

"... Yeah, but there's a thing you're wrong..."

Anastasia knelt down and placed her right hand on Douglas' back

"This kiddo is the strongest living being I ever saw in my life and death!"

"... Haa?"

Alexander was absolutely confused at what she just said, but before he could say anything else, Sophia came in while emitting a killing aura


And she called him with a very angry tone as she approached him, when she got right in front of him she lowered herself to face him

"Do you know how worried I was about you, Douglas-sama?"

"... No..."


Douglas who was looking at her pretty and cute face, placed both of his hands on her cheeks, stopping her from the sermon

"... What are doing, Dou-"



He just went and kissed her on the lips, stealing her first kiss and making her mind go into short-circuit. And when he finished kissing her, he pulled back his hands allowing Sophia to go back to a straight posture, but her face was completely red and smoke was leaving from her ears, as she felt both extremely embarrassed and happy

"I like you more when you're like this"

"Ah... Tah... Tah..." *Falls down*

And she passed out of embarrassment


While Douglas was feeling happy, everyone else was left absolutely stunned by what he did and said

"... Wow! He has more guts than you, son"

"Shut it"

"... And you who only had your first kiss on your marriage ceremony... I see, that my genes went all to my grandson"

"Dad... Do you have a death wish?"

Alexander who was already pissed at his father early meddling was about to explode at him

"Nah! I'm surprised that your son is already a chad at 10 years of age, while you couldn't even look- Oopsies!"

Gramps easily avoided Alexander's sword


"Boy, you're way too early to go against me"

Gramps kept annoying his son as he kept evading his attacks

<... Huh? So nothing really changed since I died>

Douglas' grandfather has always been like that

(A/N Notes: How I feel about this chapter? It's around to what I had in mind, but still felt weird, though I felt really amused by the end of it)


Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts