
The Last Supreme

Hey everyone, Just a quick heads up—I'm moving my novels to a new platform! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82053/avenger-from-another-world Thank you so much for spending time to read my work here. I really appreciate each and every one of you. Hope to see all at the other platform. Peace!

Vyne · 奇幻
19 Chs

The Legendary Emperor

Qin Mu Long is a legendary figure in the history of the continent of Yu Long. He was known for being the most benevolent and stood granted the title of the greatest man in the world, and was close to becoming the ruler of the continent. Xiao Zhou learned about his tale from his father who said that Qin Mu Long was not only the emperor of their country, the republic of Dong, but was also close to uniting all nations into one. He was a benevolent emperor who brought peace and prosperity to his nation through his exceptional leadership. Legend had it that he loved to explore the continent to find strange and ancient artefacts.

However, for some unknown reason, Qin Mu Long changed after returning from a certain expedition. He started changing his national policy and became more pragmatic and logical, planning the invasion of other nations. The continent experienced a period of chaos and madness that lasted for five years. Qin Mu Long disappeared after the first battle with the Chun empire and nobody knew what had happened to him.

Xiao Zhou's father told him about Qin Mu Long and how he turned from a great man into a power-hungry madman that threatened the whole world. However, what he didn't tell him was that Qin Mu Long was also a Wu Zhe. Xiao Zhou learned about this new fact from the leader, who explained that Wu Zhe had nine stages, with Wu Xian being the highest. Nobody had yet reached this stage, but even without reaching it, a Wu Zhun could easily destroy a nation in a few minutes.

Qin Mu Long was one of the first Wu Zhe to step into the realm of Wu Zhun, which made him the very pinnacle of the world of Wu Zhe itself. He had all kinds of Wu Zhe technique scrolls, from the most common white rank technique to the rarest purple rank. He was a great collector of Wu Zhe techniques, which made him one of the most powerful emperors in the history of Yu Long.

The reason why Qin Mu Long was so close to uniting all nations into one was not only because of his powerful nation but also because he was a Wu Zhun. None of Wu Zhe dared to provoke him, for he simply killed anyone who he thought might be a threat to his empire. His ruthless method of handling his enemies and superb leadership in managing his country made his empire the strongest against other nations, which is why he conquered other nations with ease.

Qin Mu Long ruthless method of handling his enemies and superb leadership in managing his country made his empire the strongest against other nations, hence why he conquered other nations with ease.

Xiao Zhou looked at him confused as he never heard the title of Wu Zhun. The other two chuckle a bit at his reaction, thinking about how clueless Xiao Zhou was about the Wu Zhe stage.

The leader also chuckles at Xiao Zhou's ignorance. He then proceeds to explain that Wu Zhe has a total of nine stages. Starting from Lian Wu Zhe, followed by Ban Wu Zhe, Wu Zhe, Wu Wei, Wu Jiang, Wu Wang, Wu Zhong, Wu Zhun and finally Wu Xian.

Average Wu Zhe will be stuck in the stage of Wu Zhe because to be able to progress to the Wu Wei stage, not only do the Wu Zhe need talent and potential, but he or she also needs resources. Once Wu Zhe was able to achieve the stage of Wu Wei, although it was only one gap level, they can feel the vast power gap between the Wu Zhe stage and the Wu Wei stage.

That power gap difference works for other stages as well. And once Wu Zhe reaches the stage of Wu Wang, he or she can easily fight off five Wu Jiang stage Wu Zhe. The current number of Wu Wang in this continent was less than a hundred people. To reach the stage of Wu Wang was much harder to get rich, for only the genius among genius have the chance to step into this realm.

The last stage of Wu Zhe was Wu Xian. No human alive has yet to cultivate until this stage. Legend said that a human couldn't reach the stage of Wu Xian. A human limitation was only until Wu Zhun, and from there only a God was able to move up to the stage of Wu Xian.

But even without reaching the stage of Wu Xian, a Wu Zhun could easily destroy a nation in mere few minutes.

"We called him the great collector of Wu Zhe techniques, which means he possessed all kinds of Wu Zhe technique scrolls, from the most common white rank technique to even the rarest purple rank!"

The leader sounds excited as he continues to talk about Qin Mu Long. How he travelled from north to south and east to west and gathered treasures. From Wu Zhe technique scrolls to armaments, exquisite herbs and so on.

Xiao Zhou looked at the leader once again with a confused expression when he talk about Wu Zhe techniques scrolls.

The trio noticed his expression, and again they laughed hysterically, making fun of his complete lack of knowledge about Wu Zhe.

Wu Zhe techniques, also known as fighting skills Wu Zhe learnt and use during battle. In ancient times, Wu Zhe would spend countless years, almost throughout their lifetime developing Wu Zhe techniques. These Wu Zhe techniques will be kept in a scroll to preserve the techniques' founder legacy.

The leader explained that a Wu Zhe that practises Wu Zhe techniques can vastly improve their fighting level. Often in battle, Wu Zhe who was a higher level but did not learn any Wu Zhe techniques, they will lose the battle against an opponent who was a lower level but practises Wu Zhe technique.

Wu Zhe techniques also have a ranking system. The most common practice techniques for most Wu Zhe were the white and green rank. The first two rank techniques were easy to learn and easy to come by as long as they join a clan. After the green rank was the blue rank, and lastly was the rarest purple rank.

Each rank also has one more ranking system, which was low, middle and high levels. If two Wu Zhe practise the same rank Wu Zhe technique, for example, green rank, whoever practises a higher level technique will have a higher chance to emerge victorious.

The blue rank Wu Zhe techniques were so rare that only a handful of Wu Zhe has the chance to learn them, and most of those Wu Zhe came from either a royal or noble family.

The purple rank Wu Zhe technique. This rank of technique was so exotic and rare that people often thought that it exist only in a fairy tale. Despite the rarity, Qin Mu Long managed to acquire multiple purple rank Wu Zhe techniques.

"That was why he was not only a Wu Zhun but also the greatest collector in the world! He was the only Wu Zhe who learnt every single Wu Zhe technique in this world!" The leader couldn't contain his excitement as he raises his volume and fist-bumped into the sky. His two followers were also got affected by his excitement and they nodded their heads.

Only Xiao Zhou remained calm. While the trio got excitement by the tale of Qin Mu Long, he stay focused on his objective, which was to find a chance to escape from them.

From what the leader had told him about Qin Mu Long, Xiao Zhou also figured out why all of Wu Zhe wanted to come to this island, and also the reason why they were here now.

"So, the reason why we come to this island..." Before Xiao Zhou conclude his sentence, the leader interrupted him.

"That's right, boy, this island that we are on right now, could also be the tomb of the great emperor Qin Mu Long!"