
The Last Starship

NOTE: This book is both a combination of both Sci-Fi and Epic-Fantasy. Zara and Rian are two young rebels who are chosen by a mysterious old man to infiltrate the Star Forge, a space station that can create anything with the power of a black hole. They discover that they are descendants of the Star Knights, an ancient order of warriors who used both technology and magic to balance the Force. They also discover that they are siblings, who were separated at birth and reunited by fate. They must face Darth Vexor, the leader of the Empire's forces and the old man's former apprentice, who wants to use the Star Forge to destroy the galaxy. They must also face their own feelings for each other, which could either help or hinder their mission. They must learn to master the Force and harmony, the ultimate expression of creation and destruction, science and spirituality. They must choose between becoming gods or heroes, rulers or rebels, lovers or enemies. They must choose their destiny and save the galaxy. They are the last starship.

Marwan_Zain_Miazee · 科幻
6 Chs


Zara and Rian followed the old man to his hidden cave, where he showed them a starship that looked like nothing they had ever seen before. It was sleek and elegant, with a silver hull and blue wings. It had a cockpit that could fit two people, and a cargo bay that contained a large metal cylinder.

"This is the Starship Phoenix, the last of its kind," the old man said. "It was built by the Star Knights, using both technology and magic. It can travel faster than light, and it can also enter hyperspace, a dimension beyond the normal space-time continuum. It is the only starship that can reach the Star Forge, the ancient source of the Star Knights' power."

"What is the Star Forge?" Zara asked.

"It is a massive space station that orbits a black hole. It was created by the Star Knights to harness the energy of the black hole and use it to create anything they wanted. Weapons, ships, planets, even life itself. The Star Forge was their greatest achievement, but also their downfall. They became corrupted by its power, and they started a war that nearly destroyed the galaxy. They were stopped by a group of Star Knights who rebelled against them, and who sealed the Star Forge with a powerful spell. Only those who have the Star Key can access it."

"What is the Star Key?" Rian asked.

"It is this device," the old man said, pointing to the metal cylinder in the cargo bay. "It is a combination of technology and magic, and it contains the coordinates and the code to enter the Star Forge. It also contains a part of my soul, which I transferred into it when I was dying. I am the last surviving Star Knight, and I have been waiting for you two for a long time."

"Why us?" Zara asked.

"Because you are both descendants of the Star Knights who sealed the Star Forge. You have their blood and their spirit in you. You are also both Force-sensitive, meaning you can sense and manipulate the energy field that binds all things in the galaxy. You have the potential to become Star Knights yourselves, if you are willing to learn and train."

"Learn and train what?" Rian asked.

"The ways of the Force and the ways of the Star Knights. The Force has two aspects: light and dark, positive and negative, creation and destruction. The Star Knights used both aspects in balance, but they also created their own aspect: harmony. Harmony is the fusion of light and dark, technology and magic, science and spirituality. It is the ultimate expression of the Force, and it is what gives the Starship Phoenix its power."

The old man paused and looked at them with a serious expression.

"But harmony is not easy to achieve or maintain. It requires discipline, wisdom, and courage. It also requires trust, compassion, and love. You two must learn to master these qualities, both within yourselves and with each other. You must become partners in every sense of the word, for only together can you unlock the secrets of the Star Forge and stop the Empire from using it for evil."

Zara and Rian looked at each other with a mix of curiosity, doubt, and attraction. They felt a strange connection between them, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Are you ready to begin your journey?" the old man asked.

Zara nodded.

Rian nodded.

The old man smiled.

"Then let us go."

He led them to the cockpit of the Starship Phoenix, where he showed them how to operate it.

He pressed a button, and the starship lifted off from the ground.

He pressed another button, and the starship entered hyperspace.

He pressed one more button, and the starship headed towards its destination:

The Star Forge.