
Chapter 3

Samantha's POV

Millie and I trained everyday with elders of elementalist council. But along with that we also had our schools to take care of. We're a business major with fashion designing as our minor. We both have been interested in both of them and even helped uncle Jeremy in his business.

Today we have our special seminar with an special guest, the great business tycoon, Raymond Woods. I've heard alot about him that how he started with a small hotel at the age of 15 and just in 10 years he had hotels all over the world along with business in clothing and real estate.

Oh and did I mention that man is a real hottie. He's so handsome that he's the dream guy of every girl. Yes, i too have a crush on him. Although he never smiles to the camera, i can tell any girl who saw him smile will be ready to die to see it one more time.

And just for this day, I've to dress nicely. I choose a nice red knitted dress with black belt and full sleeves that Millie forced me to buy when we went for shopping two weeks ago. I don't wear dresses so this was the only one i have which i think is appropriate to see my crush for the first time. Who knows he might look at me or maybe even get interested in me.

Just kidding, a guy like him will never look at me.

Who knows. He might even be our mate. Says Ally in my mind.

Well i won't be sure because i don't even know if he's a human or werewolf or anything else. Plus chances of that happening is far less than you can imagine. I say with a sad smile.

Okay..but i think something big and good is gonna happen today. I can feel it. She says bouncing happily in my mind.

I smiled and let her enjoy her happiness.

(Her outfit)

I wore my dress and paired it with black boots and stockings. I applied little makeup that Millie brought me and taught me how to apply. I let my long wavy hairs hang loose on my back and wear my wrist watch on my left hand. I grabbed my bag when i hear Millie's car's horn.

I rushed downstairs, grabbing the sandwich on plate in one hand, giving my aunt a goodbye hug and kiss, i went out of the house.

After i sat in the passenger seat beside Millie, i saw her mouth wide open and staring at me with shocked expression.

"Earth to Millie" i said as i put my hand on shoulder and shake her.

After she came out of her shocked state I smiled and said with an innocent look "let's go, we're gonna be late."

"Woah...woah..girl wait a minute. Are you going on a date after seminar?" She asked with shock written clearly in her face.

"What? Date? Are you kidding me? You know how much i avoid those frivolous boys" i said scrunching my face in disgust.

"Then why are you dress up like that?" She asked.

"For the seminar" i said looking at her innocently.

"You...really...hah I'm speechless. Girl you really need to come out from your fangirling. You need to get a life you know that?" She said with a worried face.

"Okay okay.. let's go or we'll be late for the seminar." I rushed her and successfully avoided that topic. I know if we argue on it more, I'm surely gonna miss the chance of seeing my Mr. Perfect from this close.

30 minutes later

We arrived to the seminar hall just in time. Most of the seats were full by that time, we could only get seat in the last row.

I can notice all the girls in the first 3-4 rows. They were here to meet Mr. Woods and even to try their luck and get close to him.

Ally growled at the thought which i found strange. As she hated the idea of me being close to guys or even think about them in that way. But she's mostly quite when it comes to him.

The dean came on stage to give his starting speech, which almost everyone ignored.

And then he finally called him "...now i would like to call Mr. Raymond Woods for his guidance."

But before I could catch a sight of him. The most amazing smell of fresh forest and dews hit my nose. And that mesmerizing smell enchanted me like no other things could ever had.
