

Ken is a highschool student in japan that had a happy life until a truck killed him he though that he died but he heard a mysterious voice that reincarnated him at a realm full of magic and swords with system of floors (the highest floor you're in the powerful you are and you find powerful monsters) but at the cost of completing the quest of killing the demon lord that lives at the last floor of this realm and descovering the mystery of this world.

1 Chs


i am ken, i am a highschool student in japan, i am living great life, i was born in a wealthy family and have i a girlfriends and good grades, a lot of loyal friends bla bla bla. But it all ended when a white truck killed me.

When i closed my eyes i felt like im drowning in a sea that has no bottom but then i heard a voice.

The voice:hello mortal the gods chose you bettwen millions of dead people do you want to be Recreated into a realm named avalon full of magic and swords as cost to accept the quest to kill the demon lord that lives at the last floor at this world and wants to rule over the avalon realm?

Ken:wait, what do you mean by magic and avalon realm and if that's right why me?

My eyes closed automatically and When i opened my eyes i found my self at a forest and saw a ginormous wild boar charging at me but i dodged his charge hardly and ran away until my legs didn't wanted to move and then a stats bar appeared in front of my eyes

[name:ken Class:unkown.

Level:1 money:0.


Health:100/100 Mana:100/100

Physical Attack:1. Magic attack:1.

Defense:1. Magic defense:1

Agility:1. Intelligence:1.

Archery:1. Weapon using:1.

FLOOR:1. ]

Ken said to himself:what is this i think that this some kind of an stats bar everything is 1 i will need to find some humans to ask about the stats bar and the demon lord, how to enter higher floorsand mostly important how to master magic.

After sometime i saw some goblins with there level above their heads the medium of there level is 2 but their leader is level five. I really wanted to know what will happen if i killed one of them so i threw a rock at a level 1 goblin and hid in a bush to ambush him,when he got closer to me, I grabbed him by the legs and broke his neck but he scratched my hand with his knife a shining light and a message bar appeared


You killed a level 1 goblin

you're level has increased to level 2

You got:

3 skill points

Gobline dagger(common)

You learned:

Weapon fighting (beginner)

After that message disappeared. I wanted to use the dagger but i couldn't find it but when is said

Ken:oh where is the dagger

The goblin knife apeared into my head so i concluded that i can call things by saying their names


So a screen appeared:

Goblin dagger (common)


I was very happy with this map because it can lead me to a city or a village

But i decided to kill the goblins first so i can level up a littel bit

So i started to kill them one by one a by my new weapon but i got damaged sometime until the only goblin still allive is the boss so i decided to check my stats bar

Ken stats:

[name:ken Class:unkown.

Level:6 money:0.


Health:80/120 Mana:120/120

Physical Attack:1. Magic attack:1.

Defense:1. Magic defense:1

Agility:1. Intelligence:1.

Archery:1. Weapon using:1.

Skill points:15

FLOOR:1. ]

I clicked on defense hoping that something will happen and it did defens increased by 1 point and skill points decreased by one so skill points icreas my stats.

I increased my defense to 5 and physical attack to 3 intelligence to 2 and weapon using to 5.

And decided to attack the goblin master Without hesitation.

When i jumped on him and stroke my first hit wich was a Stab with my dagger he turned to me and hit me with a fire spell that almostly finished me but i manage to survive somehow then i hit with some daggers that other goblins gave me wich downed their health to the half but i will lose at this situation cause im dodging his fire spells wich is a fire projectile that seems like a ball

But with a miracle and my health down to 20 the goblin lord Fall because of a body of another goblinafter lunching a huge fire ball at me the i used a Corpse to protect myself

I used the opportunity to lunch some daggers and get close to the goblin lord and deal some slash damage and finally stab him in his heart.


You killed the goblinlord (mage version)

You're level increased to level 9

You got:

Goblin Robe

50 gold coins

You learned:

Fire magic (begginer)

Fire spell (fire ball)

(You can use skills by saying their name)

I was amazed by this skill, it's the same skill that the goblin lord was using. After using it on a tree for a while i noticed that it drains mana and it exactley uses 30 mana and i can't use the spell if i don't have enough mana.

I decided to look for another monsters so i can try my new skill on real enemies and level up.

After a while of searching i found a crowd of bleu slimes so i got closer to them and lunched my fireball skill at them half of them died and the other half ran away.


You killed 31 water slimes

Your level increased to 11

You got:

Water slime core 16

Mana crystals 5

Drinkable Water 31

You learned:

Devouring(this skill enable the user to devour anything that ha kills and gain its abilities and gain experience to levelup)

So i used my new skills to devour the slimes i killed and my level increased from 11 to 14 and got a new skill wich is self regeneration(this skill regenerate the user health 10 timrs faster) after that i noticed a river so i rest a little bit then i finally had time to look at the map and luckily i have noticed a village close to this river

To be continued

Ken stats:

[name:ken Class:unkown.

Level:14 money:50


Health:155/155 Mana:155/155

Physical Attack:10. Magic attack:10.

Defense:10. Magic defense:10

Agility:8. Intelligence:7.

Archery:1. Weapon using:10.

Skill points:0