
The Last Campaign

Fort Wilderness has stood for a millennia as the home of heroes. However, a tragedy strikes when Polaris, a powerful Celestial hero and his league of heroes known as the Wilderness Initiative are stolen from their dimension. Of the original Wilderness 92, only the heroes: Polaris, Archimedes, the Elven Master Builder, Hexxit, the Jade Pixy, Powerdrive, the Mythril Golem, Arris, the Forest Druid, Veldspar, the Undead Boarmen, and their newest addition, KBar, a colorblind, human detective, survive Flynn Jamesson, their kidnapper. As they plan their escape back to their dimension, things begin to happen. With centuries old, closely guarded secrets, betrayals, enemies from the past, followers of God under the wrong leader, gods, demons, angels and beings from the Nether and Aether realms, Polaris and his team have their work cut out for them if they truly hope to build a nation, one under the watchful eyes of heroes.

Ghost_of_Ottawa · 奇幻
50 Chs

The Stardust Realm

*The Past:*

Once the forces of the Eastern Holy Empire were gone, two figures came and pulled Polaris out from under the debris. 

"Is he dead?"

"No, he's just unconscious."

"Get him to that cave, we'll have an easier time healing him."

As the two beings get Polaris into the cave, his natural healing abilities kick in. The two figures used some energy heal then one spoke up.

"Come on, take him up, the Elders will want to see him once we've started our process."

A day passed and Polaris bolted awake. This wasn't the place he'd made his stand nor a place he recognized. 

"Easy now. We're not here to hurt you."

"Who are you? Where am I?

"Relax. I am Stephenson 2-18. I am the Star known for my size as I am the biggest in the universe."

"Yes... Stephenson.... I've heard of you!"

"Excellent. Over by the door is..."

"I can introduce myself thanks."

Polaris looks over to the being. 

"I am known as the Celestial Being, Ton 618. The most-powerful Supermassive Black Hole to have ever and ever exist. It's a pleasure I get to meet my solar rival."

"Rival? How?"

"You just haven't evolved yet shrimp dick. Clearly."

"Ton, mind your tongue."

"Fuck off Steph. Hurry up and start. I'm bored and want to kill something."

Stephenson walks over to Polaris, hacking up vantablack soot.

"Are you okay?"

"I, I am dying Polaris. As my last gift, I wish to help you evolve."

"A-alright. What must I do?"

"Compress your mass and energy around your core and don't stop."

As Polaris begins, Stephenson reaches inside him and rips a large chunk of his core out and slams it into Polaris' core. "Ton will take you to see the Elders. I will go assist your friends for now. Please hurry."

Stephenson leaps from the Stardust Palace and falls to Earth. As the two make their way to the Elder Chambers, the process finishes. Ton slams open the doors to the chambers and marches inside. "Listen up you old gas bags. This guy need your stupid evaluation and blessing. Just know, the longer this takes, the more people die on Earth."

The four elder stars scramble and begin their test. However, Luna and Sol manifest and speak to the Eldest Star on the council. After a moment, Sol and Polaris' souls are merged and Luna's vanishes. 

"What just...."

"There is no time. Polaris, I am Methuselah. Please channel your energy into this device here. There are three categories you can get based on your energy output."

"Alright." Polaris begins channeling his energy into the device. 

"The first category is known as Prim Star. It is the most common placement." Methuselah looks at the device as the meter passes in the next category. 

"The second category is known as Primus Star. It is where the Four of us and Stephenson sit." Again, the meter rises into the third and final category. 

"The third and final category is known as Prima Star. Stephenson and Ton have both managed to cross into this territory but not by much....." The Elder Star Celestial gasps as the meter maxes out in Prima. 

"Y-You may stop."

"Alright." As Polaris stops, Methuselah takes the device up and deliberates with the other three for a moment. 

"Polaris, I am the Celestial known as HD."

"It's is an honor ma'am."

"Polaris, as of now, Sol asked for their soul combine with yours, and Luna has left to rejoin the moon. As of now, your name, Polaris Sol Luna is gone."

"I... I see."

"Polaris, you just scored higher than any star in recorded history. Even higher than Ton 618. Technically, that would crown you King of the Stars."

"Wait, I did what!?"

Methuselah walks down to him. "Polaris, you output more energy in one go than the average star does in its lifetime. You are the strongest star to have ever existed or exist. I would like to continue, but time is short. We shall come to you once the battle on Earth has been settled. Show us the power of a Prima Star."

Polaris and Ton were teleported back to the surface. Ton was dressed in an odd uniform. It was military for sure, but his eyes and mouth had all but vanished. He spoke in an odd tongue that was unrecognizable, and began to levitate. Looking to Polaris, only a smile crept across his face. 

"Shall we make those religious cultists suffer the rather of true superior beings?"

"Let us show them the power of the stars and the universe."

Both of them exploded into the air with frightening speeds. Meanwhile, Stephenson had been holding the Messiah back. The Wilderplains troops had been pushed into the third and final ring. Their defenses wouldn't last much long. 

"I wish Polaris was here."

"He'd kick their asses with ease! It's a good thing we got the civilians to safety!"

Atrocity was fighting Bel in the courtyard, strength evaporating as if water in a desert on a cloudless day. The poisoned dagger had him on the ropes. The heroes and Knights had been doing their best to hold them back, all hoping for reinforcements of some kind. 

Suddenly, something slammed into the ground behind the Wilderplains soldiers. As the Knights looked, they became terrified. A vantablack void soldier had planted himself behind their lines. 

"Youse better stay back. I'll...." Started KBar before being interrupted by the being. 

"Greeting! I am the one known as Ton 618, and I suggest you focus attention not to be, but to my friend and rival in the sky." Grinned Ton as he open his arms and began to laugh. It had been the early hours of the morning and the sun hadn't risen. However, as the sun began to rise, its light became dulled in comparison to the being hovering above the Republic.

"Who.... Who is that?"


The air seemed to pull towards the stranger in the sky, going as far as to lift the Messiah into the air. Grabbing the Messiah, Polaris spoke. 

"....so you invade my home, attack MY FRIENDS AND YOU EVEN BROUGHT HER HERE! YOU HAVE SIGNED THE DEATH WARRANT OF AN ENTIRE KINGDOM. You asked to see true power.... Well then, as every arrogant god has once said.... BEAR WITNESS!