
The Last Angel System

The Demons won the War against the Angels and settled down on Earth. The Demons now live together with Humans. But unknown to them after thousands of years, their greatest fear is about to return to this demonic world of sins. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to everyone who reads this Story. This is the first time that I am writing a Story and I'm trying to Improve. English is not my first Language so pleace have mercy. The updates will be slow because I still have an Apprenticeship to do :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit for Cover goes to the Artist (whom i sadly don't know) but when the Artist wants me to take it down just msg me. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel Free to leave a Review if you have any ideas on what i could do better please leave a constructive critique. Thank you.

DyslexicAuthor · 奇幻
10 Chs


"__" Talking

'___' Thinking


Charles slowly approached Jim, who was cowering on the ground.

"Jim, I want you to answer me a few questions!" Charles demanded.

Jim slowly lifted his head and looked at Charles who was floating 1 meter in front of him and looked in his golden eyes, nodding his head.

"What do you know about the Familie that killed my Parents?" Charles asked.

"I only know what your Grandfather told me. They are a high blooded Familie in the City and they have good connections to the President of the City, Valac. That's all I know I swear!" Jim stuttered.

Charles could see with his Eyes of truth that what he was saying was indeed true.

"Who is Valac?" Charles inquired.

"He is one of the 12 Presidents of Hell and ruler of the City of Valor" Jim answered.

Charles nodded understandingly. But to be true Charles had no idea what Jim was talking about.

'It seems like I have no idea about the power structure of hell. I need to get more information, about the structure, out of him,' thought Charles.

"Tell me more about the Hellish Hierarchy and how high does a President rank?" he demanded.

"As far as I know there are 7 ranks: Knight, President, Earl, Marquis, Duke, Prince and King. In that order lowest to highest." Jim told him.

"Thank you," Charles said.

"Now tell me, Jim. Do you regret your Sins? I would dislike to punish you, as a favour to my Grandfather, you were after all his best friend. " Charles said with a threatening voice.

"Yes, Yes, I regret it every day since it happened," assured Jim.

"Good, I will give you a purpose in life. Your task will be to gather all the innocent souls in the slums, and educate them, teach them reading, writing and the teachings of God!" Charles said and threw him his old tattered Bibel.

Jim looked at the book with confusion and asked: "May I inquire, who are the innocent?"

"Well, the children of course," Charles answered.

"Everyone else cannot be saved anymore, they can only find redemption themself."

"This task is your chance of redemption and to bring you on the path of virtue."

"Thank you, Charles. I will not disappoint you!" Jim bootlicked.

"I hope you will not, for your sake!" Charles threatened.

And with that last sentence, Charles flapped his Wings and surged to the sky. Disappearing over the clouds.

10 minutes went by before Jim dared to stand up. He looked around the once-bustling square only to find silence and death.

Out of fear that Charles was still watching him, he began searching for the few Human children in the slums.

Hours past. When Jim heard a thundering roar in the sky. After looking to the sky he could make out the form of a two-headed Dragon who was carrying something on his back.

With an earthshaking 'thump' the two-headed Dragon landed on the Townsquare and from its back sprang a small poor-looking boy with black angel wings.

"You there, peasant!" called the boy towards Jim.

"What happened here?" the small boy asked with a devilish but charming smile.

"N-Nothing" stuttered Jim.

Jim was scared shitless by the two-headed Dragon.

"Nothing? Is that so?" the boy asked with an annoyed look on his face.

The boy shortly nodded towards his Dragon and the two heads immediately growled and Jim saw their razor-sharp teeth. He instantly broke under the pressure of the Dragon and told the boy everything that happened today.

After Jim finished telling the story of a real Angel massacring the entire square, the smile on the boy's face had long vanished. And he had a contemplating look on his face.

The boy took out a communication device and spoke into it: "Captain Vul, deploy 5 Legions immediately and send them to the slums in front of the City."

"Yes, President Valac. They will be on their way this instant." came a voice from the communication device.

The blood in Jim's body froze. 'This Shabby looking boy is President Valac' his mind rotated.

8 minutes later Captain Vul, who was a burling looking man with quite a lot of scars, arrived together with 5000 Soldiers.

Vul went up to Valac and kneeled in front of him.

"At your service, President" Vul said submissively.

"Captain, dispose of every maggot here in these slums. Except for that right there." Valac pointed at Jim.

And so the slaughter of the slums of Valor began.

The only thing that remained were the corpses of thousands of people. And the blood that ran like a river through the streets.

At the end of the day, not a single living Soul remained in the slums, except for Jim.


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