
The Last Angel System

The Demons won the War against the Angels and settled down on Earth. The Demons now live together with Humans. But unknown to them after thousands of years, their greatest fear is about to return to this demonic world of sins. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to everyone who reads this Story. This is the first time that I am writing a Story and I'm trying to Improve. English is not my first Language so pleace have mercy. The updates will be slow because I still have an Apprenticeship to do :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit for Cover goes to the Artist (whom i sadly don't know) but when the Artist wants me to take it down just msg me. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel Free to leave a Review if you have any ideas on what i could do better please leave a constructive critique. Thank you.

DyslexicAuthor · 奇幻
10 Chs


"__" Talking

'___' Thinking


The slaughter took about 5 hours.

After that Captain Vul returned to Valac. He kneeled and reported: "It is done. There is no life left in this pathetic place."

"Good. Tell your men to return to the City and be on standby. Gather the rest of my Legions I want my complete Army ready for battle till tomorrow!" said Valac.

"As you wish, sir," said Vul and ordered his troops to return to the City.

Valac turned towards Jim and said: "You will come with me to my mansion, and join me for Dinner. There you will tell me everything again with more details!"

"But sir. The Angel commanded me to gather all the Children of the slums and teach them." pleaded Jim.

"What Children?" snickered Valac with a devilish grin that was showing his razor-sharp teeth.

Cold sweat ran down Jim's back when he realized that Valac had everyone killed even the children.

Before Jim could even start to panic, Valac called out to him: "If you don't hurry now, you will not be joining me for dinner, instead you will be the dinner." said Valac with a satisfied Grin.

Jim hurriedly ran over to Valac, when suddenly he was packed by a mysterious force and thrown on the back of the two-headed dragon.

The next moment the Dragon flapped Its wings and surged to the sky and flew in the direction of the city.

Jim was holding onto the scales for dear life. He never left the ground before and was scared to fall off.

In the meantime a few hundred kilometres away from the City and the slums, Charles landed on the side of a peaceful river near the woods.

He gracefully landed on the ground and thought to himself: 'This should be far enough. Here I will be undisturbed for a while. This is the perfect place to study my new abilities'.

'System' he called out in his mind.


"Angel System"

(My gift for you young Crusader)

Titel: none

Name: Charles

Age: 14

Race: Celestial

Rank: Angel Lvl:1/10 (Lowest Ranked Celestial being of the nine Ranks) {List of Ranks available}

Level: 1 EP:148/200

Vitality: 100

Strenght: 100


Divine Power: 1000 (used for Miracles)

Presence: Fear inducing {only applies when in true Angel Form (Recommended for battle and intimidation)}

Blessings: God's Last wish {Grands the Abiliets of the 7 Virtues. Remark the 7 Virtues will only take full effect after Reaching the Rank of Virtue until then the effect is lowered}

Abilities: Flight, Angel's Choir, Blessing of Mortals, Eye of Truth, God's Radiance

1. Virtue of Chastity {Chastity, also known as purity, is a virtue related to temperance. Someone who is chaste refrains either from sexual activity considered immoral or any sexual activity.}

2. Virtue of Faith {Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.}

3. Virtue of good Works {Works are a person's (exterior) actions or deeds, in contrast to inner qualities such as grace or faith}

4. Virtue of Concord {Always being in Harmony, having a strong will and being compassionate}

5. Virtue of Sobriety {Sobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels or effects from alcohol or drugs, complete immunity to all substances}

6. Virtue of Patience {Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances}

7. Virtue of Humility {Humility is the quality of being humble.}


'I should check out my abilities. Show me what each of my abilities does, except for the 7 Virtuess' he thought.


Ability: Flight

Description: Flight enables the user to fly and float. The wings can be used to boost speed but flying and floating are possible without the use of the wings.


Ability: Angel's Choir

Description: The Angel's Choir is an ability that every Angel possesses. Through specific songs that are sung by an Angel, different effects can be utilized. {Current songs known: 0}


Ability: Blessing of Mortals

Description: Angels have the Ability to bless mortals with the 7 Virtues and other blessings. [Current blessings 7 Virtues]


Ability: God's Radiance

Description: God's Radiance is the light of every heavenly being Radiances because of their closeness to God. The higher your Rank the closer you are to God and the stronger is the light. The light can burn away all darkness. Those who gaze at it with an evil heart will turn to dust.


Charles read everything multiple times to remember it clearly.

'What is up with that true Angel form? Does that mean there is a not True Angel form?' Charles wondered.

'Turn off True Angel form' he thought.


[True Angel Form has been disabled]

Charles glowed with a blinding golden light and when the light disappeared he was no longer looking like a monster.

His body returned to his 14-year-old look but he didn't completely return to normal.

He still got the halo on his head and four wings on his back which were significantly smaller than before about a span of 3 meters.

Charles looked at himself in the clear water and thought: 'How is that any better? Everybody can immediately tell that I am an Angel. How is that supposed to help?'


[Note: Angel's are not supposed to hide who they are. Only demons have to hide what they are. Angels never deceive anyone!]

Charles continued to stare at his reflection with a distressed look on his face. Thinking to himself how he is supposed to accomplish the mission of God when he stands out like a sore thumb.

When he slowly saw that he was naked. 'Huh. Where are my clothes? Maybe theyhave been destroyed when I turned into the true Angel form.' he thought.

'Where am I supposed to find clothes in these woods? he stressed out.

But he quickly composed himself.

He decided that if he is already naked he might as well take a bath in the River.

He jumped into the water and began cleaning himself.

Unknown to him there was a little group of people heading to the river.


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