
Chapter thirteen- My sweet Harvey

The village has quieted down once more after the new addition to the village. After all the village continue living life with no disruptions. As for me I still feel like I'm on cloud nine with all these beauties around me. Curtis has decided to hunt for the family today as Quinn makes me a lovely snake dress. And me well let's just say I'm still in bed with my innocent Harvey~. He's such a cutie he's blush about over five times today. Yep that's how you know I'm doing something right!

"Sweetie are you hungry?" Laying down next to Harvey as my body faces him I witness all kinds of emotions across his face. He's shock taken aback at a loss and yet happy for his aura contains waves of pleasure and satisfaction.

" I love you" he whispers in a breathless tone as he leans towards me more back arch as he nuzzles into my embrace. Giggling softly I smile as he melts into my arms as I gently caress his back. "You know sweetie you still haven't replied~"

"Mhmm I'm only hungry for your love and affection my mate…"

" There comes days when I worry this is nothing more but a fragment of my imagination just some wish I crave so very desperately, and any day now I awaken only to find you not at my side…"

" I- I don't know if I'll ever be able to live if I find out this is nothing b- but an illusion….. I love you so much it hurts…." Tears swarm his vision as his hold on me tightens as if I shall slip away through his embrace disappearing leaving no trace's behind.

Guiding his head to my chest I whisper to him so very gently as if I'm not careful enough he'll break. "Do you hear that?" Sniffling softly as he takes deep breaths lips trembling he speaks in a voice ever so small. "yes I-how could I not hear it? It's my favorite sound in the world it's…the sound of my beloveds heart"

I'm a bit ashamed to admit but in that moment something snapped. Next thing I knew I was above him. His eyes a beautiful sky blue still filled with tears widen with surprise. A color so mesmerizing blooms across his face what another lovely blush. He's like a strawberry….so pretty….so delectable…I want him…to taste him…Devouring my sweet little Harvey with adoration….

The air is tense with anticipation he's waiting for me to make a move. All of a sudden I feel he's hand one on each side of my thighs that cages him in. Eyes looking up upon me in wonderment, and then as if a switch was flip he smiles bewitchingly.

"You can do whatever you want…..my body is yours and only yours my mate"

That was all I needed to hear before I descended upon him. Our lips finally meeting the taste of him was of summertime warmth filled with joy and lemonade. Clothing was easily discarded desperately we reach for one another. Our bodies melding so fucking perfectly together. "A-ahhhh~" so nice so comfortable the feeling of him inside of me the fulfillment of him reaching the deepest parts of me. His whimpers of pleasure our hips rocking up down up down repeatedly in motion. Forever chasing a high never ending my release came fast, eyes widening as my mouth opens into a silent scream.

"Mine mine mine your my mate I love you I love you Aa~ so good you feel so good~"

His thrust becomes rampant im now below him as my legs wrap around his waist my arms above me in his left hands hold, as for the right hand he grips my waist In a desperate hold. He's become completely undone eyes lighten in ravenous hunger. A-ah so pretty so very pretty yes please Harvey never stop I want you to always hunger for me. Back arch as I receive a second high of my climax with an animalistic growl he releases his seed in me. Breathless I smile grabbing his face to mine in a content kiss of satisfaction.

I feel him inside me harden again as he becomes once more hungry for my essence. I'm now on all four as he once again enters me. "So good you feel so fucking good inside me" I moan out as he starts slow building a rhythm. Chuckling breathlessly he smirks as he says in a seductive tone.

"I live to only please you my mate my beautiful so very tantalizing mate" Fastening his past as I began to cry out once more feeling a third tell tall signs of pleasure course through me. Fuck how the hell are him and Quinn so damn good at sex, and damn is he so dominant.

Five times I climax five fucking times before I had to call it quits. Looking down at Harvey as he washes me with a clean cloth timidly as he apologizes for being rough. Honestly is this the legendary gentleman on the streets and a beast In the sheets? Laughing in disbelief as I smile I speak clearly in a reassuring tone.

"Sweetie it's alright believe me I love our first moment of intimacy you don't need to apologize after all look now I'm finally carrying your mark isn't it pretty~?" Right hand lifted as I caress a leopard mark conjoined with my lovely snake. His eyes gain another teary appearance with a smile so bright and dazzling I had to blink in surprise.


"I love you!" Jumping into my arms as he hugs me laughing happily.

Soon knocks ensure on the door as I see Quinn bring me a plate filled of fruits and veggies with a smile. "My love you must be starving here you go enjoy my dear" handling my plate to myself as he sits on the right of me he leans over leaving a kiss on my cheek. "Ah thank you my lovely husband~!" I smile with bliss as I devour some strawberries. At the door I see Curtis who was behind Quinn originally with a cup and jar of water to refill the cup of water. He stays there with hesitation eyes seeming guarded.

"Curtis hey come here I want to hear about how everything went with the hunt!" Patting the left of me as I encourage him to enter.

Walking in hesitate at first, but quickly that wipes away once he's at my side letting out a sigh of relief as he sits down. Handling my cup of water I gulp it down enjoying the cool sensation of water going down my throat.

That night was peaceful filled with laughs and happiness once more. Now Curtis is the only mate left I need to complete the ritual to acquire his lovely mark. Harvey so sweet, Quinn so reliable, and Curtis so determined. They all have so many good points I don't think I could ever stop speaking them. So very good to me and kind how could life be this good? I don't want this happiness to ever end…