
Chapter 2:  travel to the the royal palace

While on the way to the main castle Henri asks the guardsmen if they may know any information on the missing princess. One of the guardsmen tells the knight of demons about the night the princess was taken.

I gotta get them talking, henri thinks to himself, try and find out any information as I possibly can.

Hey, guards 

What is it knight of Demons? A guards answers.

So where exactly is King Julius Castle and far is it? He asks

For the King's castle is located in the Capital. To get to the Capital, we must travel through the town next, the city then we reach the capital. The guard tells Hennri. 

Why does this Kingdom only have 3 distincts? Henri asks the guard. This Kingdom is one of the richest in the country.

It is due to social status, the guard says.  Aristocrats live in the towns while nobles stay in the city and the royales reside in the capital. You see this Kingdom only has a total population of 1000 people

Wait, are you serious? Hennri asks, one of the richest nations only has a total population of 1000. Wow, I'd hate think how much a place here would cost…. 

Ok so how long is that gonna take to get there?

The guard looks back at Hennri, usually traveling between locations takes minutes, but seeming since is an escort and he's is on foot… I'd say a good hour and a half.

Great, 2 hours of walking, he says as he pops the cork off one of his gourds and takes a drink….. so, he says wiping his mouth. Usually, how long does it take to travel from place to place?

The Mason's who designed the Kingdom made traveling fast and simple. By horse one could reach the capital in about 20 minutes. If at full speed. But the average travel time is only about 30 minutes.

So that means if I was to run there, I could probably get there in about 10 minutes if I were to sprint,  and by flight it would probably take about half my sprinting time he thinks to himself

How is this possible Hennri asks. For if what you are saying is true, then it must meat that there is only 1 road. He says to the guard.

Yey, For there is 1 main road and it's this 1. For this road runs straight through the Kingdom, and there are side roads that branch off into the different cities and towns.

Not too bad. He says simple but yet effective. 

Yey, the guard says, this is also great for us guards he tells him. It makes getting to a place fast and easy.

I see, Hennri says. I figure that's how ye' got to me so fast he says to him smiling. 

Right again Dark Knight. The guard says to him.

Now's my chance Hennri says as he talks to himself in his head. I've broken the ice enough to the point where they should trust me a little. Imma shoot my shot.

 I wanted to know if any of you knew anything about the princess? 

Yey, a guard speaks up

Bingo Hennri says to himself. 

 It was four years ago one of  the guardsmen tells henri; it was a summer night. Id never forget it, it was beautiful, The night was young and nice. The sky was clear and the stars were shining bright. The moon was full and glowing. Suddenly a loud roar rang across the skies, up in the sky flew a huge Lindworm dragon.

Ahh a Lindworm eh. That's helpful. He thinks to himself, there aren't too many Lindworms that species of dragon is almost gone. So that only leaves a few options.

what did the beast look like? Hennri asks him.

It was a creature that I'd never forget. The beast was half serpent and half reptile with 2 giant wings. And was covered with black scales. 

Black and brown scales...I wonder? The dark knight continues to tink to himself. 

It was the first and last dragon we've ever seen. With that being said, This dragon was strange. He tells hennri 

Strange you say, I like strange. Explain henri tells the guard.

Well for starters, the dragon could talk and not only could breathe fire, but he could also shoot actually balls of fire from its mouth as well. 

That proves it, I know what dragon did this. He thinks to himself. 

Really henri says smiling. Now that's right up my alley. Did the dragon say anything to you?.

Ye, the spoke its name….. Orak the Dragon of Wonders 

BINGO! he says in his mind.

he was huge! The guard goes on. Easily 25 feet tall, He went on to say how he has been around for many years and he is one of the last of his kind still alive from the great dragon hunt years ago. He also said that he was  a practitioner of dragon magic which he demonstrated by setting our kingdom to blaze! His fires were hot and very hard to put out. During all the chaos he was able to take princess Julia. Once he got her he flew off and he's never to been seen again. 

It that right Dark knight henri replies as he thinks to himself. So, what happened to the Queen? henri asks the man. 

Queen Johanna died six months before the princess was taken. 

And how did she die? Henri asks. 

She died due to an incurable disease, not even a doctor from the order of the rosicrucian could heal her, some say it was the black death. 

How sad the knight says I'm sorry.

It's not long before they reach king Julius' castle. The castle is huge, as the light hits it, it glistens truly a marvel of Wonders. 

And this is the main castle the guardsmen says to the Dark Knight inside lives our Lord King Julius the third. The guard then yells for the doors to be opened. Once opened the caravan enters and the doors close behind them. 

While inside, henri looks around, Julius' palace is huge. It has marble floors, huge columns and portraits of past kings that have reigned. Your king sure does have a nice place henri says to the guards. 

Thank you knight of Demons. Like the title of king, this Castle was passed down to lord Julius from his father and his father received it from his father and so on. In fact, this castle is around about a hundred years. 

Is that right? And the castle is still in such fine condition. How so? Henri asks. 

Well every king has made some type of renovation to the palce.