
The Knight King Who Returned with a God

I returned to Earth after hunting demons in the otherworld for three hundred years. But I did not return alone.

Jav_3516 · 奇幻
13 Chs

Chapter 1 & 2: You Are Trapped With Me & Black Gate

Chapter 1: You Are Trapped With Me

I was reincarnated in a fantasy world.

A serene ceiling.

Instead of LED bulbs, oil lamps illuminated the room.

Silk and fur clothes. Looking at the dull wooden tableware, it was clear that this place was far behind Earth's civilization.

But well… it's a fantasy world, so this should be considered a wealthy household, right? It's a decent reincarnation for a poor orphan who died from overwork.

Above all, there was one thing that convinced me I was a noble. It was the beauty of my mother.

"My baby…"

The dazzling smile of my birth mother looking at me. Can a face like that not belong to a noble? I guess there won't be any problems with my future love life.

When I turned 3, I witnessed the world beyond the cradle, outside the room. Even considering that I was still a child, it was too big and grand.

"Young Master!"

The nanny, Mona, hurriedly picked me up. My first adventure ended like just that.

Looking back.

I should have never dreamed of such an adventure at that time.

If I had known that a real adventure was a 100% muddy swamp of reality, I wouldn't have gone through that hardship.

6 years.

It seems that the house I was reincarnated into was a famous duke family in the kingdom.

Duke Dragonia. The legendary knight who defeated the evil dragons and used its blood to rebuild the family. It seems they even produced four kings throughout history.

By the way, this kingdom follows an elective monarchy.

8 years.

As a future knight of the kingdom, I had to learn swordsmanship.

My heart raced. A fantasy knight! Could I also use a sword and aura like them as well?

The person who was supposed to teach me was Sir Gordic, a Holy Knight dispatched from the royal palace. I wonder what kind of person he is?

Huh? A Holy Knight?

10 years.

It hurts. It feels like my whole body is about to break.

Having chosen the path of a knight, every day I was being beaten up by that Gordic b*****d.

It was great that I became the successor of the duke family, even if it was a deficit. But every day, without fail, I trained with the sword and learned how to ride a horse.

Holy Knights… Yes, in fantasy terms, they are like Sword Masters or something.

The knights in this world were quite different from the fantasy knights I had in mind, but Holy Knights are truly monstrous beings, detached from humans.

However, to become a Holy Knight, you have to complete quests through training, become a knight of the kingdom, gain experience and honor, and then receive the selection of the Holy Grail, drinking its holy water.

Of course, you have to be strong, possess honor, and faithfulness to become a Holy Knight, the Sword Master of this world.

Damn it… I don't believe in religion.

14 years.

Every day is agony.

Let's set aside the bone-chilling training. I felt myself getting stronger as the days went by, so there was a sense of accomplishment. I could endure it.

The problem was etiquette and studying.

I was the heir to the duke. Naturally, I had to learn everything necessary to become a duke.

How to govern the people wisely, how to administer the law, philosophical debates between justice and law, and even studying scriptures and how to treat ladies.

In this world, there are numerous gods, and they say people offer sacrifices at temples and follow the words of the gods.

Gods… It sounds quite fantastical.

But me… I have to be recognized by some kind of goddess of justice to receive the Holy Grail's selection?

16 years.

I'm wandering around the world.

What? You're saying I should be in middle school at the age of sixteen? Interestingly enough, in this world, that age is considered an adult.

To fulfill the first condition in becoming a Holy Knight, I had to go beyond training and protect the kingdom's citizens while completing honorable quests.

And to receive these quests, I had to find an incarnation of the goddess.

How do I find her? Well, they simply told me to travel around the entire kingdom, raise my honor diligently, and she would come to me. It's maddening.

17 years.

Today, I fought against a group of orcs. Those despicable war-loving creatures. They invaded the kingdom's borders, killing its people. If not for them, the kingdom would be peaceful.

During the battle, I fought alongside Sir Gildus, a skilled swordsman, and Sir Antoine, the guardian of the forest, who took the form of a moving tree-like creature.

"Thank you, Sir knight! Thank you!"

"Tend to the wounded and establish order. May the kingdom's sword and the grace of the goddess be with you."

I worry. Despite their annual tax contributions that enriched the kingdom during bountiful harvests, there were too many enemies in this country.

There were too many non-human creatures surrounding us. These days, even cultists are gaining popularity.

20 years.

I met the Goddess.

It's not a joke. It's real. The Goddess truly exists.

Wasn't religion originally a means to enlighten and unite the ignorant?

Heaven? Hall of Fame? Banquets of gods? Weren't they all fabricated myths?

Sure, the current king has been ruling the kingdom for 110 years, but I thought he was a Holy Knight who used some kind of life extending method.

Even my mentor, Sir Gordic, was a 90-year-old Holy Knight.

"[Son of Duke Wolfrick Dragonia, Leon Dragonia. I shall bestow upon you a quest to prove your honor and faith.]"

"I humbly accept the Goddess's command!"

In my fourth year of knighthood, I finally met the incarnation of the goddess. Ariana truly exists!

I slayed orcs. I tore apart goblins. I vanquished wicked cultist groups and protected the kingdom's territories.

It wasn't bad. It was, in fact, good. Each time my honor soared, the ringing of my name, praise, admiration, and respect filled me with exhilaration.

Sir Gordic, son of Knight Galbat, Sir Anthok, the guardian of the mines, and Sir Greynar, the treeman who was merely 2 meters tall when I first met him, has now grown into a towering 5-meter tree giant.

I was acknowledged by the Holy Grail and became a Holy Knight.

27 years.

I became the youngest War Knight.

It seems my accomplishment of slaying the Orc Warlord and wiping out the savage nomadic tribes was noteworthy.

Those damned orcs, they always manage to gather armies of 100,000, 200,000, and attack us.

As a War Knight with the authority to make decisions about war and recruit knights, my first action was to conquer the orcs.

I buried 700,000 of those green-skinned bastards, regardless of age or gender. It feels satisfying.

35 years.

The honorable 14th Emperor, the living saint and demigod, Argent Majesty Lionheart passed away. It happened while he was battling an archdemon summoned by the empire.

Dealing with orcs is troublesome enough, and now demons are causing havoc. Those damned imperial mages. Their damn obsession with dark magic made me sick.

That's why humans should believe in gods and live a faithful life.

When people engage in pointless activities like pursuing their own desires and truths, it's no wonder that demons feast on hundreds of thousands of human lives.

Apart from that, we must select a new Holy Knight to succeed the Lionhearted Saint, who nearly perished while helping the empire.

"[Holy Knight Leon Dragonia.]"

"Yes, Ariana."

The goddess herself descended and pointed at me. It seems to be the first time in the kingdom's history that the goddess directly appointed someone instead of the Holy Grail's selection.

It must be due to my honorable feat of slaying the archdemon.

It was an honorable and challenging path, but I couldn't disappoint the knights and the kingdom's people who followed me.

That is how I became the Grand Duke Dragonia and the King of the Lionheart Kingdom.

With the blessing of the goddess, I received the sacred artifact, the Lion's Heart, and vowed to protect the Holy Grail. Armed with the Holy Sword and Holy Lance, I defeated the enemies of the kingdom.

80 years.

Many things happened during this time.

I fought three major wars against the orcs, and there was an incident where a peculiar Goblin turned into a formidable archdemon.

I could have torn that b*****d's throat apart, but unfortunately, he escaped through a demon gate.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Dark Magic faction is conducting experiments again!"

Are these damn empire bastards insane? What's wrong with them these days?

Lately, the empire has reached the height of debauchery and distrust.

They didn't even participate in the annual temple pilgrimage anymore, claiming independence from the gods like foolish advocates of divine separatism.

It's all because they've gathered those northern heretics. They were lacking soldiers, so they accepted those barbarians and even embraced their faith.

In our Lionheart Kingdom, they're nothing but lowly peasants destined to live and die like pigs. It's embarrassing to treat them like human beings.

Should we just conquer them for good? It feels like dealing with a teammate in a group project who constantly plays pranks.

98 years.

Those empire bastards have really stirred up trouble!

The Emperor, who didn't want to die, summoned the Lord of Chaos in the imperial capital during a secretive cult ritual!

A young brat not even in his seventies, craving immortality, led the capital's three million imperial citizens in a mass suicide!


With the Holy Sword, barely recovered from the orc battle last year, I gathered the knights.

121 years.

The world is falling apart. I truly did my best.

In place of the Goddess of Justice, Ariana, I slaughtered demons and dispatched the priests of the Goddess of Abundance, Demera, to rebuild the farmlands.

The God of Iron and Blacksmithing, Heto, provided armor and swords for the Holy Knights, and the God of War and Flames, Phetos, descended upon me, igniting the fires of the battlefield.

This marks the 23rd year of the Divine-Demonic War. Starting as a damn ball of shit from the empire, this war has led to the destruction of the entire world.

"Lord Leon."

"Sir Aren."

The son of my comrade, Antoine. He still possessed the appearance of his youthful enemies. Speaking of this, I had the same appearance as a hundred years ago, thanks to the grace of the goddess.

"Take pride, Sir Aren. Your father died honorably, and is now heading to the Banquet of Gods."


I comfort the son of my fallen comrade and look at the soldiers and knights who gaze at me. The final battle… No, it was our last stand.

The sound of the enemy's advance resonates through the land, along with the overwhelming emotions filling their eyes.

Fear, dread, helplessness, despair.

Oh, goddess.

Grant this feeble creature the heart of a lion and bestow radiant light upon the Holy Sword, O' owner of the shining Holy Grail.

Here, your lambs tremble in fear.

The women soothe crying children, swallowing their tears.

The young men tightly hold onto the dwindling spark of resistance.

The knights strive to leave seeds of hope in the blood-soaked wasteland.

But my goddess, owner of the Holy Sword, the Holy Lance, and the Holy Grail.

Your first knight knows that he cannot stop the extending evil beyond the horizon.

Oh, goddess.

My goddess. What should this foolish knight do?

"[Do as thou wilt.]"


"[My knight, my honorable knight. Your goddess will be with you until the end.]"

The goddess is with me.

We will ultimately face our true end, and that end shall be glorious.

"For the goddess, for honor, for Lionheart!"

121 years.

That winter we clashed with millions of demons that filled the earth.

The barbaric peasant farmers valiantly sacrificed themselves as meat shields, while the armed freemen and glorious knights with spears and shields fell honorably.

The Holy Knights who annihilated the demons until the very last moment ascended one by one.

As the sole representative chosen by all the gods in the temple, I alone slaughtered the demons until the end.

I tore apart numerous demon lords and archdemons, revealing the sanctity of the Holy Knights to them.

217 years.

Winter has not yet ended.

256 years.

I destroyed the last remaining demon gate. Tens of thousands of demons, with despair in their hollow eyes, looked at me.

"You wretched and despicable creatures! You are now trapped in this world with me! I will annihilate every last one of you!"

I am not the one trapped!

You are the ones trapped with me, you bastards!

300 years.

"Holy shit, I've never seen a gate like this before, where the hell are we?"

"Stay alert, Hariya. It's been 13 years since the last immeasurable gate. We don't know what will come out."

"I know… But why is this gate not even ranked?"

"I don't know… maybe there's some kind of high-level demon inside?"

"Don't say such horrible things."

It has been exactly 300 years since I last encountered the Earthlings.

Chapter 2: Black Gate

A gate opened in the heart of Seoul.

In itself, it wasn't a particularly rare occurrence.

Since the global opening of gates 30 years ago, gates appearing in the middle of urban areas like Jamsil, Namyangju, Songdo, and others had become a daily occurrence.

The problem was the grade of the gate.


It was a grade that even the official measurement standards of the World Hunter Association deemed as an outlier [Beyond Standard].

Since it was measured by the energy level within the gate, it boasted a 99.9% accuracy rate.

The Korean Hunter Association had made comprehensive preparations for this. They requested support from the World Hunter Association and asked the domestic guilds, considered the best in the country, to enter the gate.

"F*****g bastards… They're only busy at times like this."

"Do the guilds always act like this?"

Han Hari, a hunter affiliated with the Hunter Association, responded to the words of Chief Kim Jin-su without much surprise.

The appearance of a black-grade gate after 13 years. The major guilds in the country refused initial entry and chose to observe.

In a way, it was only natural. Even with the A-grade gates, like the crimson ones, numerous casualties occurred. But a grade beyond the unknown danger of S-grade, black-grade?

No major guild wanted to waste their precious resources in an immeasurable gate.

As a result, the Hunter Association under the government had no choice but to intervene to examine the nature of the gate.

A reconnaissance team would enter first, assess the level of danger, and return with as much information as possible to distribute to the major guilds.

Having proper prior information could provide significant advantages in formulating strategies, so it was also a textbook approach.

The problem was the advance team had to enter without any prior information themselves.

"Hari… Are you going to be okay?"

Chief Kim looked at Hari, who had accompanied the Hunter Association's advance team, with a worried expression.

It was a dangerous reconnaissance mission. The Association had even chosen candidates, leaving behind their wills, displaying their utmost determination.

It was disheartening to see a promising newcomer from the Association stepping into such a place.

"I'll be fine. After all, I'm the only A-rank hunter among the candidates. We need at least one proper combatant, right?"

"Still… I'm just worried."

An A-rank hunter was undoubtedly a significant force. Above all, the Hunter Association practically had no affiliated A-rank hunters.

Talented hunters of that caliber had all joined the major guilds.

"For the safety of the citizens and the well-being of the nation! Isn't that our association's motto?"

"…You're such a stubborn girl."

She is one of the few promising talents in the association.

In the modern world where the major guilds have absorbed most of the talented individuals, the hunters who volunteer to become government officials are usually of D or C rank. At best, they reach B rank after considerable effort.

In such an association, a promising A-rank hunter who applied for employment right after graduating from the academy. If nurtured well, she could become the only S-rank hunter, excluding the association's chairman.

Deep down, he wanted to tell her to please go back for the sake of her future. But the advance team was too understaffed to send her back like this.

It's been 13 years since the appearance of a black-grade gate. Even if it required the presence of S-rank hunters instead of A-ranks, there was only one A-rank hunter, Hari.

"Well… Let's pray that she comes back alive."

-Entering! Everyone, get ready!

* * * *

"Hmm… Of all things, it had to be a field-type gate."

Inside the gate they entered was a mess.

Some gates were desolate as if they had been destroyed, but the black gate entered by the advance team exceeded their imagination.

First, the sky was dyed red.

The reddish sky was not some level of sunset glow or anything like that.

It was a sinister shade of red, as if the sky had been flipped over.

There was not a single blade of grass on the ground. It was so barren and desolate that one might wonder if this place had ever been inhabited by living beings.

"Wow, I've never seen a gate like this before. Where on earth are we?"

"Stay on edge, Hari. It's been 13 years since we encountered an immeasurable gate. We don't know what might come out."

"I know… But why is the ranking measurement not possible in this world?"

"I don't know… Maybe there's high-level demons here?"

"Don't say such terrible things."

That's when it happened. A message window appeared for Hari and the other hunters from the association who had entered.

[Gate Mission]

The mission system window that emerged after gates appeared in the world and hunters awakened their magical powers.

It's a valuable system that provides hunters entering the gate with minimal information and clear objectives.



However, the hunters who checked the system window turned pale with a bluish hue.

[Hunt down all demons.]

Remaining demons: 117 / ???????


Among numerous gates, a species that sporadically appears in high-grade gates.

Six years ago, a high-ranking demon named Kanbara emerged from a crimson-grade gate and even killed Korea's S-rank hunter, Go Jin-hyuk.

And that's not all. Twenty-two years ago, the appearance of a great demon like Scarjyakaria or the monarch-class demon in China also resulted in a terrible disaster.

"F**k! Damn it! We need to get out of here right now!"


Even Chief Kim, with his strong nerves, was thrown into confusion by the worst-case scenario.

This gate was one of the demon gates among the countless gates where demons appear.

"Those bastards don't die even if you kill them!"

They are not truly immortal beings. They simply resurrect.

Twenty-two years ago, the great demon Scarjyakaria that emerged from the Shanghai demon gate has been subjugated more than five times to this day.

However, the demon gate didn't disappear and resurrects every four years, causing dungeon breaks.

"Calm down, Chief. Even though they are demons, there are only 117 of them. It might be easier to finish them off than expected."

"That's the problem! There are only 117 of them, yet it's a black-grade gate! That means even if we underestimate, there will still be great demons!"

The rating of the dungeon is determined by the amount of energy within it.

Even though there are only 117 demons, the fact that it is a black-grade gate implies that each individual is incredibly powerful to a terrifying extent.

Above all, if it's a demon gate with great demons, there is a concern that, like the Shanghai demon gate, the dungeon may not close and remain permanently.

It's a dreadful situation. Because of that demon gate, Shanghai itself turned into a ghost city.

"For now, retreat! We need to inform the association about the demon gate!"

This is not something that can be handled by a mere advance team of fewer than 20 people.

It was when the party leader, Chief Kim, made the decision to retreat.

"Chief! Look over there!"

A hunter pointed in a direction. There, a demon with a large mask-like face was looking down at the hunters.

"Damn it… Greatsword!"

A lesser demon, Greatsword.

A humanoid demon of about 1.5 meters wielding a sword much larger than his own body.

However, one cannot let their guard down just because it is a lesser demon. Among the demons, the Greatsword possesses an unusually powerful attack power.

As the name suggests, the attacks of the Greatsword, wielding a massive sword, cause unstoppable bleeding when they graze the human body.


And there were not just one or two Greatswords.

They kept appearing one after another. In addition, the number of other demons had already exceeded a hundred.

"They're causing a dungeon break already?"

There is usually a grace period until the mission is cleared for any gate. But for them to rush in like this as soon as the gate opens?

-It's a gate! It's a gate!

-We're alive, we're alive!

-Run, run!

The demons rejoiced with eerie cheers. The hunters grasped their weapons as they watched the demons running towards them gasping for breath.

"H-Hey, snap out of it! We mustn't let the demons cross the gate! If they get to Earth, they can hide right away!"

That's the characteristic of demons.

They disguise themselves as humans or hide within human shadows.

Because even if just one demon manages to blend in, terrible things happen, the principle is to close the demon gate from within the gate.

"Get in formation! I'll take the lead!"


Despite Chief Kim's objections, Hari drew her sword at the front.

Even though she wasn't a tank, standing at the front was tantamount to a suicidal act. But right now, to encourage the hunters who were gripped by fear, they needed her.

-Run! Run!

-I want to live! I don't want to be obliterated!

Demons charging forward, babbling in an unknown language, rushed at them. The first to charge at the front were the Hellhounds.

Though it was a low-level demon, its speed was faster than a car with quadrupedal locomotion. They were sprinting towards Hari, panting heavily.


Hellhounds leaped forward. Hari infused magic into her sword and cut them down.

The magically infused sword effortlessly sliced through their hides, and the agonizing Hellhounds writhed in pain.

"Alright! A good start!"

She took care of four of them in one go. As she hoped that her morale would rise while witnessing her own struggle, the split-open Hellhounds began exhibiting abnormal behavior.

"W-What's… going on?"

The Hellhounds, who should have received fatal wounds, poured out blood and continued to run determinedly, as if they were trying to cross the gate no matter what.

"Block them!"

But the united front of the prepared hunters obstructed their path.

It wasn't just the Hellhounds. The Greatswords also collided with the front-line hunters and barely even bothered to retaliate, crawling towards the gate.

"They're coming! They're coming!"

"They're coming! They're coming!"

"No, run! Cross the gate!"

"What… what's going on?"

"Did these guys take some sort of collective drug…?"

Thanks to that, the demons were easily defeated, but Hari and the other hunters couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling.

Even though they knew these creatures would resurrect after some time, why were they charging so recklessly, as if they were "running away"?

"Hari, watch out!"

Then it happened. Bam! Something struck the ground. The overwhelming force that swept everyone away with just the aftermath of the shockwave.


Hari was sprawled on the ground. She struggled to regain her blurred consciousness and assess what had happened.

"W-What on earth…?"

Something had landed. Hari quickly realized what it was.


A gigantic presence entered her field of vision.

A colossal ax of enormous proportions, surpassing torn notches and anything human.

A horrifying gaze, with tattered skin and an evil aura one wouldn't even want to see in their dreams.


A high-ranking demon.

A winged giant.

The nightmare of the demon gate that even S-rank hunters were torn apart by.

"Move aside, you lowly beings! Before I kill you all!"

The demon overwhelmed the hunters with a bone-chilling sonic boom.

The hunters were suppressed by his emanating aura and couldn't even dare to move.

"I-It's over."

Motionless legs and bated breath. Despair and fear weighed down on everyone.

"No, this can't happen. If he crosses over to Earth…"

They had to stop him. If such a monster caused a dungeon break in the heart of Seoul… millions of citizens would be in danger!

"No, I can't allow it."

Hari raised her sword. She forcefully dragged her immobile legs. She stood before the overwhelming despair, unable to resist.

"To insignificant human vermin…!"

The Archdemon licked his lips as he looked at Hari standing before him. However, there was an unusual lack of vitality in her. The emotion he emanated was one of desperation.

"Move aside, you worm!"

As if trying to sweep away insects, he swung a light blow. Hari concentrated all her magical power to block the ax strike…


With just a single blow, they were sent flying towards the gate.


The ground itself turned into a weapon, brutally attacking Hari's body with that single strike. She truly felt its impact.

A monster.

That was a monster.

She truly felt it with that single blow.

Its presence was enough to break even the will to survive.


As the dying ember trembled precariously, a figure stood before her.

At first, she thought it was Chief Kim. However, her field of vision showed hunters from the Association, overwhelmed by the Archdemon's presence and unable to move.

Even the veteran Chief Kim was trembling and unable to move. The head of the Archdemon, rolling on the ground.


The head that was rolling in front of her… Was it the head of the Archdemon that had just brought them to despair?

"Damn Lionheart! No! No!"

The Archdemon screamed. He writhed in agony as his body disintegrated from the severed neck. And it wasn't just him. The surrounding demons were trembling in fear, shivering uncontrollably.


The appearance of the Archdemon was eerie. In recorded videos, the Archdemons always resurrected and cursed humanity with their usual arrogance.

But what about the Archdemon in front of her now?

"No! No! The Sacred Law… My soul… is being annihilated!"

He desperately thrashed around, as if facing imminent death.


I understand.

The demons didn't gather to cause a dungeon break.

They rushed towards the gate desperately, not to summon a curse, but to escape from someone.

Who? Who could make those ruthless demons, endlessly resurrecting demons, tremble like this?

"This will be your end."

Am I seeing things?

In this ruined world, he stood there, bare-bodied, holding only an old longsword.

Yet, the light shining from his aura was so graceful and radiant, almost divine.

"Rise, courageous one."

The words flowing from his lips had a dignified and antiquated tone that exuded nobility.

The tone, demeanor, posture… everything enveloped the man's appearance.

Just hearing his voice revived the dying ember within.


What on earth is this? Who is this man before me…?

"Now is not the time to fall… Stand up and fight."

Just hearing his voice filled me with strength. Overflowing vitality and energy lifted my battered body.

"You… who are you…?"

Hari asked, and the golden-haired man with a radiant presence replied with a solemn expression.

"I am the Lionheart King. The King of the glorious knights and the one who carries out the will of the Pantheon. I am Leon Dragonia Lionheart."

The man raised his sword.

[All demons have been defeated.]

Remaining demons: 0 / ???????