
4: We are gooblock.

Steven walked passes the walls and entered the purple metal city. he saw hundreds of blob like figures walking about the city. but this time he noticed other kinds of blobs figures. A few of then had skin with a darker shade of green and were much bulkier. if you could compare them the normal blob like figure was like a skinny person vs the chad male supermodel dark green blob figure. The most noticeable aspect were the flesh claws were very large the size of a normal persons chest. steven slowly walked into the city. it seemed that if they wanted to kill him they would have already attacked. still he remained discreetly to avoid suspision. He noticed any near by blob figures looked at him odd but none interacted with him. As he felt safer he started to look for clues trying to figure out how to get home and avoid getting attacked by an army of blob figures. As he started to look at a large building in front of him he felt some large claws softly land on his shoulder and a voice in his head that said "you seem lost little one" and hear again" i will show you the correct place to be". As steven turned he saw it was one of the larger blob figures with dark green skin and large claws. Steven simply said yes and began to follow the larger blob figure. he had a feeling his life would come to and end if he gave any other answer. As they both continuted to walk they headed for a large long purple metal building. It had strange symbols in the front but somehow steven knew it meant Gooblock barracks. He started to understand that gooblock was not his name. Its was the name of this race of blobs and some how he was now one of them.