
A King's Story...

Artoria Looked at shock at Ryo, as he came limping towards her

Artoria [Ryouto! What happened?]

Ryo [*coughs Blood* I Won…]

Artoria looked at Ryo's tired body, she was about to drop her sword, because there was no reason to fight him now, he was already done for, so Artoria, Assumed that no matter what, she can easily win, but she didn't want to win their battle this way so she lowered her sword, which was instantly noticed by Ryo

Ryo [Oii, Don't lower your sword, I told you didn't I? You will learn what a true king is today]

Getting angry at Ryo, who was too tired to fight Artoria shouted at him

Artoria [You think I'm Going to fight someone that is too tired to even walk? What do you take me for?]

Ryo [Fuhahahahaha*Coughs*hahaha, I don't remember telling you that I'm your enemy ? don't you feel it ? the one you fear the most is already there, Since the moment you were summoned she has always been by your side, Now she wants to beat you up! She wants you to see the truth of your actions, she wants to show you your mistakes!]

Not understanding what Ryo was trying to say, Artoria was confused but then she felt it, the feeling that has been lingering inside of her since she was summoned, as if there was a shadow that was following her and judging her, looking behind her Artoria watched as a woman that looked exactly like her emerged, she had the same appearance, but to express her dark nature, she had a pale skin and golden eyes, with a Dark Armor, this was of of course, he Alter version, There was never another Saber in this grail war, because Artoria already occupied both classes, This was the start of a battle of Ideologies between The Tyrant King and The Naïve King, Between Artoria Pendragon and her counterpart, Artoria Pendragon Alter

Artoria [Who? No, What are you?]

Alter [I am a better Warrior, a superior leader, and a true King]

Ryo [she is the guest I invited, she is The tyrant King, that led her Kingdom with power instead of laws, she stands above all, and none can compare, she is the King of Tyrants and of course she is the shadow that you hold]

Artoria [And you think that is a better King than me?]

Ryo [I don't know, why not figure it out yourself ?]

As soon as Ryo said that, Alter attacked Artoria not even giving her a chance to respond, Ryo in the other hand simply moved away and watched as the two figure it out themselves

Ryo "it's time for you to learn, Artoria, Both of you are wrong, but it's not to late to learn"

Having been tasked of finding saber, Semiramis failed her mission, but then she found a different person, that person is in front of her, she chased her throughout the city, but in the end she was cornered, Semiramis, forcefully teleported the figure inside Vimana, so she can still be in her throne, the figure was of course, Caster, who was presumed dead by everyone, but she survived, for so long even without a master,

Semiramis [I can tell, just by looking at you, you are the clingy type, Hahahaha, You are the type of person that would fall in love with the first person that saves you Ahahahaha Honestly, you should have stayed dead]

Caster [You don't know anything, I will kill you]

Summoning magical circles to attack Semiramis, caster was met by chains emerging from the ground, and although she tried to escape by flying it was too late, as those chains already restrained her, not being able to move, Caster, felt helpless as she looked at Semiramis, who was sitting on her throne

Semiramis [Tsk, You think I don't know how you feel? in my time, woman only existed for breeding, but I didn't bow my head like you! I rose to the top and made Men bow to me, as they should, I wasn't born a Queen, I chose to become one by my own powers, The master I have now is different, I chose him as well, I love him, Unlike you who always bows to whoever gives you a helping hand, Honestly, I despise woman like you, who never try to be stronger, Die]

From the shadows of Caster, a Dragon like monster emerged eating Caster a whole, marking an end to her pitiful existence

Semiramis [*sigh* I supposes I was a bit too harsh on her, I hope master summons her later, maybe in master's world she can live a happy life *sigh* speaking of which, I should go to master]


Rin's mission was helping Illya and saving her from becoming, the holy Grail vessel, this would have been easy if power was the same as appearance, but alas that wasn't true, Illya easily overpowered Rin in terms of magic, which meant that right now Rin is on the run, and if that wasn't bad, the fact that Illya has Two superhuman maids, was something that Rin didn't see coming so now she was cornered with nothing but words to safe her !

Rin "What the hell! Why didn't Ryo tell me about her maids? or how strong she is ?"

Rin [GANDR! Gandr!]

Shooting to Red curses at Illya, Rin was met by two bird figures blocking the Attacks

Rin [You damned, Brat!]

Illya [Aren't you a bit too weak to be a mage? maybe you should go back to the tower, and train again]

??? [Illya-Sama, we should end this fast, the magical energy from the other servants is worrying me, we might need to escape]

Illya [SELLA! Are you saying Berserker might lose?]

Sella [even if he doesn't, he might be ambushed on the way back, and he can't help you then]

??? [I agree with Sella]

Illya [you two Leysritt!]

Rin [I told you that I'm here to help you not fight, why are you so persistent of beating me!]

Illya [I have to win, Sorry, but no allies!]

Rin [Achilles is out there, you think Berserker can win? Ryouto already made short work of him the other day, you think that the other Berserker will make a difference? None of the Berserks will survive, it's a simple matter of being outclassed, maybe next time, but Ryo has offered to keep you safe, so why not take it?]

It was at that moment that Illya got angry and attacked Rin, The bird familiar that was created was a millimetre from cutting Rin, as she couldn't react, but perhaps by a work of fate, it was at that moment that Ryo opened the Magical Realm, putting a stop to all magic in the world, which meant no familiar can be summoned, and the familiar disappeared before it could hit Rin

Feeling the ground shake as a blinding light shone brighter than anything else stopped both Rin and Illya from using magic, then after a second the light diminished, and looking at her hand, Illya felt the death of Heracles, she dropped to her knees

Illya [Basaka! Noooooooooooo]

Leysritt [Illya-Sama!]

Leysritt, Illya's best friend dropped to hug Illya and emotionally be there for her, although most Einzbern homunculi don't have emotions, being around Rin made them a bit aware, and know when to comfort Illya

Illya [YOU! It's your fault, Kill her!]

Sella listening to Illya's ordered was about to kill Rin using her Magic, but before it could hit she was once gain saved, this time by Medusa, Who came rushing to protect her

Sakura [Are you Okay Rin?]

Rin [Sakura! Thank god, I was about to be killed, Why are you here?]

Sakura [Oh, Ryo said, that you will need help against Illya?]

Rin [That Asshole! he didn't even tell me about the maids!]

Medusa [You needed practice in mage battle so that's why he didn't tell you, and tasked us of helping you, sorry that we were late, that Caster was an eyesore, so we had to disposed of him properly]

Illya [Don't just watch, Kill them]

Sella [Illya-Sama they have a servant with them now]

Sakura [Wait! hold on Illyasviel! Ryouto said that he will help you, so please reconsider, They have a servant with them, we don't have a chance!]

Illya [If he wanted to help us then why did he Kill Berserker!]

Sakura [Oh yeah, He said that he will revive it if you agree to ally with us!]

Illya [Can he? Can he Do that? IF SO than yes, I will ally with you!]

Sakura [Don't worry, Ryo promised to help you]

Illya [What about Sella and Leysritt?]

Sakura [They can come as well! so don't worry]


The clash between Artoria and Alter continued as the two of them destroyed whatever left by Ryo and Achilles' Battle, Artoria's wind and Golden energy faced by Alter's Dark and Evil energy, the two battle it out to their heart's content, it was truly a battle of Kings…

Gripping her sword Artoria Tried to side step from Alter's Attack and then inflect a wound on her abdomen, however that failed as not only Did Alter think the same way, she also had the same instinct as Artoria, it wasn't easy to beat your own copy, especially when it had the same energy as you, and the fact that it was mentally attacking you as well

Alter [You were never competent leader, you simply fought for your people, never fixing their problems or ever caring about their struggles, you didn't bring Peace to your people, you only brought weakness, and yet here you are claiming to be a Noble King, and calling yourself the King of Knights !]

Saying what was inside her heart Alter than Slashed her sword in attempt to cut Artoria in half, of course this failed, as the swords clashed but, the fact that Artoria was backing down further and further, showed who had the advantage

Alter [You watched as the Round table broke, and failed to control your own circle of warriors, you watched as Lancelot betrayed you, and instead of giving him the Punishment he deserved, you forgave him, thinking that you were a noble King, Foolish! He wanted to be punished, he wanted to be taught a lesson! He wanted you to act like a KING! ]

Artoria [You think I don't know that!]

Alter [You do know that, but how long did it take you to figure it out? it was until you were mocked by two true Kings! it was until you faced him again! you led him to madness! when he only wanted to see you succeed, but you were never worthy, you were a naïve Child with the powers of a King]

Gripping her sword again, Artoria activated her Mana burst, as an Exploding energy flow throughout her body and she attacked Alter, but she was again met by the same, Activating her own Mana burst, Alter faced, as the two sword clashed, and golden energy and black energy collided like lasers!

Attempting to kick Alter to gain advantage Artoria was met by Alter's foot, because although she wasn't out yet, Alter too was learning with Ryo, learning everything Artoria learned! She learned to win and use all her body instead of only swordsmanship

Alter [And of course, your biggest mistake! the child that only wanted to be loved! a naïve child that only held love and admiration for his King, For his Father, but you shunned her and pushed her away, simply because, your sister made her, it was your fault, not hers, And in the end, you died filled with regret, and yet here you stand! wanting to be a King again and save your country! You felt it too, You aren't worthy of being a King, when you saw the other man, Achilles, You felt connection with him, he too was blessed by the gods, he too was a natural born warrior, just like you, but he knew his worth, so he chose to fight like the warrior he is, under a true ruler ! Unlike you who claimed to be a king, and of course, failed! Watch Me Ryouto! Watch me as I prove to you why this False King will always fail, Watch me!]

Alter backed down and started to collect her energy, sensing the inevitable release of a Noble Phantasm Artoria backed down and collected her own energy

Both Kings looked at each other as they chanted and prepared to strike each other down

Alter {Cry out, It is time to fall to the ground

Hammer of the Vile King

Overturn the aurora

Swallow the light!

★Excalibur Morgan!★}

Artoria [Then I will Respond with the same, I… No matter what! I believe that I am worthy of my title, I will never falter, and I will always face all my enemies, I will use this opportunity, I will use this meeting with you, To learn from my mistakes, So Yes ! Watch me as well Ryouto, Watch me learn to stand by your side, As a KING!


The gathering breath of the star

The shining torrent of life

Take this!


The Two torrents of Light clashed with each other, as Light and darkness clashed, as the ideologies clashed, as The Kings clashed

This was truly a fight between two equals!

Watching, as two attacks that could potentially equal his Magical realm clashed, Ryo felt the pride that both held, as he saw that both were hit by their own attacks, and an Explosion destroyed everything in its path! under normal circumstances, they both would have died, and to an extent, they did, Alter died and was sent to the Throne of heroes once again, While Artoria, due to her statues as a Counter guardian, was teleported to her resting place, but it was then that they both felt it, and both of course watched and accepted Ryo's gift !


Would you like to accept serving under The Demon Emperor Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan?

[Yes] or [No]


(A/n Lets Go bois, We need More PowerStones!)


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