
Chapter 356 Death Gun and Machinery Intelligence Life_1

"Leave it to me!"

Lu Ran had thought the Ghost Mother was about to issue some legendary-level quest, so when he found out it was just to help gather messenger information, he was taken aback.

Even if the Ghost Mother hadn't mentioned it, he would have taken the initiative to ask if she needed an introduction.

Now that the Ghost Mother herself had brought it up, it saved Lu Ran the trouble of talking.

[No problem.]

Manager Ying was also very satisfied, feeling that her effort in nurturing Lu Ran's intelligence was not in vain.

In fact, Lord Divine Deer's task was simply to have Lu Ran look for the Divine Turtle and suggest the Divine Turtle nurture messengers.

Now, with the information from Infinite City and the identity of the Divine Deer, Lu Ran had bluffed the Ghost Mother by exploiting the information gap, and convinced her to consider nurturing messengers as well. The possibilities for maneuvering just expanded significantly.

100,000 samples of high-quality human blood...