
The Master

Guy and Bear got the job and are now shoveling the poop off the ground of the horse stables.

"You couldn't have picked a better job?" complains Guy.

"Well, I figure no one would want to work at the stables, so it was guaranteed work," replies Bear.

Guy fills a wheel barrel full of horse dung and tries to push it away, but it's too heavy.

"Let me help," Bear takes the wheel barrel and dumbs it outside the stables.

"Thanks," Guy appreciates the help.

The boys finish up and go back inside the stable house. They find the Stableman playing a gambling card game with two other men, one of them is a Capital Guard.

Bear speaks up, "Excuse me?" The Stableman ignores him.

Guy gets annoyed, "Hey! We came to get paid!"

The men stop chatting and look over at Guy and Bear.

"Oh, yea," mumbles the Stableman.

He fumbles in his pocket for money, but he laid most of it on the table gambling.

"Here that's all I got," he hands them a few coins.

"You promised us more than this," says Bear.

"That's all I've got, get lost."

Bear turns to Guy, "Look on the bright side, maybe we can get an apple to share?"

The boys walk towards the door, but Guy gets angry, he runs over and grabs a handful of Stableman's gambling money.

"Hey!" shouts the Stableman

Guy grabs Bear's hand and runs out the door.

The Capital guard stands up, "I'll handle this."

Guy leads Bear into the street, but Bear, "Guy, what are you doing?"

"I took what we were promised, and now we can eat!"

Across the street, a man dressed in fancy clothes noticed the two boys arguing.

The Capital guard comes out the stables and spots the boys, "There you are, you little weasel!"

The well-dressed man is now intrigued and watches from a distance.

Bear approaches the guard with the money, "Forgive us sir, I don't know what my brother was thinking."

The Capital guard pushes Bear out of the way and grabs Guy, "I don't care about the money!"

Guy slaps at the guard's hands, "Let me go!

The guard drags Guy into the nearest alleyway and throws him to the ground.

Bear quickly runs in between Guy and the guard, "Sir, please, he won't do it again!"

"I know he won't, I'm going to teach him a lesson he won't forget," the guard wipes his cape back to reveal a magic book.

The book begins to glow, and the guard's hands begin to admit heat.

The well-dressed man is now watching from the end of the alleyway and decides to step in, but then Bear picks up a rock and throws it at the guard's head. The guard stumbles back.

"We already apologized! I won't let you do this!" shouts Bear.

"You little rodent!" the guard aims his hand at the boys

"Wait!" the well-dressed man grabs the guard, but it's too late! The guard shoots a fire ball at boys. Bear stands his ground, the fireball hits his chest and explodes, engulfing Bear and Guy in flames.

The well-dressed man pushes the guard up against the wall.

The guard recognizes him, "Master?"

The Master presses his elbow into the guard's neck, "What in the hell is wrong with you-" suddenly a rock hits the guard in the head, knocking him out. The Master looks over to see Bear and Guy unharmed. The Master drops the guards onto the ground, "you should be ashamed to call yourself a Capital Guard."

He approaches Bear and touches his arm looking for any wounds. The Master looks to be in his forties, with fancy clothes and shoulder-length black and gray hair.

"Not a single burn or scratch on you," the Master says to Bear.

Guy looks at himself up and down, he is also unharmed.

"Maybe his magic wasn't that strong," replies Bear.

The Master smiles, "Where are your parents?"

"We're orphans," replies Bear.

"Where are you staying tonight?"

"On the street," replies Guy.

"Come with me," the Master leads the boys to a fancy horse and carriage, a servant opens the door for them.

"Where are we going?" asks Bear.

"Somewhere better than the slums," says the Master.

After a moment of thought, the boys climb into the carriage.

The carriage stops, Guy and Bear get out and discover they have left the Capital. In front of them is a large gate with the symbol of crossed swords. The Master leads the boys inside.

They are led past a huge training ground, where students are learning how to fight with swords, hand to hand, and bows. The students and instructors bow as the Master strolls by.

The Master continues past the training grounds and to a second gate. Inside the second area is a huge house, with a massive yard and a personal training ground. The boys are led to the front door, where two maids are waiting.

The Master addresses a maid, "Get them washed up and clothed, dinner will be waiting for them." The Master turns to Bear, "I will see you at dinner."

The maids lead Guy and Bear to a bath, where they are scrubbed down.

"This amazing!" Says Bear

Guy, on the other hand, is trying to get away from the maid.

"The soap is in my eyes!" he shouts.

The boys finish their bath and are dressed in new clothes. They are then escorted to a huge dining room where they see the Master sitting at a table. Next to the Master is a 4-year-old girl. She's waves at the Guy and Bear, and the boys awkwardly wave back.

"Please sit," says the Master.

Bear and guy sit down, and the maids bring them a buffet of food. Guy Immediately digs in, but Bear looks at the master questionably.

The Master smiles, "Please eat."

Bear throws caution to the wind and starts eating.

"I'm sure you have questions, so allow me to explain. I am Master Aldrich Nixess, but people just call me Master Nixess. I run this academy," says the Master.

"Academy?" asks Bear.

"When we first entered, you saw my training grounds where my instructors train all the King's guard. My academy is also where all the Lords send their children to train. However, I don't personally train any of them, only the ones I find worthy."

"What do you want from us?" asks Guy.

The Master Ignores Guy, "I saw what you did in that ally, you owned up to your mistakes and you protected your brother."

"Of course, anyone would have done that," says Bear

The Master smiles, "Risk their lives for another? No, that is rare, and what's more rare is the guard's magic didn't harm you at all."

Bear looks down at his hands.

The Masters smiles, "I have the same gift, and I've been searching for a long time to find someone like you."

"Why did you bring me here?" asks Bear.

The Master gest serious, "I need a champion, someone capable of wielding my powers."

Guy and Bear stop eating, "power?"

"It's a serious commitment, but all you need to know is if you say yes, you will become the strongest warrior in the whole kingdom," says the Master. "But for now, finish your meal and get some rest, I expect an answer tomorrow," the Master leaves along with Ellian, who waves goodbye.

After dinner, Guy and Bear are led to a nice bedroom with two beds for both brothers.

They get in bed, and after a minute or two, Guy speaks up, "Are you going to say yes?"

"I can't see why not, we would have a home. All we gotta do is a little bit do training," replies Bear.

"You think he will let me stay? He seemed to only want you," say Guy.

"Of course he will, we're brothers, we have the same abilities, that Magic didn't hurt you either," but Bear can tell Guy is still doubtful.

"Don't worry Guy, I won't accept unless he accepts you too," says Bear.

The next morning, Bear and Guy are led outside to the training grounds in front of the Master's house, where the Master is waiting for Bear.

Bear steps forward while Guy stays back.

"What is your answer?" asks the Master.

"I will accept your offer," says Bear.

"Good-" Bear interrupts the Master, "under one condition."

The Master is curious, "and what's that?"

"You train Guy too," says Bear.

The Master looks over at Guy and then back at Bear, "No."

Bear is surprised, "But-" The Master interrupts him, "your brother stole and then cowarded behind you when he was caught, he is not worthy."

"I know what he did wasn't right, but that's not who Guy is, he is just as worth as me!" replies Bear.

"I said NO!" shouts the Master, Guy's heart drops.

"I won't stay here, not without my brother," Bear says as he turns away, "Thank you for your offer, but you will have to search for a new champion."

Bear walks away.

"Wait-" says the Master.

Bear stops.

"I won't break up a family, he can stay," says the Master.

Guy steps forward, "Thank you-" the Master cuts him off, "I will allow him to join us during training, but I will only instruct you Bear."

Bear looks over at Guy, and they both nod in agreement.

"And from now on I will be giving the orders! Go change into training clothes, your first lesson begins now!" Says the Master.

The boys return in the right outfits and sit down in front of the Master.

"The mind and body are what you will master before you learn my technique," the Master explains.

"Technique?" asks Bear.

"That comes last, I won't show you that for some time," the Master signals to his servants, and they roll in a boulder. "You'll have to become stronger-" The Master punches the boulder, and it explodes into pieces. Another servant steps forward and opens a magic book. "And fearless!" say the Master.

The servant summons a fire beast, and it charges at the Master, and he stops it with his hand. "The mind leads the body, and the body can sometimes lead the mind. Without the mind and body mastered, my technique will destroy you."

The boys look nervous.

"This Bear is why I chose you. I believe you can survive this training, but-" the Master looks at Guy, "If either of you fail, you will die."

To be continued...