
Shiki-sensei and VS Kakashi

"I want to train with you too!" Announced Sakura!

"Oh? I usually give extra service to cuties like you . . ." Started Shiki making Sakura blush bu then he narrowed his eyes and continued. "But why is it that you want to train with me?"

"Why?" Said Sakura, inquisitively.

"What is the reason for your desire to train? What skills do you hope to learn? For what purpose do you want those skills? Things like that." Specified Shiki.

"I . . . During the promotion exam, I noticed that my skills were far behind even Naruto's so I thought I should train more so that I don't hold them back and since Sasuke-kun and Naruto both said they train with you . . . I figured . . ."

"Sakura-chaaan, what did you mean by "even" me!?" Interrupted Naruto from the side.

"Shut it you idiot! My chakra control and test scores were generally better than yours so if even you can get that good by training with Shiki-san, I can obviously do it too!" Shouted Sakura, making Naruto down.

"Let me stop you right there pink ornament!" Said Shiki.

"Ornament!?" Shouted Sakura offended by the name.

"'Cause you're mostly useless and only serve for decorative purposes!"

Ino tried to mediate from the side and whisper to Sakura, telling her to apologize but she didn't listen.

"So you're saying that I'm just a flower vase that can only look pretty in the picture!?"

Shiki did think she was kind of cute but since she was unrepentant, he wouldn't give her even that.

"I just said you're an ornament! I never said you were a good looking one!" Mercilessly announced Shiki, shutting up Sakura.

"As for the things you said. Even though Naruto isn't the smartest tool in the shed, he is not bad at coming up with improvised plans when under pressure, as for you, you're the type that is smart in paper but can't put it into practise."

"And when it comes to chakra control, the only reason you're better than Naruto is because he has hundreds of times more chakra than you, not only that but the potency of his chakra is much greater than yours. That means he has several hundred times the difficulty when it comes to chakra control. If you had half as much as him, your control would suck to the point you couldn't even do jutsu."

This explanation surprised many of the new genin who looked to their jonin senseis for confirmation who swiftly nodded asserting the correctness of Shiki's words.

"I-I see . . . I-I'm sorry Naruto!" Finally apologized Sakura somewhat satisfying Shiki.

"Now that you know what's what, I'll recommend you to someone! They'll train you." Added Shiki while thinking.

'Honestly I don't really want to train her so I'll just toss her to Tsuna-nee earlier than canon. Maybe she won't be as useless, maybe.'

This greatly surprised Sakura but made her respect Shiki even more since he had both the wisdom and firmness to correct her but also the magnaminty to not hold her ignorance against her.

"Thank you very much, Shiki-san!" Thanked Sakura while thinking. 'Shiki-san is so cool and authorative! I didn't really pay attention before but he's super handsome too!'

But another person was not all to satisfied with this result.

"Wait a minute! I want to train too, Shiki!" Said Ino from the side.

Although she wasn't that interested in the training itself, Ino couldn't handle the thought of Sakura leaving her behind as a kunoichi.

"Fine, fine! I'll recommend you too." Acquiesced Shiki.

'Well since I'm already bothering Tsuna-nee with one, why not two? I really hope she doesn't beat me for this . . .'

[This is Shiki from the future. She beat me for it and made me help "crying face".]

Sakura started complaining why it was that simple for Ino to be accepted compared to her but Shiki ended the discussion by saying he and Ino were friends for a while now and he barely talked with Sakura until today.

"Moving on! It took a little longer with all the interlopers but what is your request, Hiashi-san? I Imagine it has something to do with Chakra Burst." Shiki turned to the Hyuga clan head.

Other than the Hyuga and Kurenai who had also seen it the others were confused about what that was so Shiki gave them a short explanation.

"Since y'all seem confused, Chakra Burst is a technique I developed from another technique, Chakra Enhanced Strength. It meshes really well with the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist taijutsu so Hiashi-san probably wants me to teach it?"

Most people present were very surprised that a genin like Shiki had created his own technique that even interested the head of one of Konoha's most prestigious clans.

"That's right! Although I understand that such a powerful technique should not be given carelessly to others, I request that you considers teaching it to my second daughter, Hanabi and perhaps allow them to teach it to their direct descendants as well." Requested Hiashi.

"I wouldn't mind teaching Chakra Burst to Hanabi-chan but I would have to train her for a while before she can safely use it. Her basic ability must be strengthened beforehand as well." Explained Shiki.

'Having the two cutest and most talented Hyuga as my loyal minions and possibly future wives is something I would definitely not refuse!' Thought Shiki.

"I have already had the pleasure of seeing the effectiveness of your training of my older daughter, so I as long as it is not too much of a bother I would very much like for you to train her." Said Hiashi.

"Very well then! Hanabi-chan can come here tomorrow at the break of dawn as for the other who want my instruction, you can pop up in the downtime of your missions, I'll pretty much always be around."

"Yes Shiki-sensei!" Cutely declared Hanabi with determined expression.

The others in question voiced their agreement as well. Shiki then turned to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Alright you two!" Started Shiki. "As a congratulatory gift for your promotion to genin, I'll teach you a new jutsu each." He continued, filling the two boys with anticipation.

"One jutsu for your main elemental affinities and they're both Shiki originals so set your expectations high!"

'You two are to be my main goons to handle difficult enemies I don't want to bother facing so you must be strong enough for that!' Said Shiki in his mind.

His earlier words greatly surprised all the jonin present. If these jutsu were on the level of his chakra Burst technique then this boy was an utter and complete monster for creating several powerful moves at such a young age. But they decided to withhold their thoughts until they saw these jutsu.

"As for you Kakashi-san. What was it that you wanted to talk about?"

Asked Shiki.

"Well Naruto and Sasuke mentioned you quite a bit so I got a bit interested so . . ." Started Kakashi.

"So?" Shiki said as if telling Kakashi to get to the point.

"So, at first I just wanted to talk and try to figure you out but all things considered . . . How about a friendly spar?" Kakashi challenged Shiki.

'Hmm, it would be a good idea to test my prowess against an elite jonin. Although I'm fairly certain I'd have no problems beating the current Kakashi-san, I now have an opportunity to verify it.'

Thinking the proposition through Shiki decided to accept.

"Alright! Let's do it! This is a good chance. Naruto, Sasuke, looks like I'll be giving you a live demonstration of the jutsu I'm going to teach you."

And so everybody but the two in question took some distance.

"Come!" Challenged Kakashi.

Shiki didn't answer with words but with hand signs.

'Wind Style: Whirlwind Cloak'

As Shiki finished his hand signs, the wind started twisting and swirling around his body. As he smiled.

"Better uncover that eye of yours Kakashi-san." Said the boy as he dashed forward with body flicker.

Kakashi backstepped and threw some shuriken at Shiki but the boy just kept going, his wind cloak deflecting the shuriken. As he got closer, Shiki threw out a wind covered nukite and although a melee attack shouldn't reach him from that distance, Kakashi dodged to the side out of instinct honed through numerous battles.

His instinct was proved correct as as the ground cracked around and in front of Shiki's arm and even with the preemptive dodge, Kakashi's clothes were still somewhat torn and a small cut appeared on his face.

Remembering Shiki's earlier advice, Kakashi immediately uncovered his Sharingan during the slight pause the boy gave him after the first strike earning some surprise from Sasuke who started to explain what the Sharingan was to the other genin around.

Seeing his opponent uncovering the Sharingan, Shiki went on the offensive again tossing some shuriken towards Kakashi. The shuriken picked up the wind from his cloak forming highly destructive disks of wind.

Kakashi could only keep dodging, he was sure the wind cladding the boy would tear him apart if he got close but the speed of Shiki's attacks stopped him from using ninjutsu to attack from a distance. Still, he managed to catch a small break and using Earth Style: Mud Wall to create a barrier between him and Shiki, Kakashi sunk underground.

Too bad Shiki could sense it so he jumped up before Kakashi could get him. Using his whirlwind cloak as propulsion to maneuver in the air, Shiki bombarded the ground with Wind Style: Vacuum Bullets trying to get Kakashi who was still underground.

This failed however, and seeing his opponent using only wind nature made Kakashi thing about counter attacking with fire. Jumping out of the ground and avoiding Shiki's strike with substitution, Kakashi used Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu to attack Shiki making him think.

'Fire jutsu are the weakness of my Wind Style: Whirlwind Cloak, after all, any random fire jutsu that hits me will explode with great power but I know that weakness already so . . .'

'Water Style: Raging Waves' The jutsu was greatly enhanced by the cloak's wind not only utterly extinguishing the fireball but also hitting Kakashi.

"Well that's the just for you to learn Naruto. Next is Sasuke's!" Announced Shiki, pleased by this test run of his original jutsu and making the boys super excited about learning such powerful jutsu.

Alas, Kakashi put a dampener on his anticipation for testing out his Lightning Style: Godspeed.

"Actually I've had enough! Thanks for the spar Shiki!" Said Kakahi while thinking.

'I don't have enough lives to endure spars with this monster! Like hell I'm going to suffer another of his originals!'

Shiki was somewhat disappointed but as he looked around and saw dumbfounded expressions on everyone's face due to his display of power, his mood suddenly improved.

P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba  without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read one week ahead but I'll still post here.

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.

lusobacreators' thoughts