

Nolan whose life was a mess gets into a larger mess. He lands in a unknown world and soon learns that he can only return after winning a contest. will he win or will he land in another mess. read to discover it.

DoNot_Die · 奇幻
1 Chs

Warth of Gods

It all began when gods who had observed humanity for millennia had decided that earth was better off without humans. 

They decide to purge humanity from its very existence. They all joined hands in a ritual, a ritual that would destroy the whole of humanity but failed as an unknown existence had interfered with the ritual.

As power which had been meant to destroy humanity backfired at the gods. which had resulted in most gods dying .


The remaining gods were not powerful enough to keep the power of the dead gods concealed.

In the end the power overflowed connecting earth to the hell called the abyss releasing unknown creatures which destroyed most of humanity.

But few humans who had gained unknown abilities stepped up fighting and turning the tables. 

The unknown ability was also the part of the dead gods, which had involved the energy called mana and powers of the dead called will.

Years passed with humanity still fighting for its survival with hope that one day it would end.

"Nolan!! Shouted a Gray haired youth who was running down the hallway.

"Tsk . You again. "

"Come on you must be happy to see me right?" Said Damien with a smile on his face.

"Nope not at all"

"At least pretend you do you know. He sighed inwardly. Anyways lets go classes are about to start."

"Hey Nolan what do you plan on doing after we graduate ? I Am just asking since it's our last year as high schoolers". Damien nervously taped on the table waiting for an answer.

An average person might have been able to answer it but for Nolan he just couldn't, As a person who was not gifted and an orphan with no one backing him up it was a difficult question.

Just as Nolan was about to say something ..

Bang! The door opened and all the students glared at the teacher who came in except Nolan.

"Of course who else in this school has this level of arrogance other than him." it was daven the teacher who he hated the most.

"Dear students as the year is coming to an end , I will be mainly talking about 'carrier ' today. He said while glancing at Nolan who was not paying attention. 

"As many of you have a high chance of going to a university but there are some people among us who have no chance at all , those are people who sit right beside you but they don't deserve it ....

"I should probably leave before I lose my calm ". Nolan picked up all his stuff and went out of the door ignoring the teacher.

 "Weird it isn't my first time cutting classes so why do I have this weird feeling "

"Weird it isn't my first time cutting classes so why do I have this weird feeling "

Krack! krack! " Did I hear something or am I imagining things?

The ground shock rapidly as Nolan had a hard time keeping his balance.


"Probably not"

Nolan quickly grabbed on something which kept his balance stable.

"Seriously an earthquake, no that's not it . This whole building is made of marbles which prevent this kind of disaster then.."

"Shit! shit! an abyssyal Crack but if an abyssyal Crack was going to appear we should have been warned, I should probably get there as fast as possible"

Nolan breathed heavily as he finally reached his classroom . " It's empty they left!" Nolan left a loud laugh as if he had expected it .

Emergency asper a device which teleports people in a wide area to a safe location , each class had one. And because of it being made of rare materials it could only be used once. 

"There's no other way I could escape this right?

At that moment Nolan who had never given up in his 17 years of life finally lost hope and fell on his knees. 

"When has it been different anyway? I was all alone back then and I survived. AND I am still alone now. nothing different, I didn't give up then and I won't now. I will survive! ". 

Nolan slowly rose up picking up metallic chairs and then he added mana to his hand . Bam! bam! He smashed it into the ground until only the rods were left.

He picked up the rods and then he headed to the source of the energy ' the abyssyal Crack' .

He headed to the place which had produced the most light . It was the store room.

Nolan saw a purple dark flickering light which more or less locked like a cave . He felt weaker and had a strange tingling feeling.

"I expected monsters to come out but why is nothing coming out. Running wouldn't have solved anything since monsters could have eventually caught up to me ."

"Is this crack broke or ...

Ping! ping! ping!

"The light seems to shine faster like a bomb?

Shit!. . 

Dark matter that was the last thing he saw as slowly lost his consciousness.