
The journey of finding the trickster

The labyrinth of tales is the domain ruled by The God of Tales, an outer god who loves their worlds and stories more than anything. Sora, a boy whose love for book reaches no end. His idea of reality is different and unusual even for himself. Trickster the dimensional jumper who ruins worlds. Not much is know about him. Sora is the key to saving the stories in the world of tale but will he be able to save them from the nasty Trickster....That will only be revealed by fate of his imagination.

zodiac_stars · 奇幻
22 Chs


Sora started recalling all the time he had spent with Arcane and Julian. Memories flooded his mind, moments filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a connection he never thought he'd find.

How close he had become with them over time, how they had come to mean more to him than just friends—they felt like pieces of himself, like family.

As he searched through his fragmented memories, the missing pieces began to fall into place.

The gaps, once hollow and unsettling, started to mend as he connected the dots, the puzzle slowly taking shape.

Yet, the more memories he regained, the more sadness welled up inside him.

Arcane, holding onto Sora's hand, didn't dare let go. It was like a lifeline for both of them, keeping Sora grounded as he sifted through the memories that had been locked away. 

Tears began to pool in Sora's eyes. He could feel the emotions rising, raw and overwhelming.

'How could I forget something so important?'

The memories might not have been from his original life, but they felt real. The emotions tied to them were real, and that was enough to shake him to his core.

The line between his soul and the body he now inhabited was blurring, the once clear boundary fading into nothing. He felt the emotions of Sora Salvini as if they were his own, and it hurt.

"Ugh..." he groaned, the weight of it all becoming too much. After what felt like an eternity, Sora reached the end of the memories.

He shifted in Arcane's lap and opened his eyes, watery and blurred. The first thing he saw was Arcane's worried face, so soft and gentle.

"Morning..." he whispered with a small, tired smile.

Sora blinked, feeling strange. Now that he had all the memories, he wasn't sure how to face Arcane, the person he had once suspected to be the trickster.

'He could still be the trickster, after all, he's someone else's soul in Arcane's body, just like me.'

Suddenly, he shot up, almost hitting Arcane's head in his haste.

"Ugh...shit..." Pain shot up his spine from the sudden movement, making him wince.

"Whoa, calm down. Are you okay?" Arcane asked, pulling Sora back gently with their still-connected hands.

Sora found himself face-to-face with Arcane again, his heart racing. He quickly pulled back, rubbing his tear-streaked eyes hard enough to turn them red.

"I'm fine," he muttered, pulling his hand away from Arcane's and standing up, though his legs felt shaky. He turned, intent on heading toward the table when he felt a tug on his coat.

"A little help here?" Arcane asked, extending his hand with a playful smirk.

That's when Sora realized they were both on the ground instead of the table.

'Arcane must have laid me down to make me more comfortable.'

There were cups of tea near him, and he'd been on Arcane's lap for quite some time.

'His legs must be numb.'

Sora felt a pang of guilt and embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck. He took Arcane's hand and helped him up, keeping a steady hold on him until Arcane was sure on his feet.

"Thanks," Arcane said, his voice light but filled with warmth.

"Um, Arcane?" Sora started, the name feeling strange on his tongue. 

Arcane's eyes widened, sensing Sora's nervousness. His tone became softer, the soothing voice he'd come to use around Sora. "Yes?"

"What time is it?" Sora asked, trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that were still crashing inside him.

"It's been an hour since you arrived," Arcane replied, taking his seat at the table.

Sora nodded and sat down as well. His under-eyes were red and puffy, but other than that, he looked like his usual self—except for the storm of emotions still swirling beneath the surface.

Bailey had already been called to bring fresh tea, and as Sora sat, he stared blankly at the steaming cup before him. The weight of the memories was suffocating, like a heavy fog that refused to lift.

Arcane sat across from him, his eyes never leaving Sora's face, full of concern, his usual playful smile missing. Somehow, that absence of Arcane's smile made everything feel even heavier.

"You don't have to pretend, you know," Arcane said softly, finally breaking the silence. His voice was gentle, almost hesitant, as though he wasn't sure how much to say.

Sora blinked, pulled from his spiral of thoughts. "Pretend what?" His voice sounded hollow, like he wasn't really present.

"That you're fine," Arcane leaned forward slightly, his gaze unwavering but soft. "I can see it in your eyes, Sora. You're not okay. And that's alright."

Sora's hands tightened around the cup. He wanted to say something, but the words felt trapped, tangled in the confusion of everything he had just remembered.

'How can I explain this when I don't even understand it myself?'

Arcane didn't push. He simply waited, offering his silent support.

After what felt like forever, Sora exhaled slowly. "It's just... a lot. I've been remembering things... things I didn't even know I had forgotten."

Arcane's expression softened even more. "And now... everything feels different?"

"Yeah." Sora glanced up at him, unsure whether to let himself be vulnerable. "It's like... I don't know who to trust. Not even myself."

Arcane's hand twitched on the table, as if he wanted to reach out but hesitated. "I get it. I really do. But you don't have to go through it alone."

Sora hesitated, the words heavy on his tongue. "I want to believe that. I do. But... it's hard."

Arcane's gaze didn't waver, filled with quiet reassurance. It felt like he was telling Sora, 'It's okay to take your time.' And for the first time in a while, Sora felt a little less alone.

The overwhelming sadness ebbed slightly, replaced by something softer. The memories still weighed on him, but he wasn't drowning in them anymore. He had Arcane. He had Julian. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough.

"So, Golden Bond, huh?" Sora said, managing a small, bittersweet smile. "Such a cool name."

Arcane's playful smile finally returned, gentle but warm. "Of course. We're the best trio this world will ever see."

Sora chuckled softly, the sadness still lingering but not suffocating. "Better than our fathers?"

Arcane grinned. "Definitely."

'But what about my mission and...what about trickster.'

'I can't let my guard down just yet.'

Sora at least firmed his beliefs and focused on his mission.

Because no matter what he has to do this mission be it as his former self or as Sora Salvini. 

Noticing the shift in Sora's mood Arcane said "it's ok Sora take you time I am with you. Just like Julian was with me after I came here."

Sora met Arcane's eyes, feeling a weight in his chest that wouldn't let go. "How do I know that? How do I know you're not lying to me too? What if... what if you're part of all this? What if you're the Trickster?"

Arcane's breath caught, but his face stayed calm. He didn't flinch. "You think I'd hurt you?"

"I don't know!" Sora's voice broke, his words coming out uneven. His confusion was spilling over now. "I don't even know who I am anymore, Arcane. And I don't know who you are either!"

Arcane didn't say anything right away.

He just sat there, looking at Sora, his patience almost painful.

It was like he understood something Sora couldn't figure out yet.

After a long moment, he spoke again, voice steady. "I know this is hard. I know it feels like everything's falling apart. But Sora... look at me. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

Sora wanted to believe him, wanted to feel reassured by his words, but the doubt in his chest twisted deeper.

'What if this connection we have... what if it's just another trick?'

Arcane leaned back, but his gaze stayed fixed on Sora. His voice was quiet, calm. "You'll be okay. We'll figure this out together. I promise."

Sora bit his lip, feeling the uncertainty burning at him. 

'What if I'm wrong? What if trusting him is a mistake?'

But there was something in Arcane's tone, the steady way he spoke, that made Sora hesitate.

It was like Arcane's presence itself was trying to reassure him. For the first time in what felt like forever, he didn't feel as lost.

He let out a shaky breath, feeling his walls start to crack just a little.

"I don't want to do this by myself," Sora whispered, the weight of everything making his voice soft. "But it's hard. I feel like... like the Trickster's waiting for me to slip up, to let my guard down."

Arcane nodded, his eyes never leaving Sora's.

There was a softness in them, like he truly understood. "You don't have to do it alone. We'll face him. Together. The Trickster won't stand a chance against us."

Arcane's voice had that same comforting tone, the one that Julian used with him. The one that had helped him through his own mess when he was thrown into this world, confused and scared, just like Sora was now.

Sora blinked.

'Wait did he mention Julian?'

Sora frowned.

"Wait... how do you know that? How can you be so sure?" He leaned back a little, feeling more confused than before. "Didn't you... didn't you say Julian helped you? What do you mean by that?"

Arcane smiled, a little softer this time. "Julian helped me when I first came here. I wasn't always Arcane, you know. Just like you weren't always Sora. He was there for me when I was lost, and now... I'm here for you."

Sora's head spun with this new information. "But... that doesn't make sense. Why would Julian help you? How did he know?" He could feel his confusion growing, mixing with everything else he was already dealing with.

Arcane's smile grew a little. "Because he knew I needed it. And he knows you need it too. This isn't something you need to carry alone, Sora. Just like I didn't."

'What is this...Julian could it be he-he, nope we can't be certain yet.'

'Ugh now I am more confused than before.' 

Sora stared at him, still unsure, still questioning. But the warmth in Arcane's voice, the quiet strength behind his words, was hard to ignore.

'But maybe just maybe I can use their help.'

"Okay..." Sora whispered, even though he didn't fully understand yet. "I'll try." He wasn't sure if he believed it all, but for now, it was enough to take the first step.