
The journey of finding the trickster

The labyrinth of tales is the domain ruled by The God of Tales, an outer god who loves their worlds and stories more than anything. Sora, a boy whose love for book reaches no end. His idea of reality is different and unusual even for himself. Trickster the dimensional jumper who ruins worlds. Not much is know about him. Sora is the key to saving the stories in the world of tale but will he be able to save them from the nasty Trickster....That will only be revealed by fate of his imagination.

zodiac_stars · 奇幻
22 Chs

back (II)

They sat there in silence for a while.

It was a comfortable silence. Sora was getting his time to sort out his thoughts and feelings while Arcane was thinking of ways to make Sora trust him again.

He was also thinking about Julian and how Sora would react while meeting him.

Arcane didn't know much about Julian's soul or about how he got here but he knew that he can trust Julian since he has become himself. He had come before him so he has the most idea of what is going on with them.

Julian and Sora knew. He had helped Arcane become himself as well.

So Arcane was thinking that Julian can also help Sora the same way as he did for him. 

Sora was also on the same topic but his suspicion about the trickster was not letting up. It was like a permanent warning system which just doesn't turn down. 

So he gave in and asked "are you sure we can trust Julian?"

Arcane glanced at Sora, noting the doubt etched across his face. He wasn't surprised by the question, but it still stung a little.

"Yes," Arcane replied firmly, though his tone was gentle. "I trust him with my life."

Sora frowned, his fingers tapping the side of his cup as he considered Arcane's words. "But... you didn't always know who he really was, did you? I mean, if he's like us, how can we be sure he's not—"

"The Trickster?" Arcane finished, leaning forward slightly. "I get it, Sora. I had those same doubts when I first got here. But Julian… he's different. He helped me when I was still figuring things out, when I didn't know how to trust myself, let alone anyone else."

Sora's expression didn't soften. His eyes were still clouded with uncertainty. "But that's just it. What if it's all part of some plan? What if the Trickster helped you so he could get to me next?"

Arcane sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I understand why you feel that way. After everything we've been through, it's hard not to question everything." He paused, his voice steady but full of conviction. "But Julian… he didn't have to help me. He chose to. And that's what sets him apart."

Sora looked away, "I don't know. It's just... hard to trust anyone right now."

"I get that," Arcane said softly. "And I don't expect you to trust him right away. But when you meet him, when you see for yourself what he's done... I think you'll understand." He smiled a little, a small flicker of his usual playfulness creeping back in. "Besides, you're not alone in this. We'll face everything together."

Sora's gaze flicked back to Arcane, his shoulders sagging slightly. "I hope you're right."

'He says it every time I doubt something. We are not alone.' 

Arcane's smile widened, just a bit. "I usually am."

Sora rolled his eyes, but a faint smile tugged at his lips. The tension in the space eased a little.

'Let's stop the doubt game.'

Sora shook his head and cleared all the nonsense that was pilling up in there.

'What is about to happen will happen the only difference there is how I deal with it.'

"How did Julian help you?" Sora asked after a moment, his voice calmer and more focused now.

Arcane hesitated for a second, gathering his thoughts. "It wasn't anything grand, really. When I woke up in this world, I didn't know what was going on. I had memories that weren't mine, a body that felt both familiar and foreign. Julian... he was already here. He'd gone through it all before, so he knew exactly what I was going through. He talked to me, helped me make sense of things. Helped me... become myself."

Sora blinked, feeling the weight of the words. "Become yourself?"

Arcane nodded, a distant look passing over his face. "Yeah. It's hard to explain, but Julian has this way of making things... clearer. He doesn't push, doesn't force you to be anything you're not. He just... helps you find the pieces of yourself that you didn't even know were missing." He met Sora's gaze, his voice softer now. "That's why I think he can help you, too."

'Well Arcane trust Julian a lot and considering our bond I am more inclined to trust them than anyone else.'

'What's the worst that can happen.' 

"I'll meet him," Sora said, his voice confident and steadier now. "But I'm not making any promises."

'Right trusting them is a choice and hope it's the right one.'

Arcane's smile grew warmer. "That's all I'm asking."

Sora was also happy with this upcoming meeting as Arcane.

After all Julian is someone Sora relied on heavily in the past and the memories together with his were always fun and deeply connected. 

Sora was now feeling almost like a complete puzzle and he was now thinking about the pro of this meeting.

He has now started to think positively about this development. 

As they sat there, the air between them felt lighter, more relaxed. Sora could feel the weight lifting from his chest, replaced by something closer to certainty. Seeing how much Arcane trusted Julian, Sora was sure things would work out.

Arcane leaned back in his chair, the tension easing from his posture. "You'll see," he said with a grin, his voice playful but steady. "Julian's not the type to let you down. He's the one who helped me get my head straight, and trust me, I was a mess back then."

Sora raised an eyebrow, half-smirking. "A mess? You?" He couldn't resist teasing. "I thought you had it all figured out, Prince Arcane."

Arcane chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Oh, please. You should've seen me. I was stumbling around like a lost puppy until Julian showed up. I swear, he's got this annoying way of making things make sense."

Sora chuckled, the sound surprising him. It felt good to laugh again, even if it was just a small one. "Annoying, huh? Sounds like you two got along just fine."

"Yeah, well, he has this habit of being right, but don't let him hear me say that. It'll go straight to his head."

Sora smiled, his mind recalling flashes of memories—moments with Julian that were starting to resurface. The laughter, the way they worked together, the trust they had. "I remember bits of him," Sora said, his voice softening. "Not everything, but… enough to know he mattered. To both of us."

Arcane's grin widened, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Exactly! That connection's still there, Sora. You'll feel it as soon as you see him again. It's like finding a piece of yourself that you didn't even realize you were missing."

Sora stared down at his hands, thinking. The tension had eased. "I'm sure you're right," he said, with conviction.

Arcane leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. "I know I'm right. And once we've got Julian on board, we'll be unstoppable." He winked, that familiar playful spark returning. "Trickster won't know what hit him."

Sora couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You're getting ahead of yourself. We still have to find him first."

"Details, details," Arcane waved his hand dismissively, his grin unfazed. "The hard part's over. You agreed to meet him."

Sora smirked. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get too cocky."

Arcane stood up, extending a hand to Sora with a grin that was all mischief. "C'mon, let's go find Julian before you change your mind."

Sora stared at the hand for a second, then sighed with a smile. He took Arcane's hand and let him pull him to his feet. "Alright, alright. Let's go."

As they headed out, side by side, Sora felt something shift inside him. The doubts were gone, replaced by something solid. He wasn't walking this path alone. He had Arcane, and soon, Julian too.

Arcane slapped Sora's back, grinning like they were about to take on the world. "We're gonna kill this. I can feel it."

Sora rolled his eyes again but couldn't stop the smile that tugged at his lips. "Don't jinx it."

"Too late," Arcane said with a laugh, his voice bright and full of energy. "Come on, Sora. We've got an adventure to finish."

Sora shook his head, but as they walked off together, he knew, without a doubt, things were going to be okay.


Julian sat in a dimly lit room, the glow from the magic orb casting a faint shimmer across his face. His Aquamarine eyes were focused intently on the swirling colors within the orb, which displayed the image of Sora and Arcane walking side by side, their conversation just barely audible through the magic.

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

He was happy that his friends were back.

He had waited patiently for them, always waiting and watching.

They were that important for him, because his existence will fade if he does not have them. 

The orb showed Arcane playfully nudging Sora as they bantered back and forth, the tension between them easing with each passing moment. Julian watched with quiet amusement as Arcane slapped Sora's back hard enough to make him bend backwards. 

"They're finally getting it," Julian murmured to himself, his voice barely a whisper.

He was in joy that his wait was about to end at last.

He will finally have them back in full.

He had been observing them for a while now, watching as Sora struggled with trust, watching Arcane's relentless determination to make him feel at ease.

It wasn't easy, and Julian knew that better than anyone. The journey they were on was perilous, filled with doubt, lies, and trickery. But seeing the two of them laughing like old friends gave Julian a rare sense of hope.

For a moment, the orb flickered, and Sora's face came into sharp focus. The expression he wore now was lighter, the deep furrow of suspicion slowly melting away. Julian's smile grew a little wider at that. "That's it, Sora. You're starting to see it."

As much as he wanted to rush in and greet them, to remind them that he was still here, still part of their story, Julian held back. Timing was everything, and right now, they needed to trust one another first. That bond between Sora and Arcane would be crucial in the coming days, especially when the Trickster finally made his next move.

Julian leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he watched the scene unfold. Arcane's easy confidence, Sora's cautious trust—these were pieces falling into place.

He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of responsibility. He had guided Arcane before, and now, Sora was next. The weight of that realization settled over him like a blanket, warm but heavy.

Julian shook his head to get rid of all the things he hated to remember. It was getting in the way of all those good ones he shared with them.

"They don't know it yet," Julian muttered, his voice tinged with amusement. "But they're already stronger together than they think."

The orb shifted again, this time showing the pair walking through the corridors of the palace. Their voices grew faint, but Julian didn't need to hear them anymore. He had seen enough for now. 

"They're almost ready," he said quietly to himself, his fingers grazing the surface of the orb as the images began to fade. "But I'll have to be careful. The Trickster won't be far behind."

He knew the risks but he was taking a chance this time. 

He won't be a coward, he will be their savior this time for sure. 

With a deep breath, Julian closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

He had a part to play in all of this, but for now, he would let them take their steps. When the time was right, he would reveal himself. Until then, he'd be watching. Always watching.

The orb's light dimmed, and Julian stood up, his smile fading as a more serious expression took over. "Soon," he whispered into the empty room, his voice filled with quiet resolve. "Soon."