
The Journey of a Psionic Champion

A young man suddenly gets pulled into the world of pokemon after a strange accident. He awakens in the body of a boy named Lucas in the region of Sinnoh. Born with the powers of psionics he is able to create a connection with the pokemon around him. With a mindset that leads him to constantly be working he will begin his journey through the world of pokemon. Traveling from region to region until he truly becomes a Champion.

BonAurevoir · 漫画同人
31 Chs


Looking at Kirlia, we both exchanged nods with each other before we teleported. Each of us appeared behind one of the team Galactic members in the flower field before focusing our psychic powers on them.

Using Hypnosis on the random grunts, we forced them to fall asleep before gently lowering them to the ground. Then, we teleported with them to a farther part of the field where we knew no one would be able to see us.

"Alright, Kirlia, we gotta be careful." I said as I placed one of my hands on the head of the grunt I had knocked out.

The biggest thing that stuck with me from Olympia's school was this one phrase. The mind is a fragile thing.

I was about to mess with that at this moment, and I had to take a few moments to relax my nerves before focusing on their mind. It would be very bad if they woke up randomly while I was trying to infiltrate the Valley Windworks, so I was going to sever the link their minds had to consciousness. I was effectively going to put them in a coma. One wrong move and their consciousness would go bye-bye forever.

Kirlia, on the other hand, would be focusing on manipulating the mind of the other team Galactic member to forget about the person he was with. It would be suspicious if the reports from these two suddenly stopped, so we had to leave at least one of them as a backup. Kirlia would stay behind to supervise this one as I went inside. Ready to knock him out if he did something strange or teleport to me if I was in danger.

I very carefully reached into his mind before finding the mental string that represented the connection between his mind and his body. Ever so gently, I sliced it before I stabilized his mind. I believed I had done it correctly, as I didn't feel any backslash coming from within him.

Letting out a small sigh, I looked at Kirlia, who was also finishing up making him forget about his fellow partner.

Looking at the comatose member, I felt a slight wave of discomfort before taking in a deep breath to settle my mind and saying.

"Step 1, gather the uniform. Complete."

I was going to dress up as a Team Galactic member in order to infiltrate the windmill. Then, I would activate my Fairy-type charm to the max before bullshitting my way inside. Oak had taught me a lot about electronics during my time at the camp, and since then, I had kept up with my studying about how they worked. I may not have the most practical experience, but I at least was able to understand the general gist of how this windmill and the redirection of energy worked.

After changing my clothes, I now resembled a team Galactic member. Judging by the insignia patch on my left arm this person probably worked under Saturn, but had been sent here to assist which gave me something to work from. However, after changing my clothes, my appearance remained the same. If I went in as I was right now, I would be recognized in the future while out of uniform. So it was time for step number two. I had to thank Aunt Lila for wanting to play dress-up with me and leaving some of her stuff behind.

All the time she had been trying to turn me into the perfect face for pokemon contests had given me an idea. My signature grey-blue hair was quite recognizable, as well as some of my facial features. But thankfully, Lila was the one-stop shop for items like wigs and make-up. The whole time she thought she was preparing me for my future as a Coordinator, she had actually been teaching me how to become an entirely different person.

Using my psychic powers to change my appearance would draw attention from other psychic trainers and pokemon, so for infiltration, I would have to go with a more practical route.

By the time I was done changing how I looked, I was an entirely different person. I had medium-length blonde hair that was accompanied by a primarily pale complexion. Even my blue eyes had been covered with a set of green contacts. Unlike in the game, where all of the grunts had the same blue hair bowl cut, people here actually had different features and hairstyles. The only real way to recognize a Team Galactic member was by their uniform. So as long as I didn't draw suspicion, I would be unrecognizable from one.

I didn't encounter anyone on my way to the windmill since it was the dead of night. Everyone was asleep at the moment, with the exception of the Team Galactic members currently working frantically inside the Valley Windworks station.

Approaching the entrance, I saw an older man wearing the uniform guarding the door. He gave me a look before stating.

"I didn't hear a word that they were sending someone else."

With the full moon shining directly on me I felt a surge of what I could only assume was fairy type energy run through my body before I opened my mouth.

"Ah? Didn't you get the word? I was sent here because apparently the authorities are getting suspicious and they were going to send someone to investigate. Boss wanted this to be done as soon as possible so that we could leave before they got here.

To be honest, one of Saturn's subordinates picked me out of nowhere because I used to work with electronics in the past. It was a bit last minute and he was freaking out because he didn't want to get in trouble with Saturn, so he might have forgotten to tell you. If I am honest, I would have liked to get a whole night's sleep… But orders are orders."

Almost as if fueled by a force out of this world, the words came out so naturally and sincerely that I had even surprised myself.

The man guarding the door let out a smile before answering.

"It was Manfred, wasn't it? That dude is always trying to suck up to Saturn. I couldn't tell you the amount of crappy jobs he decided to send me on at the last minute just because he was trying to leave a good impression on the boss. I can't wait to see that asshole get demoted and be put to work with the rest of us.

Come on in, there is some coffee inside, Mars should be able to get you started on redirecting the power."

I gave him a small bow of appreciation before walking in. I didn't know if it was the adrenaline or the sudden strange burst of fairy-type energy, but I felt as if I was full-on confidence. Almost as if I could charm my way through anything. A dangerous feeling I would have to try to reel back if I didn't want to put myself in danger.

Walking through the building, I saw many people running back and forth and changing the wiring on the station. Some people were working on computers quickly, working and changing things as efficiently as they could.

Judging by what I saw, I could probably deduce that they were trying to create a way to siphon energy from the windmill permanently without traces of their involvement. They were going to be redirecting a good amount of the power generated to power up their electronics. The excuse that there was an issue with the windmill itself would serve to bring attention away from the fact that the windmill itself appeared to be producing less energy.

Most of the people seemed to be extremely focused on their task, so they just ignored me as they ran from one place to another.

I made my way until I eventually landed in front of a red-haired woman with a serious expression. She had a short, spiky bob hairstyle. She was wearing a modified Team Galactic uniform that had a skirt with the emblematic "G" on the middle of her chest. Her eyes were filled with determination and focus as she watched the people working.

Giving her a small salute, I said.

"I was sent here to assist in speeding up the process, boss. Is there any specific place where I would be needed? I am ready to work wherever I am needed."

She narrowed her eyes at me as she heard me speak. The Espeon right next to her raised her head in curiosity as she heard me before making her way up to me and smelling me.

Mars quietly observed her pokemon with narrowed eyes that had traces of suspicion. Yet the next moment, Espeon rubbed her head against my leg as if she was a cat before she put her paws on my legs as if asking to be picked up.

Mars was simply staring at me waiting to see what I would do, so I just simply went with my gut and picked the Espeon up into my arms before petting her head.

A small trace of a smile appeared on Mars' face before being replaced with her serious and determined expression, all traces of suspicion going away.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you anywhere before." She asked with a serious expression.

"My name is Diamond Aspen, boss." I lied as naturally as breathing.

She gave a glance at her Espeon before letting out a small whistle. The cat-like pokemon hopped off my arms as she heard it before leisurely walking back to her napping spot and lying back down.

"The rewiring process is taking longer than expected. Go assist them with it." Her words were direct and to the point.

Nodding my head, I gave her one last salute before making my way in the direction she had pointed me in. This was precisely where I wanted to be so that I could subtly mess with the wiring. As I walked away, I heard her say.

"Make sure when you get back to base. You get a new uniform. I want you to transfer from Saturn's division to mine. If anyone gives you trouble, tell them that it is a direct order from me."

I turned around, slightly shocked, only to see her petting the head of the resting Espeon. Her gaze shifted from her pokemon before looking back at me and adding.

"Get to work. We are running out of time before trouble gets here."

Ah. I wasn't sure if this was something good or something troublesome. On the one hand, by gaining the trust of her pokemon with my "totally radical and cool" vibes I had partially earned Mars' trust. But on the other, I had the feeling that this would become something troublesome in the future.

Putting those thoughts in the back of my head I made my way to were all of the members who were working in the wiring were before letting the strange energy that was surging trough my body go wild once again and giving my most charismatic smile.

"Hello! Mars has just assigned me to assist all of you. You can simply consider me as your assistant in case you need someone to help you rewire stuff."

I didn't have my Mesmerize activated at the moment, but I could almost feel the same "sparkling" feeling coming from them. I had to add mental notes that in order to train my Fairy typing I would have to put myself into situations where I would have to charm my way in. Something like pokemon contests, or the little infiltration mission I was in.

I had a couple of hypothesis as to why I was experiencing such a massive wave of "charisma" right now. But the main one was that my body was doing it as a defense mechanism since I had tried to keep my psychic powers to the minimum to avoid suspicion. I knew I was deep in the lion's mouth, so my body was forcibly loading me up with adrenaline and the Fairy-type energy. Plus the fact that it was a full moon today seemed to help.

The team Galactic members looked exhausted as they worked, so when they saw me come in, they welcomed the help immediately. I got to work immediately with them, and thanks to my offer of becoming their helper, I was running from place to place doing small things. Since I had somehow managed to catch the interest of Mars and had practically gotten a way into the Hq, I couldn't go with my original plan of causing a huge mess, but I had something better. I was going to throw my entire team of fellow electricians under the bus.

I was going to do small things here, and there that would build on each other that would result in the entire thing failing, and I was going to put the blame on them. I could see it in their faces that they had been working non-stop for hours, and they were beginning to show signs of sleep deprivation. I wasn't sure how long they had been working, but I was going to dismantle their plans with a big friendly smile on my face.

~Author's Note~

Diamond because that is his original name in the manga. As for Aspen, that is the name of a tree, so since he is planning on becoming a professor, gotta give him a tree name lol.

— — —

Guys, I have a bad feeling. Private security is doing great at their jobs, but something is amiss. I have the feeling we are being observed. I think we have an impostor in our midst. Send me your power stones so that I can secretly prepare for the hunt.