Happy New Month! Today is Monday, a weekday of my Easter holiday (hmm, that actually rhymed because most words had "day" in them, like Monday, weekday, Easter holiday. Get it?!).
At 10, I had to go pick up the twins. I couldn't wait to see my babies! Well, after bringing them over to my house, we spent the afternoon outside with my siblings plus all the kids living in the estate.
On Saturday, I celebrated the start of my Easter Holiday! The holiday is for all students in my school except 9th and 12th graders. Anyway, I've got this "Holi" all planned out. Unfortunately, it's going to be like a mid-term break, now short-term because it's for two weeks.
Also, I have projects and assignments to work on. I've started off with all my assignments in the workbook. Moving on, I've got the latest games planned out, and they are: