
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark --------------------------------------- Spark, the lofty young master of the Dwight family, had always been a mystery. His true abilities were never known until the day he stepped onto the frontlines. In one awe-inspiring exhibition of power, Spark shocked the world and sent the coalition army of the five emperors into a chaotic retreat. Now, with the eyes of the world on him, each faction lusted to uncover the secrets behind his unparalleled strength. Still, in spite of the rampant curiosity and greed beneath the mask of courteous regard, nobody had the guts to confront him directly. And with every rumor spread of his feats, a question burned in every mind: was Spark this powerful all this time, or was he casting an illusion of strength before everybody's eyes?

Lucky_duck · 奇幻
140 Chs

Chapter 5 - Clash

The crowd, already in stunned silence, watched with wide-eyed apprehension.

The weight of the moment pressed heavily on everyone present, from high-ranking nobles to the humblest servants.

The guards, still struggling under the crushing weight of Kieran's oppressive aura, could do little more than kneel, gasping for breath.

With an explosive burst of movement, Kieran dashed forward, his speed a blur to onlookers.

William, anticipating the attack, braced himself, his sword swinging in a swift vertical arc to meet Kieran's charge.

The two blades collided with a force that sent shockwaves through the room, the sheer power of their clash creating a thunderous vibration.

Twinkling chandeliers overhead swayed dangerously, as though the very foundations of the mansion quaked under the might of their confrontation.

"Huh?" Kieran grunted, momentarily surprised as he felt himself pushed back by the impact. His eyes narrowed as he took in the faint glow emanating from William's sword.

"An artifact," Kieran muttered, a smirk curling his lips into a menacing grin. "Do you think a mere artifact can protect you?"

Without hesitation, Kieran launched another attack, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision.

William met the strike head-on, the enchanted blade once again glowing as it absorbed and countered the force of Kieran's assault.

The room reverberated with the clash, the sound of steel on steel ringing through the high ceilings.

Despite the temporary advantage granted by the artifact, the gap in their abilities quickly became apparent. Kieran, a experienced warrior hardened by countless battles, began to exert his true strength. Each swing of his sword was more powerful, more controlled, driving William back.

William's face tightened with concentration, sweat beading on his forehead as he struggled to hold his ground.

He had only recently awakened and was still coming to terms with his new abilities. The artifact gave him a fleeting edge, but it was no match for Kieran's raw power and battle-hardened skills.

Kieran's smirk widened as he pressed his advantage, his movements swift and unrelenting. The gap between them was evident to all who watched.

The experienced general was toying with the newly awakened marquis, forcing William to retreat with every blow, his defenses weakening.

The nobles looked on in horror and fascination. Whispers and gasps rippled through the crowd as they realized Kieran's overwhelming strength.

Some doubted whether the young marquis could hold his own, while others feared the chaos that would ensue if Kieran went unchecked.

As the battle raged on, the mansion itself seemed to tremble.

The ceiling cracked, pieces of plaster falling, and the chandeliers swayed perilously before crashing to the ground.

The walls, adorned with priceless tapestries and paintings, crumbled under the onslaught.

Dust and debris filled the air, and the guests, once captivated by the spectacle, now scrambled to escape the collapsing building.

Panic spread like wildfire.

Noblemen and women in elegant gowns and tailored suits stumbled over fallen debris, desperate to avoid being buried alive. Servants and guards tried to direct the chaos, but the once orderly gathering devolved into a frantic rush for the exits.

Amidst the chaos, Kieran's relentless assault continued.

He drove William back, his fierce determination and battlefield experience overwhelming the young marquis. Each strike from Kieran's sword was like a hammer blow, pushing William further into retreat.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, Kieran disarmed William.

The enchanted sword flew from William's grasp, clattering across the floor before coming to rest against a crumbling wall.

William staggered, losing his footing on the debris-strewn floor.

He fell heavily, his regal robe staining red from a deep wound on his shoulder. Blood seeped through his fingers as he clutched the injury, gasping for breath.

"Oops, the fight ended," Spark remarked, his detached curiosity almost amusing as he observed the scene.

As the building continued to shudder and crack around them, Spark turned to Zhao Shi and Yuna, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the panic around them. "We should leave before the whole place collapses."

Without waiting for a response, Spark moved toward the nearest exit, his steps unhurried.

Zhao Shi and Yuna followed, weaving through the panicked crowd with ease. Spark's composed exit stood in stark contrast to the frenzied escape of the other guests, his calmness almost otherworldly amid the chaos.

Once outside, the clear night sky was a welcome relief from the dust and turmoil.

The moon illuminated the scene as noblemen and women spilled into the gardens, their elegant attire now torn and dishevel. 

Zhao Shi took a deep breath, the cool air soothing his nerves. As they regrouped in the garden, Spark turned to his companions with a wry smile. "That was certainly more excitement than I expected for the evening."

Yuna shook her head, a faint smile tugging at her lips despite the gravity of the situation. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Spark grinned. "Hey, don't look at me like I'm some devil who loves watching others suffer."

As they moved deeper into the garden, putting more distance between themselves and the crumbling mansion, a new presence caught their attention.

A group of men in pristine white robes approached the mansion's entrance, their aura exuding authority and power.

"Oh, here they are," Spark remarked, watching the white-robed figures step into the chaos with calm precision.

"They are..." Zhao Shi trailed off, sensing the formidable energy radiating from the group.

"The ascendants from the Red family," Spark explained. "Looks like the real show is about to begin."

The Red family, one of the four pillars of the empire, commanded respect and fear.

These white attired ascendants, elite warriors who harnessed the energy of the world, protected their family and enforced their will.

The arrival of these ascendants shifted the dynamics of the situation.

It was no longer just a confrontation between a powerful general and a noble heir—it was now an escalation involving one of the empire's most influential families.

The leader of the white-robed ascendants advanced with a calm gaze, his authority unmistakable. The air around them seemed to hum with suppressed energy, a proof to their power and readiness.

Inside, Kieran paused as he sensed the arrival of these new, formidable opponents. His eyes narrowed, aware that the balance of power was about to shift dramatically.

William, clutching his wounded shoulder, looked up with a mix of relief and defiance.

"Apprehend him!"

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Lucky_duckcreators' thoughts