
Something snapped

The carriage was absent of all conversation as it rolled into the Loen manor. Only the sound of the creaking of the carriage wheel and the occasional growl of the lion pulling the carriage could be heard. From Pvarti to Bertram to their sister Greta, to the carriage driver and, as well as all the guards and workers around the manor, they all maintain silence.

As much as he tried to avoid or delay it, eventually they returned home. The pale-looking Pvarti smiled weakly at his siblings, but did not have it in him to crack jokes. It was time to face the music. Regardless of the circumstances, it was true that Pvarti had ended up breaking his engagement and ruining the wedding his father had arranged. His father was well known for not handling bad news well, and the news of his ruined engagement, and all that it entailed, made bad news look like a sprinkle before a thunderstorm.