

The sound of thunder did not just shake the ground, it shattered it. Thick chunks of dirt broke off from the ground and flew out into space around the massive landmass, while endless crystals, treasures, and corpses were revealed underneath. As a result, the one, massive landmass was losing integrity, making it dangerous for everyone within this zone.

Yet for all the dangers it was bringing, Lex's tribulation was ironically also making the zone safer for everyone. Any ordinary disturbance would have set off a chain of explosion or lightning strikes, but with his tribulation growing stronger, it began attracting all the energy within the realm, directing it towards the clouds in the sky.

Jeffery, whose body was completely immobilized under Lex's grip, looked at Lex for a second and then up at the clouds. Something flashed in his eyes, though he was careful not to reveal any signs of it.