
Threads of Healing

As for Lam Chinh, he stood silently behind her, completely invisible, unnoticed, and seemingly unimportant—a surplus existence.

"Mum, how do you feel?" To Coi asked, wiping away the sweat after inserting the last needle.

"Healthy, very healthy! Son, you've worked hard," her mother replied.

"What's that, Mum? Being a doctor and saving lives is natural, especially when your son is the one doing it!" To Coi's rare filial piety amused her mother, who beamed with joy.

Others joined in praising To Coi, and even To Cuong, To Coi's son, happily remarked on his grandmother's improved spirits, comparing her to a ten-year-old after his father's acupuncture.

"Really?" the grandmother asked, surprised.

"Yes, indeed."

"Mum, you look much younger!"

"It feels miraculous! Is this the result of the second son's acupuncture?"

"Truly unbelievable!"

Others, just realizing the situation, expressed their astonishment.

"What's going on, A Coi?" the grandmother asked, smiling.

"Oh, Mum, it's nothing. In general, I'm just happy if you can be healthy and live longer!" Tô Cối replied without further explanation.

"A Coi, I'll ask your husband since he's not saying anything. If he won't speak, let me tell you!" To Coi's wife, Luu Diem, intervened.

She explained that To Coi intentionally spent two million to learn an ancient acupuncture technique from Yen Kinh, emphasizing its effectiveness on her mother.

The revelation shocked everyone.

"Two million?" the grandmother exclaimed. "Supplement what?"

"Just went to Yen Kinh to study the ancient acupuncture theory and technique for quite a while. The needles I used are famous and were invented by the ancient Duoc vương Toi Tu Mac but were lost during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Recently, their traces were found. Currently, a prominent figure in Yen Kinh holds the method, not easily shared.

I believe this method can treat the root cause of Mum's illness.

So, I asked someone to contact that influential person and borrowed his method for a try," To Coi explained, feigning a reluctant smile.

"So that's it, but how did you get two million?"

"I usually save on daily expenses and managed to save a bit. For the remaining amount, I used our home as collateral," T Coi hesitated before confessing.

The family, moved by To Coi's dedication, pledged their belongings as collateral.

The grandmother, deeply touched, expressed relief and praised To Coi's filial piety.

In the midst of this, Lam Chinh, who had been standing unnoticed, suddenly stepped forward, observing the needles on the grandmother's arm.

To Cuong, in a condescending tone, invited him to take pictures and share the miraculous healing on social media.

Lam Chinh, however, pointed out a flaw in To Coi's acupuncture technique, revealing a missing needle that was crucial for the patient's survival.

This revelation left everyone in shock, and the atmosphere became tense.

The story continued to unfold, exposing the intricate dynamics within the To family.