I had nothing to lose by running, so that's exactly what I did. After running for a few more hours, I looked back to discover two things, first of all my pursuers was nowhere to be found 'maybe they gave up after all' secondly it was NIGHT and I don't even have a clue where I am except that I'm in a forest.
I was shivering in the cold but managed to walk a few more miles before I saw a large cave, at first I was scared of going in. "there's nothing much after all I'm no longer in the evil forest" I said gathering all my courage and stepping in.
To my surprise the cave was filled with crystals of different colours and sizes, though exhausted from running, I managed to mine a few stones before sleeping on the ground. 'I think this would be my new home' I thought as I drifted of to sleep.
In the middle of the night, I woke up to a horrifying sight of a beast about to devour me, fortunately the crystals I gathered has been crafted into weapons and armour mysteriously, I quickly grabbed a spear and thrust it into the beast chest killing it, for a moment I was stiff but I grabbed the armour and wore it and I'm glad I did cause soon enough a group of beast came in " lured by the smell of meat", I said
So I spent the rest of the night fighting beast and monsters, after managing to defeat them, I heaved a sigh of relief but just to be welcomed by a gigantic, scary and also ugly looking beast.
With a swift movement, I threw a spear at it, but an invisible barrier stopped it from going further, The beast leaped forward toward me and slashed my face with it's claws, I didn't have time to tend to it though because the beast was charging up at me again. Quickly I grabbed my sword to block the beast attack then gave it an attack that sent it crashing into the wall ' it's a good thing the orphanage taught combat training ' I thought then leaped towards it.
After defeating the beast and mining some more crystals, I walked out of the cavernous to see a normal but magnifying sight.