
The Immortal Man in the Ocean

An old man find the fountain of youth, his life has been not easy after a hundreds of years.

Stacey_M99 · 现代言情
4 Chs

Ethereal Beauty

Maria suddenly looks her legs, and she was astounded. "This is another miracle Papa!" she gushed as she held her lip in astonishment. When Ezra saw it, he was shocked in dis-belief, her legs became normal. "That water, it has the power to defy the natural order of things, and make it beautiful and perfect!" Ezra exclaimed. "I thought that's it, but look, this is wonderful!"

"What are we going to do now, father?" Maria asked, still in shocked. "I'm not sure, but I'm comfortable with the idea of sharing such a profound secret with the world." Ezra gazed. The two stood in silence for a moment, the two of them are now young and beautiful with no other can possess it but them. Each coming to terms with the extraordinary discovery. Ezra could feel the years melting away, his body and mind rejuvenated. 

Maria, too, her both legs were now normal, seemed to stand taller, her movements more fluid and assured. Maria reached out and grasped his hand, her expression softening. "I don't think so Father. But think of the good this could do – the lives it could change, the suffering it could alleviate. Imagine the advancements in medicine and longevity that could stem from this discovery, but getting young and beautiful like no other is a different one." Maria softly said. Ezra nodded slowly, his fingers tracing the contours of his youthful face. "You make a fair point, my dear. And yet, I can't help but worry about the potential for exploitation and disruption. This town, our community, it means the world to me. I don't want to see it turned upside down by hordes of people seeking the 'Fountain of Youth." Ezra replied. Maria squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Then we'll be careful, Father. We'll find a way to share this discovery responsibly, we need more time to think, to ensure it's used for the greater good. But we can't keep this to ourself forever – the world deserves to know what you've found." Maria whispered. "But the cove was gone," Ezra replied. 

Ezra's gaze drifted to the window, where the familiar sights of the coastal town lay beyond. He knew Maria was right, but the thought of exposing his secret filled him with a profound sense of unease. "I need time to think, Maria. I still have a gallon of that water; this is a decision I cannot make lightly." Ezra whispered back. "I will keep that amazing water, no one will know it but us!" Ezra continuous. "Where are you going to keep it?" Maria asked. Ezra suddenly thinks. "I will make a basement under this cottage," 

"I think that's a good idea father, in that case, we have to celebrate for now," Maria happily said. The two them smiled at each other and Maria begun to they began to enjoy their looks, but not a moment too soon, Ezra thought about Maria's son, his grandson named Howard. "What about my grandson, Howard? What we will tell him" Ezra asked. 

"He was same as young as us now, he will be asked a lot of question for sure?" Ezra said in wonder, he was in another town for work, he is a bar tender in a small bar. "No worries father, I can explain everything to him once he gets home," Maria assured him. "But dear, for now this is secret, just you and me, we don't need to tell anyone, even to him about this yet," Ezra said. Maria thought for a while. "But I believe we can trust him," Maria replied. Ezra suddenly recalled Howard's attitude. "Not now dear, when he is drunk, he can tell that to his friends," Ezra reminded her. Maria sighed. "I can't stop him from drinking sometimes," 

They went in the mini balcony of their small cottage, sighted the ocean from afar, some people passing by the beach bend. "People who knew us will notice our changing appearance, what we going to do?" Maria softly said. "I also thinking about that, my comrades are waiting for me now," Ezra replied feeling uncertain. "What if someone come here, what are we going to tell them?" Maria said. They knew that their life, and the lives of those around them, would be forever changed by the outcome. A few moments later, someone approaching from afar. It was Fabio, on his early 60's. He is waving upon approaching. Ezra and Maria can't move. "Oh no, it's Fabio, we need to hide!" Ezra exclaimed. "But he saw us already, he is almost near!" Maria startled. "Just get inside, I will handle this," Ezra said with rushing voice. "But father, remember what we talked, okay?" Maria asked with doubt. "Trust me, I will not tell," Ezra replied. Maria went inside, as Ezra waiting for Fabio to get nearby. When Fabio was already in front of the balcony, he furrowed his brows, he doesn't identify the man who's in the balcony. "Good morning, is your grandfather there?" Fabio asked feeling unsure, he thought that Ezra was Ezra's grandson, Howard. "Oh, my grandpa is not here, he went in another town last night." Ezra replied. "Why he didn't tell me? We have a fishing today?" Fabio asked as he shook his head. Ezra didn't know what to answer. "Maybe he needs to do more important thing, and it's emergency," Fabio just scratch his head. "When he will come back?" he asked desperately. 

"I-I don't know, but I will let you know once he is here," 

Fabio just bids goodbye and walked away, he felt something strange he looked back again, he was amazed by Ezra's looks. "I can't believe that Ezra's grandson is that handsome, he looks like he is not real, its ethereal," he sighed as he walks away. 

"What did you tell him?" Maria asked when she saw Fabio went away. 

"He thought that I was Howard, so I told him that I'm in the other town," Ezra softly said. 

"Well, our life will start to change now father, we need to change our identity!"