
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

110 Chs

Armageddon IV

"Why are you here?" Archangel Uriel asked as he put his guard up.

"Some shit about balance in the world" Azure said as she shrugged her shoulders.

Although Uriel didn't expect her answer to be reasonable, he didn't expect it to be so unreasonable either. To him it seemed like she didn't care and was just doing this for fun or to just flex her power, he was too irritated to control the flow of the flames on his body as they started moving on their own as the heat started growing.

As he was about to rush Azure, he noticed she wasn't there anymore and suddenly she teleported in front and landed an attack on his chest with the dorsal of her hand. The force of the attack put a large dent in his chest and also sent him flying, then she teleported just two feet ahead of him. Once he was close enough, she hit him directly in his forehead with the heel of her hand before the flicker appeared again and pushed Uriel head first into the ground. Upon impact with the ground, once again like a missile, Azure crashed into his body feet first. Although all of the blows he took from her were similar, they had more power in them.

Uriel quickly got up, but before he could do anything, Azure was already in front of him and had landed 4 hits: the first was on his chest which was with the dorsal part of her right hand, the next was on his stomach which was with the palm of her left hand, (the second attack made his body fold), the third attack she kicked his body upwards, and the last attack she used her hands on both sides of Uriel's head. The last attack cracked his head open as he fell to the ground. Azure created the five rods of light and shot them into Uriel's body.

"I heard Jean's scream" Azure said as she ended the step.

"Don't worry he should be fine. Look" Celes said as he held up his paw.

When he held his paw up, black light flashed before it went dim.

"That's his mp which is connected to to Jean's mp. I've kept it dim and hidden under my paw to keep track of them" Celes said.

"When did you do that?" Azure asked.

"When we first met, but don't forget to devour the souls here. We're about to go up against the rest of the Archangels, higher angels, and lower angels" Celes said.

"Alright. God's Will, Step Zero: Judgement" Azure said as light started forming into a large ball above her again.

The ball of light grew larger than before. The easiest way to explain the size and color of the ball would be to say it was like a sun with no heat. Consuming all of the angels it's creator defeated. Even the Archangels we're consumed. After approximately 1 minute, all of the angels she had defeated were consumed.

"But I wonder what happened to make him scream like that" Azure said.

[Jean's current situation in hell]

"I want you as my soldier, your strength, body, hair, and face. Everything is perfect. You even beat two demon lords all at once by yourself, I'm not even able to do that. I want your strength. You're wasting it. It isn't fair that you have that strength and I don't, it isn't fair that you have that body, face, and hair but I don't. It's all so perfect, it isn't fair" The Demon said.

"Leviathan… this is weird.. I'm supposed to feel envious of you. That's what normally happen when I use this step but for some reason your the only person I don't feel envy for" Jean said as he looked at his arm.

Jean was covered in blood, his left arm was ripped off, and there was a large hole in his chest.

[Just after Jean defeated Satan]

"Thank you and sorry for not being able to help" Sefra said as he lowered his head.

"It's fine but I didn't think, he had landed a hit like that" Jean said as he walked to his clothes.

"Yeah the impact fucked me up and knocked me out for while" Sefra said.

"Hmm, who is next?" Jean asked as the black liquid disappeared from his body only leaving engravings.

"The next one is Leviathan aka the demon of envy" Sefra said.

After Jean put on his clothes, he and Sefra headed to the fifth floor where they were surprised to see there were absolutely no souls on the third floor.

"He devoured all of the souls here so all you need to do is devour the first three floors" Sefra said as he opened his wings.

"Alright, take me to the middle of the floor" Jean said as he climbed on Sefra's back.

After Sefra flew Jean to the middle of the floor, he jumped off of Sefra's back and started looking around.

"I didn't even notice the strength I got from Beezlebub when I devoured him but it's only when I'm using gluttony" Jean said.

"This will be the last time you'll be able to use it and stay awake but I'll take that part away so you can fight… are you okay with that?" Sefra asked.

"Yeah. Dark Impulse, Step Five: Gluttony" Jean said.

Before his shadow expanded outwards, he raised it to the ceiling. As soon as his shadow made contact with the ceiling, like water going through cloth, his shadow started leaking through to the sixth floor and once there was more than enough, the shadow raised to the ceiling and started flooding the seventh floor. Like a ocean tide the first layer of shadows rushed to the ends of the fifth floor, the second layer of his shadow was going in a spiraling motion dashing towards the ends of the sixth floor, and the third layer made a web like structure as it crawled to the end of the seventh floor. His shadow resembles the pillars holding up the three floors.

When the third layer of his shadow started consuming the souls on the seventh floor, Jean immediately felt a bearable spiking pain in his stomach but that pain only lasted for awhile before he heard the voices of the souls in his head. It started with one inaudible voice, then out of nowhere another voice came that significantly louder than the first, and another came. Just like with the screams of hell reaching heaven but they were in his head instead. Once the voices started to overlap each other they became more louder and clearer but they weren't clear enough to tell one voice from another or what they were trying to say. As it felt like they were punching and clawing away at the walls of the inside of Jean's head, trying to kick his eyes out of his head. Although it was odd Jean didn't say anything until one of the voices were clear enough.

"I'M SORRY, I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!" The voice of a murderer screamed and echoed in his head before another voice became distinct.

"I'VE SUFFERED ENOUGH TAKE ME GOD!!!" The voice of a psychopath yelled in terror.

Many more voices became distinct but they were all singing the same lullaby "let me out" or "I'm sorry" these voices were the souls of those trapped in hell for ever but they were now devoured by Jean. They say they're sorry but they don't mean it, they don't live by their word, only their cursed actions.

As all of the voices became distinct. It had become painful for him. It was to a point where Jean discovered level of pain that wasn't physical, it was too unbearable for him. Jean collapsed and started rolling on the floor in pain as he put his hands over his head partially covering his eyes.

"FUCK!! AAGHH!!" Jean yelled in pain as his fingers curled on his face.

As his finger curled up on his face, they were still pressed up against his head and he ended up scratching through his skin completely. For a second he felt like it help take his mind off the pain in his so as he continued to roll on the floor, he absentmindedly scratch the skin on his face away.

Sefra tried getting close to help Jean but his mana flow was out of control his shadow randomly formed a whip and swung around wildly.

"Crap" Sefra said as he dodged the whip.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. SHIT!" Jean yelled as he started kicking the air.

As Sefra tried making his way to him, he was manually calming down Jean's shadows but when Sefra was in close to him he realized that there was nothing he was able to do that would help Jean besides sitting there, waiting, and watching as he clawed his face away. He was barely able to watch Jean suffer from this pain.

As Jean was mindlessly clawing the skin off of his face, he moved his hands up more and accidentally scratched his eyes out of his sockets. But He didn't care and continued to tear his skin, soon after he forgot to heal his skin and started ripping apart his muscles.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Ezreal yelled as Jean pushed his hands up against his face and stretched out his body.

"LET ME OUT!!" A voice screamed.

"I REGRET EVERYTHING, I'M SORRY" Another voice yelled.

"destroy my soul, I've dealt with enough torture down here" one more voice said before they quieted down.

The voices disappeared and so did the pain, Jean immediately stopped hurting himself and regenerated his body but he laid there for a few as his mana calmed down and continued to devoured the floors.

"I'm-" before he could finish what he wanted to say Jean spoke up.

"I heard voices in my head other than Ezreal's" Jean accidentally said out loud.

"Ezreal?" Sefra asked before Jean glanced at him as if he didn't want Sefra to say her name.

"They- I assumed they were being treated fairly here but I guess my assumption was wrong" Jean said as he ignored what Sefra said.

"…" Sefra stood quiet after that glance.

"I've just devoured Beezlebub and my shadow is having problems devouring Satan and Belphegor's weapon" Jean said.

"Then bring them down and feed them to the weapon you want to continue using" Sefra said.

"…Alright" Jean said as he raised his hand to the ceiling.

The three floors that were pierced by Jean's shadow and we're going to be in approximately 30 minutes. Jean then held his hand up to the ceiling for the weapons, but it seemed like he was reaching for something else as he stared past the ceiling. And when the weapons reached his hands like he was waiting for he seemed disappointed.

"Alright, show me how to feed this sword" Jean said.