
Fergon The Dwarf Smith (1)

"Mr. Fergon, I'm here by recommendation of a fellow dwarf. One who sells high valleys in the market." I explained.

The coal-covered dwarf looked at me with squinted eyes before walking towards his dusty counter. "Wait there."

He huffed and puffed then coughed, before kneeling down and getting something from underneath.

The sound of things clacking and clunking as he rummaged through unseen drawers and boxes made for a rather rhythmic noise.

Zeal did not like the noise. She covered her ears with both hands. A mild frown was on her face. 

After a minute, the dwarf stood up as he held some things over his chest. He then tossed over some ingots and tools over his counter, letting a few nuts and bolts and nails roll over and splatter. 

He didn't seem to care much about cleanliness and order. But seeing that his building was still standing, I had reason to believe that the dwarf had not lost all sanity just yet.