
The Immortal chad

The souls of giga chad jr and a 10 year old sado chad fuse.

Nikka_boy · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Fated to die

Groggily waking up the first thing I noticed was that my tv was still on. No big deal I thought before stepping on the halfhasardly placed remote which caused my intergalactic cable to explode.

Quickly jumping out my window I stared deadpanned at my belongings. "Nooo, that's the only good thing I had this axe doesn't even do anything." Sado yelled in despair

Suddenly suspicious sado spoke to his system 'hey didn't you say that the tree didn't do anything how come suddenly my house blows up' sado thought suspiciously

[Damm… that's crazy it's almost like your to lazy to strengthen your soul to allow me to do my job. Although I do sense it now it seems to be getting stronger]

'You shit face why didn't you tell me' sado looked worried 'c-can you remove the curse'

[you didn't ask (: plus we aren't strong enough How about in the next life you stop lazing around and train more diligently.]

Before sado could continue to complain he sensed danger and jumped to the left.a blue furred wolf was revealed and it wasn't alone

Sado smilled before one shoting the mortal stage wolves. 'Strange usually these poison wolves travel alone. And why would they… that tree is a dick' after some strange thoughts on arson chad stood up

"I guess I will live in the city again it's safer then here and I can maybe find something to help me suppress this curse" chad spoke with dull eyes

[keep dreaming]

beginning his journey back to the closest city. He sighed as he looked at the pack of inedible wolves who stood in his way. destroying them in 3 minutes he changes his mind

Traveling to the nearest train station instead of the city was the new plan after more thought and some precaution as even midday he was attacked.


<perfect system>



Hp: 1000/1000


Life span:150





Threat lvl: legendary peak

Special condition:(fated for death)

Arriving at the station where it was usually easy to board considering it's funded by the tech fodder family. those guys loved spending money it was likely due to there system

Sneaking into the train was easy, because why would you put in security for something free.although I would like to trust in common sense I wasn't going to leave it up to fate.

Sitting down in the back a old lady looking to be in her 80s sat next to me. 'You could have sat anywhere but you just had to sit next to me' sado's heightened senses worked against him because of the musty old lady

[system detected within 5 meters, model love? Heh sucks to be you it's a new system though so she should be weak]

"Young man why don't you put those muscles to use and help a old lady" the thing tried to be seductive only to cause large amounts of disgust

' this is what happens when your body doesn't fit your system it's disgusting'

[ cough*]

'Oh shut up'

The lady put her hand on my lap. Forcing himself to not murder someone he notices The lady's strength .'what is this, system explain' sado looked at his empty cart and gave in to despair at the 6 hour train drive

[how was I supposed to know she was in the epic realm. Maybe if yo-]

'Ok ok I get it it's my fault'

"Lady I promise you I don't want what your selling"

"Chivalry is dead" the lady spoke

"And I killed it" chad spoke remaining stoic

"Unfortunately for you I want to complete this quest" the lady suddenly doubling her efforts for the rest of the ride

'I was okay with enduring it for the soul cultivation but really aphrodisiac's system engage auto pilot, special condition time 5 hours'

[tch it was just getting good, this is why your so weak next time get born better]

'thi- this is ridiculous why won't he budge in the greatest water cultivator in my entire village they call me old smelly fish xiu I refuse to believe you don't like me' the phyco thought to herself


<auto pilot-off>

Reason imminent danger

Opening my eyes I quickly use speed thinking and find the train which never failed before falling straight into a lake… wait is that gravity lake the same lake where you can't leave if you aren't at the mythical stage ….yeah why not of course the bridge is suddenly broken because why not

thinking for a solution and unable to find one he tries to break the window. But it was to sturdy then he felt the force as the train impacted the water at 240 mp/h

thanks to the sturdy build I could just wait for the tech group to send a team to salvage there train. "Ah fuck me of course the window is leaking" chad spoke

"Gladly dear I was worried I wasn't going to get the extra lifespan" the old lady smiled sweetly as she faced impending death

"Calm down lady your really not my type, but do you by chance have a way off this train" chad spoke as he kicked away the old lady

"tsk young blood the more you push the more I want" the old lady then broke the window with a needle and swam!!? Out of the lake

"F-fuck now what"

[pray or something I don't know]

As sado drowned all he could think off was his weakness. 'If I ever get a second chance I will become the strongest and live a long happy life… and burn that stupid tree down'