
4: First Day In School

Shanne woke up early in the morning,it's her first day in SM ACADEMY.

"Are you ready to go to school?"asked Dara to her niece."Eat your breakfast first before going to school."she add.

"Ne,IMO.(aunt) said Shanne.

Dara saw Eunji came out from her room,wearing her uniform,she's also ready for school.

"Eunji,can you go to school together with your sister?"Give her a ride with your bicycle."

"Sirheo!"I don't like that idea imo,she can go to school by herself."Anyway,it's just 5 minutes away from here to school."Eunji declined her aunt requested.

"By the way,don't call me eonni when we are inside the school,aratchi?"she whispered to her sister, and then she left without saying goodbye to their aunt.

Shanne didn't answered what her older sister said.

"It's alright imo."I can walk from here to school."Besides,walking is a good exercise for the body,right?"Shanne smiled  to her aunt.

After saying goodbye,she started to walked heading to school.

Meanwhile:  Building A


      At the rooftop garden.

Lee Kai is peacefully leaning on one of the bench at the rooftop garden.He always went there every morning,he loves to smell of the morning fresh scents of the flowers and leaves that planted there.

His eyes closed when suddenly,he saw a girl on his vission.The girl is walking at the school ground but she can't see her face because it's covered by her long black hair.

"Maybe,she's a new students."Kai talked to himself.He already knows the scent of the whole students and teachers in this school.

"But wait,what is this smell?Where did it came from?"

Kai close his eyes and took a deep breath.For some unexplainable reason,his heart beats very fast.

"This smell is very addictive."But why does my heart beat like this?"Kai is flustered,but he forcefully forget the vision she just saw,and also the sweet scent he smelled.

He closed his eyes again,and after a minutes he stand up and walked to his classroom.

"Annyeong haseyo!Jeoneun Lee Sha Ahnne imnida."Bangapseumnida!"Shanne is practicing her class introduction speech.


"Aaahhh!!She bumped into someone's body.

"Joesonghamnida!!!!She bowed to the person she got bumped.

"It's OK,"she heared a masculine voice answered her.

She lift her head to see the person she got bumped,but to her surprise no one is in front of her.

"Omo!"Did I just bumped into a ghost?"Her eyes widened.She heard some students laughing at her.She looked around and saw three handsome students loitering at the stairway beside her.They are laughing at her.

"Yah!Ghost student!"Are new here in our school?"asked the handsome tallest guy.

"Uhm."She just nod at them and asked.

"Did you saw earlier that I bumped into someone?"

"Of course,We did!"says the handsome student with red hair."You didn't bumped into a ghost."he add as they laughed.

"That was Lee Kai,don't mind him,he's always like that."said the cutest on them.

"Aah,I thought I bumped into a ghost."says Shanne while smiling shyly.

"Anyway,I have to go.I don't want to be late on my first day."said Shanne,and hurriedly run to her room.

"Chakaman!!Ya!!!!Ghost student!!!!The tallest guy called her,but she just ignored him.

"Haiszt!!Jinja!!This is the first time that I ignored by a girl!"said the tallest guy,pouting his lips.

The other guys with him laughed after they heared what he said.

"Oh!Look at this!The ghost student dropped her I.D."said the cutest guy as he picked up the I.d on the floor.

"May I see?"asked the tall guy.

"Lee Sha Ahnne,junior student of building 2-A."he read loudly.And he smiled mischievously.

Class 2-A

The students are very noisy.Their homeroom teacher enter the classroom together with 2 new students.

"Class,Silence please!"You have a new classmate starting today.Introduce yourself to your classmates."the teacher said.

"Annyeong haseyo!Jeoneun Lee Sha Ahnne imnida----

"You don't have to speak in Korean,all of us can understand English.After all,SM ACADEMY is an English school."said the tall guy but looks like a girl,because she wore a make up,and his gesture is feminine.

"Oh!I'm sorry!.Sha Ahnne apologized shyly.

"Hello everybody my name is SolJin,please take good care of me."introduced the girl.Like Shanne,she is also a transferred students,she's from busan.

"You two,find a vacant seat to be your permanent seat.And since it's already time for my next subject,I will leave them to all of you."said the teacher and then she left the classroom.

Sha Ahnne chose the last seat of the second row.

"Hello girl!My name is Sese,and I'm the most beautiful girl in this room,and that's includes you.Uuhmm.....probably,in the whole campus."said the guy that looks like a girl.His eyebrow raised to the highest level.

The whole classroom filled with laughters because of what he said.

Shanne also smiled at his joke.

He sat on her armchair, together with his friends.

"Sorry for my friend's behaviour, but his just kidding."By the way,I'm Suho and I'm the president of this class.And this is Luhan,my cousin."Suho's long introduction.

And that 'girl' I mean boy is Sehun but he loves to called Sese."Suho add as he chuckles.

"It's OK,"It made me comfortable to talk with you guys."And I just want to thank you for being friendly with me."Shanne said.She's very happy that she already found a new friends.


Luhan,Sehun,Suho,and Shanne are in one table eating their lunch.

Sehun picked Kimchi using his chopstick and offered it to Luhan.

"Aaaah,My deer Luhan,eat this it's delicious,"said Sehun trying to make Luhan eat the kimchi he gave.

"Ya!Your so gross!Stop it!!"Or else,I will kick your butt!"Luhan's warning.

"It's alright,as long as it is you,I wont mind."says Sehun as he made beautiful eyes to him while biting his lips.

"Shanne and Suho couldn't help but to laughed at Sehun's gesture.

"There so cute."Shanne said as she laughed at them.

"Their always like that,Tom and Jerry,but they are really good friends."Suho said smilingly.

"Omo!!Here comes my destiny!!!Sehun said.Her eyes is full of admiration.

Shanne smiled."You just threw Luhan that fast?"

"Oh,He knows that I love every handsome boys in this school."Sehun explain,as he looked at his so called "destiny".He looked at him like an idiot.

Luhan laughed."That's Lee Kai,senior students of building C 3-A.He's popular in this school because of his looks,and his smart also.But,he's aloof to anyone,and sometimes rude.He seldom talked to anyone,except her one and only friend Namjoo,which is not here,I heared she's sick."Luhan's long explanation.

Shanne lift her head upon hearing the name of Lee Kai.

"So,he's the one that I bumped earlier."Shanne whisper as she looked at him standing,searching a vacant seat where he can eat.

Kai is searching a vacant seat,when he saw the girl that bumped him earlier,the girl on his vision.She looked at her for a minute but when she lift her head,their eyes meet for a seconds and then Kai turned around as if he didn't saw her.

"Hmph!You're right,he is rude and also snob.says Shanne while pouting his lips.

"I accidentally bumped at him earlier,I bowed as I apologised him,but when I raised my head,no one is in front me.I just thought that I bumped a ghost."she confessed still pouting her lips.

Luhan laughed at her."I told you."

"My,my,my,Kris looks who's here.The ghost student eating her lunch."says Xiumin.The cutest guy earlier.

Shanne turned her head back and saw the 3 handsome guys earlier.

"Ya!Ghost student!You dropped your I.D when you run from us."said Kris while giving back her I.D."Or maybe it's just your way to catch our attention."Kris said agin,with a playful smile on his lips.

Shanne's brows raised to the highest peak.

"Excuse me! I' didn't run because of you.I run because I'm late.

"Anyway,you succeed to catched my attention.And I bet you don't know our name,so I will introduce you myself.I'm Kris Hong,the most handsome and popular in this school,and this is my friends Xiumin and Tao,they are also handsome as me."said Kris,boosting himself and his friends.

Many girls eyes looking at them,specially at Shanne.They are all envy at her.

One of those eyes is Choa,one of the most popular girls in SM ACADEMY,alongside with her friends Ji Yeon,Bomi and their leader Eunji,Shanne's eonni.

"So you want to catched the attention of my love Kris?"said Choa,displaying a dangerous smile on her face.She sat on the vacant seat beside her.

Shanne didn't talked back.She just looked at her eonni standing together with them.

"Haiszt!!!Guys let's go,there's a stalker here....Well see you again ghost student.You had a debts on me,remember I returned your I.D."Kris said before they left.

"Ya!!New student,stay away from my Kris or else your in trouble."said Choa tapping the table loudly, before they left and followed Kris.

Her older sister didn't looked back at her and she felt like she wants to cry.Her friends mistook it,they thought she want to cry because she's afraid of Choa.

"Ya!Don't cry,just don't mind her,She's just a pathetic girl who always stalked at Kris.They are the spies girls,but we called them despise girls,because we don't like them."said Sehun tapping her shoulders.

She just nod,but didn't answered.

She's very sad,the way her eonni treated her.

She drink her juice,when she felt that there is someone who's staring at her.She looked back and saw Kai staring at her intensely.

This time she's the one who first turned his eyes down,and told her friends to leave the cafeteria.