

"Dear, we are about to reach the outer ring of the Oasis." Matriarch Hera muttered as she approached her husband of over 25 years. "Don't worry dear, we've been through worse."

Ipnak stood on the ships deck, with his hand on the keel stone. All sand ships came with a keel stone that connected an earth spiritualist with the ships keel, allowing the spiritualist to slide the ship on the sand even without wind.

Ipnak was wearing his chieftain's robe, decorated with a shale horn, a symbol of Shale village. Ipnak heard his wife's words and sighed. "Yes, yes we have. But this is not just us Hera, this is everyone." Ipnak mumbled, his voice barely audible. "You know how ruthless they can be."

Matriarch Hera hugged Ipnak from behind, her arms wrapped around his chest.

"If you are thinking that you have failed the village, you are wrong. What you are doing now is protecting the village and everyone in it." Hera said with a tranquil look on her face.

"Our reserves were not enough for all of us to reach the border, and even if we did, we would have to pay taxes to be allowed to pass into Raavi territory."

Ipnak stayed silent, he remained that way as Hera continued to talk.

"You have to stop being this way, this mission is to save the village." Hera said in a sobbing tone.

"This mission to the Oasis is a death sentence, and I am nothing but a butcher. I gave them all fake hope." Said Ipnak flatly.

"We will succeed, we still have the crystal. Sanam may be gone, but her sacrifice was not in wain. The sword is still in human hands, and Haruki is safe. She did her job as the sword keeper, now we must do ours." Hera muttered.

"You had the foresight to send the children away, and now we are going to meet the chieftains of Yaris and Guar Village, to discuss the plan."

"You are right dear, you're always right." Ipnak turned and hugged his wife.

"Ahem" one of the village warriors coughed as she approached the old couple.

Matriarch Hera pushed her husband aside and resumed the stern look she always caries around.

Ipnak smiled and turned to face the warrior. "Vin, what happened." Ipnak asked. "you seem flustered."

"Chief, we have reached the ridge. Two other sand boats are visible, they have the proper identifying flags." The warrior replied, hurriedly.

"Good, raise our flag, and set anchor as soon as we reach the location." Ipnak said.


In an open field of Ice and mist, an emerald shadow danced about. Every time the shadow flashed, a portion of mist in its former location would retreat. A chubby old man with a stubby beard, covered from head to toe in an umber fur attire, kept sprinting after the shadow. He tried to catch the shadow, but every time he got close, the shadow flashed and vanished into the distance.

"Why are you being so stubborn. What you are trying to do, will not go well with the other lords." Lord Rolf persisted as he raced behind the Emerald shadow. "You know this better than anyone, I can't protect you from them."

The Shadow kept moving, it criss-crossed through the field, only leaving behind a trace of sword essence.

"Will you just stop and listen to me." Rolf Yelled. "Fine, then I'll make you listen."

Rolf's body started to grow larger. His entire body started to undergo a transformation as his ears became rounded, his wobbly belly turned into a muscular six pack, fur started to pop out from his thick neck, and turned into a golden mane.

Rolf's eyes widened, and he was finally able to see the shadow's movements clearly. He pounced, and reached the emerald shadow before it could jump again.

However, just as his hands were about to touch the shadow, the entire field of ice and mist started to glow a brilliant blue.

Icy mist coagulated around Rolf's body, and turned into solid Ice. Rolf tried to move, but the thick Ice prevented him from doing so.

Rolf was shocked, he looked at the emerald shadow, which was only an arms reach from him. This was supposed to be impossible, he was in his incarnation form. Although he didn't use any essence the other side also didn't use any.

"How did you do this, you aren't even in your transformed state." Rolf muttered as he stared at the shadow. The mist cleared and a young woman appeared in front of Rolf. She had glistening silver hair, aqua blue eyes and pale skin. She wore a dress woven from misty emerald fur, the dress released an emerald mist that seemed to encompass its wearer. This woman was Ukara, the Lord of Frost City, one of the 9 great human cities of the Icy mountains.

"Uncle Rolf, your golden mane lion form is quite fast, but it's not fast enough." Ukara said as she slowly walked past the frozen Rolf. "How do you like my demonstration, I call it essence runology."

The Ice around Rolf's body started to shatter as he went back to his normal form. He once more turned into a chubby old man. "Essence Runology?, why have I never heard of it." Rolf asked. "Does it rely on sword essence."

"You never heard of it, because I invented it, with some help from the 'Gem'." Ukara replied as she continued to walk, her pace relaxed, her voice tone-less. "For centuries, we have relied on the Raavi for Rune knowledge. But now we have our own unique Runology, that no one else can master."

"But that's impossible. You just drew this rune, right in front of my eyes, using nothing but essence." Rolf mumbled as he looked at the traces of aqua sword essence still lingering in the field. "Everyone knows, that runes can only be drawn on special materials that are naturally formed with spiritual energy. You just drew using your sword essence in the air."

Ukara stopped, and turned around to face Rolf. "Uncle Rolf you are the Lord of Sephora City, so you know how much we rely on the Raavi. It is true, spiritual runes have high requirements for the materials, hence we will never be able to compete with them as long as we live in this backward region, devoid of any significant resources."

"But essence runology changes that game, from now on all we need is our essence cultivation. Essence itself acts as both the brush and the medium, opening a whole new world for us."

"I know you believe that I am being rash, trying to overthrow the status quo that has held us here for thousands of years."

"But what you don't realize is that Frost city is not the same as your cities, we have never relied on the Raavi. Although our rune masters are not as good as yours, who had the training of Raavi masters, but we are independent. Our spirit rune masters are self-thought and self-made, this dress is proof of their ingenuity. Made using the fur of an emerald wind fox, gathered during shedding season, and this sword." Ukara pointed to her hilt. "Formed from the horn of a frost stag, and imbued with runes that we created from scratch.

"Ukara, all of this is indeed very impressive, you have done humanity a huge favor, but you must cease with your plan. The other Lords will try to stop you, your putting the whole of frost city in danger." Rolf said in severe tone.

Ukara smiled, her hands moved and a sword appeared in it. The sword slashed about in the air, in sync with Ukara's movements, before Finally coming to a stop.

Ukara put the sword back in its sheath and looked at Rolf. "Here's my answer. Now and forever." And with that she vanished.

Rolf was confused, he looked at the lingering essence where Ukara had slashed. Suddenly the essence glowed and formed a rune.

However, before Rolf could rush back, he was once again encased in Ice.


Ipnak disembarked from the ship with his wife the village Matriarch as well as some of his warriors.

He walked over to the anchoring location of one of the larger ships to see a group of warriors huddled around a tall sturdy man. The man was dressed in a ceremonial chieftain's robe, similar to the one worn by Ipnak.

"It has been too long old friend." Ipnak said as he approached the group.

"Indeed, it has truly been too long, brother Ipnak." The tall sturdy man said as he gestured to the warriors to make way for Ipnak and Hera. "You have turned into an old man in these past 14 years, however my sister seems to be as young as ever."

"Do you really want me to pull your ears again little Yoji." Matriarch Hera muttered her expression turned into one of love and grace, a rare sight, even for her husband.

"Elder sister, I've been the chief of Yaris village for 20 years. Please stop calling me little." Chief Yoji approached the matriarch and got his ears pulled followed by a hug "Anyways it's good to see you sister, and you as well brother Ipnak."

"It's good to see you too Yoji." Ipnak said as he came face to face with Chief Yoji. "Your warriors look strong."

"Yes, yes they do." Yoji said, his tone fallen. "Come let me take you to Chief Ranbu, we should discuss our next steps."

Dear Readers,

I really hope you liked the book so far. Please leave a review on the book after you have read the latest chapter. It would also be great if you left a comment on the chapters, I want to know what you think, even if its bad.

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Sorry for taking longer than usual. I've been slowly going over the previous chapter, fixing up the dialogue structure. Also I am working on the ending of this Arc. I have to make some big decisions that will effect the novels future. Anyways I hope you will like this chapter, I decided to go deeper into the world's different side occupations. Enjoy.

HyperChilliMancreators' thoughts