
The Hopeless Milo

Milo a 12 year old trys to explore his mind.

2 Chs


[M D academy of Youth Excellence]


"Mira you are here for the fith time this week. I think you are goung to need suplement.", the nurse told Milo.

" I will tell your dad about the supplements. I think you would need the X20 pills to stop you from fainting", making Mira'sheart which was going at 200bpm to skyrockret to 400bpm. While in his mind her thoughts were racing about how his father would react. While non‐chalantly shouting to the nurse she said,"NO! No need to tell father."

While calming down a bit he said,"I can do it myself." Quickly while taking his coat he ran out. As fate would have it he ran into the girl who brought him. It was Mira, his best friend. Although, their parents didnot know of their friendship. They suspected it till the point of going to befriend eachother. Their parents even put two trackers which had speakers. It was over after they heard us call eachother by Ra and Lo respectivey and we cleared it by saying that we were in a group project.

The only people who knew were Ra's sister and us. We were ovbiously shipped by our whole friend group but it never mattered to us. All we cared about was only our friendship is what I told everyone.

In reality I was the most flusttered when everyone did that.

I am ought to believe that we will be not getting so many readers so please share this story with others.

GS EXPECTATION – 5 per month

PS EXPECTATION – 15 per month


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