
The Hopeful Journey

In this world where history has shaped the world for more than centuries, where currently 2 main people stand on the top. Will you find your way going through the ranks to eventually grant the power of the dragon? Our Protagonist, Simon, is all alone until he is at the wrong place at the wrong time (or was it) and suddenly in a dark room with an unknown person sitting in front of him. Will you give this journey a watch?

Vrus_Gaming · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 4: Tic-Tac-Toe (Part 1)

I continue hiding, and hear every step this guy is taking. I am scared to even make a sound, then I hear him take a step near me and I run away but suddenly trip. Damnit! It was just like me running away from Fredrik, I thought I wanted to change! All I have been doing is running, I need to man up! Or else nothing would've changed. I suddenly see the Basoberry on the ground, did it fall out of my pocket? I rush over to grab it, the giant guy walks over to my area. I open my mouth, drop the berry into my mouth and take a bite. It's super bitter but I swallow it anyway.

The giant guy rushes over towards me charging up a punch, I burst forward charging up a punch as well. Our punches collide, energy bursts out with the shockwave that came from the punch. Though I am still weaker so I got sent flying back. Wait, I haven't checked where my weak spot was. It can't be my fist, and it can't be their fist either, they must think I am aware of my weak spot. I will figure it out once I am in another square. 

I get up and look at the giant guy with a smirk, I need a chance to win. Am I able to bluff them out into revealing their weak spot? There is only one way of finding out, I stand up proud with a massive smirk which catches them off guard. 

"I already figured out your weak spot, your skin tight clothes don't help you in this scenario since the weak spots have a glow to it." 

The Giant was caught off guard and looked a bit nervous, that means my bluff worked? 

"Your perception ability is great but you don't have the strength to get past me to aim for the nape of my neck." 

"I may not have the strength, but I know I will win this game." 


Man this guy has an ego, reminds me of that maid. Guess there are many people with massive egos, man imagine you are going to win a competition but lose due to your own ego. 

We both get into a combat stance then rush towards each other, we throw out multiple punches, they all get blocked or countered but I also block his punches. Then I get a solid punch on the giant, punching him in the chest sending this 120 kilo behemoth flying about 10 meters. 

I rushed over as quickly as I could and prepared a punch but suddenly the giant hit me on my right thigh. The announcements come back on saying:

"Thrash moves first. Pick your move."

Thrash picks middle left and they teleport away, I can't believe I lost that confrontation. I need to focus on the game as well, I go and take the top right. Thrash goes to the middle bottom while I go back to the middle. Thrash goes to the bottom right while I go middle right.

I begin to rest in my square then a big bug flies on me and speaks.

"Hello there Simon, I am here to help you visualize your game board, plus your teammates board as well."

I was horrified that a bug was speaking but I do not have enough time to focus on the bug.

"Alright, show me my teammate's board."

Let's see how Torren is doing, he won his first match with Torren going middle top and this opponent named Glade going middle right. They both go for the top right with Glade getting victory then him going to the center. Torren goes for the top middle and Glade goes for the top right again. Torren goes for top middle staying in his location with Glade going top left. Torren goes for top left (securing the top middle as his) as well then they begin combat for the 3rd time on the top left square. 

Torren was able to get a square and he is also able to analyze his opponents moves by seeing where they move to possibly find a counter. I bet Torren recognized that the guy is going for a diagonal win. 

Then I look at Hari's board and see that she won the first combat interaction so she went on the top left square then the red haired woman who is named Ishi goes on the middle left. They both return to the center and Hari takes another victory where she goes to the center staying where she is. A third combat round happens just like the other 2 rounds she wins then takes the bottom left securing the middle for herself. 

Her play was just to fight with aggression in hopes that her opponent would fall for a similar trick. She has created planning abilities, now it is my turn to be able to show what I can do. Thrash goes for the center and I take a deep breath then I go to the center as well, this is where my 2nd combat round begins.

"So Simon, have you come back for more?"

"You always gotta end in a win, and that is what I am going to do!"

I rush over as well as Thrash rushing over to me, I go for a kick to the face. Thrash grabs my leg, so I twist my body and punch Thrash in the face to which he lets go of me. Thrash headbutts me and I fall to the ground. I slowly get up and see a hair strand on the floor. I couldn't fully make it out but it looked pinkish. 

I got up and grabbed the hair and everything made sense to me. This wasn't an actual chaos doers. This was a test, this was the maid that woke me up. I start laughing.

"So what is a maid like you doing here in combat?"

The giant laughs and suddenly transforms into the maid from before.

"Great deductive abilities but I won't hold back on you."

"I never expected you to hold back, now with the Basoberry I will defeat you here." 

"You know Basoberry berries are only bitter and don't grant any special power."

What? Why else would they give it to be? Maybe Zecin knew I was strong so he gave me something that would think I was strong. I need to focus on combat, I need a plan….. WAIT I GOT IT. 

"You know I was just holding back. Now that I know it was just my pure strength, no need to hold back on a weak woman."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST- If anything you are the weak one!"

"How about you go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich."


She rushes over faster than before, but this was all part of my plan. As she rushes over I move to the side, and where she runs in front of me. I pissed her off so I could make her act impulsively, it was subtle but I did manipulate her. The moment I see her in front of me, I immediately react in less than half a second and punch her in the nape. 

There will be more than 2 parts total so don't worry

Vrus_Gamingcreators' thoughts