
The Awakening

The last thing I remembered was Mother Cora’s expression. Was it concern for my wellbeing or pity? I could not tell. As I was lying still, I heard whispering voices. I wanted to stay conscious and listen what was being said, but my body was weak. I could not tell where I was, I was having difficulty to stay awake and open my eyes instead I tried to focus on the voices. Even though I could not tell where it was coming from, the voices were familiar. It was Mother Cora and Meme talking.

"Mother Cora ... Has anything like this ever happened before??"

"Not to my knowledge. We still do not know who she must serve? The Goddess of War has not declined her, it is bewildering. She is a fighter; I am sure she will prevail and return to us soon. You are now a holy gatherer. I am proud of your achievement. Let me see your weapon" said Mother Cora.

Meme took out her bow and arrow and placed it on Mother Cora’s hand. The bow was made of silver while the arrow heads were pure crystals on top of the finest mahogany wood. “Oh yes! It is beautiful. This is who you are. Do you know your weapon defines your personality?” asked Mother Cora stroking the string made of crystal.

“This is your weapon. It will obey you and only you. Take care of it as it will protect you from any harm. Be good to it. Show respect as it is made just for you by the hand of Goddess of War. This weapon is your gate to the heavens.” Mother Cora gave the bow back to Meme.

"Mother Meme! It’s time to join your members" said the High Priestess after entering the shed. Meme obeyed her order. Before she left, she approached my resting place, took my hand, and kissed my palm. She looked at my still body and whispered, “Come back to us!!". On her way out, as she kissed the palms of Mother Cora and the High Priestess, Mother Cora said "Waka!”. Meme then left the shed.

“I knew this would happen to her. I could never understand why you did not put a stop to it, knowing this will happen. I opposed it from the beginning! Do you know what the others are saying? When she was placed in our care, you were the one who insisted on making her our sister. Now you let her risk her life. You know more than anyone the responsibility that the Goddess of War demands from a freshly summoned holy gatherer is barbaric. She was meant to become an inland mother. I saw no physical strength in her. I still do not see how she can be at use for the Goddess of War.”

The high priestess stood next to me. I knew Mother Rozia was unhappy but hearing her opposing my path hurt me more than I expected and wondered if she even wanted me as a sister at all?

Then Mother Rozia placed her index finger on my forehead and placed her other index finger on her forehead. I felt her energy flowing inside my brain, I felt her reviewing my memory. She was investigating what has happened that night then she withdrew quickly “Odd! I cannot access her memory. It seems like she does not know what has happened to her or she is blocking me out. How can this be? Is this you’re doing?” asked Mother Rozia

"Hush! ... Why would you think that? I know she is not ours to save or protect! You know that I will do no such a thing, no matter my concerns!” Mother Cora was defensive then continued “To be chosen by any of the goddesses is blessing! We both had our share of experience! We both know better than intervening with destiny" she sounded furious, she sat on a stool leaning on her walking staff.

Mother Rozia spoke in a calm manner: “I am worried. She is not like the rest. She is too weak. It did not matter that I tried to stop her from following your path; she always found a way to defy me. She is willful, I give her that. She got that from you."

Mother Cora smirked as they both stared at me. I felt it was time to show them I was wake and opened my eyes. They both were relieved to see I was conscious, but Mother Rozia’s expression changed immediately. She looked dissatisfied and shook her head muttering “Willful child, you are lucky this time. As a mother, your fate is now in the hand of the goddesses. It was a mistake to visit you. You have made your bed when you decided to become holy gatherer. You don’t deserve my compassion so don’t expect it!” Mother Rozia was furious and was not holding back for my sake.

"Let her rest!" said Mother Cora standing up and grabbing her away from me. Mother Rozia stormed out of the shed. I knew there is nothing I can do to stop her.

Mother Cora turned her attention toward me. I was looking around if there was any weapon that was gifted to me however there was none. Mother Cora approached me and said "You need the rest! Go back to sleep.” I wanted to ask Mother Cora if I have been blessed by the Goddess of War, but the exhaustion drove me back to sleep instantly.


"Tiya, Tiya” a voice was calling my name. “Daughter of mine … follow me child."

I woke up when the same voice from the day of the ceremony called out to me. The melodic voice was so hypnotic that I felt it move my soul. I was wearing a long gown, bright like the stars of the old land. I was glowing. I was in one of my dreams in a place I never seen before. I was standing under an unfamiliar goddess tree.

The tree looked old with variety-colored leaves. It was magnificent, unique in every way, surrounded by a vast untouched nature. The voice guided me to follow a path built with purest crystal to a lake nearby. As I got closer, I noticed the lake called the Crystal Lake located in the old lands. It was where the Goddess of War forged her gifts.

As I approached closer, I saw a reflection mirroring my every move. I stroked hair and turned around to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. It was my reflection! I looked different; my form was changed. I reached out to touch the Crystal Lake, but the lake retreated so I pulled back. The lake returned to its original form. I tried many times, but the lake retreated every time. I got frustrated and took a step back, but then a strong wind blew from the goddess tree. I lost my balance and fell at the edge of the lake.

“Breeze … Breeze in the air of the wind” I heard the voices. The wind was circling me. The more I resisted, the stronger the wind grew. I deeply inhaled then as my chest expanded, my body started to vibrate heavily as the air from the wind traveled through my veins. I felt a strange feeling of freedom. A rebirth of my true self took place then transformed me into the body I saw reflected back in the Crystal Lake.

I slowly sat up and noticed my right hand submerged in the Crystal Lake. The lake did not retreat as it did before. When I tried to pull out, my fingers were holding onto something that felt like a handle. I knelt and held on to the handle with both hands. I mustered every bit of strength I had in me and pulled. Slowly, the handle started to show along with the silver gleam of a crystal sword.

I woke up from the dream drenched in sweat. The dream felt vivid and real. The crystal sword from my dream had followed me back to reality.