
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · 都市
9 Chs

Quiet Departure

Time flew by and before Noah knew it another week passed.He and Excalibur could be seen sparring, if that's what you would call it.Even with his very obvious height advantage Excalibur was leagues better, not to mention her physique got better along with his.Thankfully, due to his enhanced physique the bruises would heal within a day.

As Noah took another kick to the side there was a change in the cave.Saphira who appeared to be meditating was suddenly enshrouded in light.Her form shifted and enlarged until she looked the same as when Noah first saw her.

"I couldn't maintain that form any longer" she stated without even opening her eyes.

That's when it hit Noah, she was really dying.He knew that she was, but she never showed any signs.She always maintained this calm persona that radiated power.And with Noah learning how amazing she actually was, he forgot that in a week she would be dead.

Before he could react, his feet were swept out from under him.Turning to the perpetrator he glared,"Why'd you do that"

"We're sparring" she stated as if it was obvious "Besides, she doesn't need your pity"

Before he could rebuke she brought her foot down.Scrambling to get up he threw a simple jab, only for her to deflect it and punch him in the liver.

"Add some variety in your moves,"complained Excalibur.

"I'm trying, melee just isn't my thing"

She let out a sigh as they continued sparring.

They could now communicate smoothly threw the bond so verbal communication was allowed. That however did nothing to strengthen the bond which was becoming a real problem. Saphira said that she knew of a pretty powerful Ego user to teach us but we would have to make it there first and then convince him to teach us.


Before they knew it there was only a day left.

Noah and Excalibur could be seen sitting, desperately searching for a way to strengthen the bond. Saphira walked up to them and took the ring from off her finger.It was a simple dark gray ring with red markings in a language he didn't understand.

"Drip your blood on it"

Grabbing Excalibur he made a small incision on his finger and let the blood fall onto the ring.The blood seeped into the markings as they flashed with red light.

"Focus on the ring"

Doing so he was amazed.There were mountains of treasures within the ring ranging from piles of gold, to trees bearing rainbow fruits.

"When I die tomorrow, place your hand on my corpse and think about storing me within the ring"

She then walked away and continued meditating.A somber mood over took the cave as Noah thought about tomorrow.Sure he would get to finally leave this damned cave but it didn't feel right for someone like Saphira to die down here.Letting out a sigh he went back to communicating with Excalibur.


Waking up, Noah stretched his body before looking towards Saphira. Excalibur was there looking at her without saying anything.Without even looking towards him she stated tersely, "She's Dead" shocking Noah.Scrambling towards the supposed corpse he did notice a few things different about Saphira. The suppressive aura that she usually carried around her disappeared and the glowing hue of her horns was no longer there.

Standing by Excalibur, they stood there without saying anything.Noah didn't know how to feel, he only knew her for a few weeks and she rarely talked outside of lessons but she didn't deserve this.Clenching his fist he took a deep breath before walking up to her corpse.

Storing it within the ring, he turned towards his companion and stated calmly "We should leave." Nodding they rounded up the little things they had before leaving in the path he came through.It didn't take them long to reach the river he came here through.Before he could speak Excalibur took on her sword form.Grabbing her, took off his shirt and used it to tie her to his back before jumping in.

The water was as unpleasant as he remembered.It was freezing cold and he could see next to nothing as it carried him out of the cave.With his new body he could hold his breath for half an hour so he communicated with his Ego weapon while waiting.

'Finally' he sent to Excalibur when he realized they were now longer in the cave.

Climbing out of the river he untied her from his back as she transformed.He laid on the ground and soaked in the sun as Excalibur looked around."What are you doing'"she as she nudged him with her foot.Standing up and ignoring her question he suddenly thought of something.

"Your going to need to hide when I leave the forest"

"Why" she asked visibly annoyed.

"You uh," he thought of the best way to say it without getting hit "I've been missing for close to a month so the police will want to ask some questions and you look very young which could lead to some very unnecessary problems"

Frustrated she huffed in compliance as they searched for a way out the forest.