
The Highschool Life of The King of the Underworld

**ON BREAK** "The Undying King", the man considered to be on top of the criminal Underworld. They say that wherever he goes Death and Destruction follows. His reputation for peerless efficiency and hyper-lethality when it comes to jobs ranging from Presidential Assassinations to Hacking into Russian military bases has earned him considerable respect and fear within the criminal Underworld. This ultimately makes him a Legendary figure, known to the leaders of virtually all criminal organizations and government agencies as someone never to be crossed with at all costs But the truth is "The Undying King" is actually a High school student named Yamamoto Yuuto who is only doing those jobs due to some circumstances and just wants to live a normal life like everyone else. But due to his intimidating appearance, even in normal society he is viewed as a violent deliquent and is ignored and despised by everyone When he finds out he is transferring to 'Tokiwadai Private High School' an elite school, he hopes to have a peaceful life there without any problems and possibily even make a friend or two. But his hopes of a normal school life are shattered when he shames his teacher, publicly humiliates a girl, drives a classmate to the edge of despair and threatens to kill another classmate on the very first day After making an enemy of the whole school he believes that he will never get a normal school life but his whole life is turned upside down when he meets the mysterious girl 'Kisaragi Yuzuha' who just seems to know everything about him Follow Yamamoto Yuuto, as he meets other girls with traumatic experiences of their own and uses his own life experience as The King of the Underworld to save them from their past and current circumstances and watch him crush everyone that comes in his way

Degenerate_Raven · 现实
119 Chs

Splendid Performance

For fucks sake! I got my hopes up for nothing absolutely nothing! I was foolish for even thinking she wouldn't have noticed it.

Kisaragi continued saying "No, now that I think about it even if I was blind I would still know what you did from all the shouts and screams of pain you caused that boy. It's not some kind of back ground noise I can just ignore"

And not only was she just watching, but was also observing it carefully judging from the oddly detailed description she was giving me. And to worsen the situation even more, she added

"Actually even if I was deaf and blind I would've still felt the vibrations of you hitting that poor boy against that bucket over and over again on my desk. So no matter what, I still would've noticed you"

Not only did she see and hear what I did but she also felt it? How can this get any worse?

"Oh and I even recorded it on my phone so that I don't ever forget" She said as she pulled out her phone with the same smirk she had from the beginning


She just had to make it worse didn't she? I really need to punch this potty mouth of mine that keeps on jinxing everything

"You really don't know how to hold back do you Furyo-san" She said as she slowly slid over her bench trying to see the nervous expression on my face which I was trying to hide

*Sigh* Since she's seen what I did I can't make up any excuses now. I'll just slowly explain so that I can atleast retain some good image of myself

"Yeah about that. lt actually wasn't how it looked like. I only did that because-"

"But I have to say Furyo-san, it was quite the splendid performance from you. I thoroughly enjoyed it till the very last bit"

"Yeah-Yeah, I know. I was a little harsh on them and the scene you saw was a bit mortifying but it actually wasn't my fault. They were the ones who-....Hmm?.....What did you just say?"

I was baffled at what I had just heard and even doubted if I heard it correctely since it was absurd thing to say but I confirmed that it was true when she continued to say with eyes full of liveliness as if she was describing a scene from her favorite anime to her friend

"Like I said, it was a brilliant performance. Especially the part where you poured the water all over the girl. The frustrated look of that boy with all his hard work gone down the drain and the disgusted look of the girl drenched in spoiled milk was simply tantalizing. It was the cherry on top of the whole thing for me"

W-Wait what? Have I gone crazy and am hearing some ridiculous words come out of Kisaragi's mouth or is she actually telling me the favourite parts of when I brutalised that kid?

She ignored the bewildered expression on my face and continued saying

"Well it wasn't as good as yesterday's show as you managed to physchologically torture and blackmail that kid with a trauma from his past which is something you don't see everyday. But it was really ranked high up there with it"

She enjoyed that and is calling them shows and performances? She's even ranking them as if she was ranking the best anime she's watched? What is up with this girl?

She then looked at me with a glint of admiration in her eyes and said

"Not only once, but you've managed to entertain me twice during my usual boring mornings. You really are something Furyo-san..."

"W-Wait...so you're not bothered with what I did to them?" I said rubbing my temples in confusion

"Bothered? Why would I be? Like I said I enjoyed it and had no problems with it" She said, as if it was obvious

"I mean wouldn't anyone normally be appalled by the sight of someone suffering like that?"

She snorted as if I had insulted her and stared at the class in contempt and said "Please don't compare me to those plebeians Furyo-san. They are just too simple minded to understand your magnificent works. It's like how a normal person can't understand abstract art which holds so much meaning in each and every detail. They're so ignorant that they just disregard it as a piece of junk with no artistic value when it's actually priceless. That's also how these low lifes act when it comes to matters like this"

Magnificent work? Artistic value? What the heck is this girl saying?!

I simply wanted to fuck those two up which I did but she's comparing what I did to art. How does that even make sense? I'm utterly confused

Well what I did understand from that is that this girl is a hardcore sadist. I had thoughts about it yesterday but I just confirmed it with her words now

Now that I think about even Rena said she enjoyed watching me crushing Takahashi yesterday as he deserved it and was even smiling as she said it. Then does that mean she wouldn't have minded what I did now, but rather enjoyed it like Kisaragi?

Well as absurd as it is, I'm not complaining since I thought both of them would think different of me and would even distance themselves away from me because of my violent tendencies but this actually works out for the better since I'm pretty sure I'll do stuff worse then this in the future. Honestly it's a huge blessing in disguise that takes a huge burden off me to control my desires

*Sigh* Never would I've thought that having two sadistic friends would be beneficial for me

"Well I did have one problem with it though" Said Kisaragi with a slightly disturbed face

Well of course she does. I mean she's also a girl who normally doesn't like to look at stuff like this. This just makes me relieved that she wasn't a full blown sadist who enjoys other peoples suffering to the fullest and was atleast a little bit normal

"So which part didn't you like? The part where I banged his head on the bucket or was it when I threw the bag at the girl's face or is it something else which was too much for you?"

"Oh don't get me wrong Furyo-san" She said, waving her hands in denial. "Like I said I thoroughly I enjoyed all of that. My only problem with it is that it ended a lot sooner then I expected it to end. I really wanted to see more of it but-...*SLAP!*"
