
The Highschool Life of The King of the Underworld

**ON BREAK** "The Undying King", the man considered to be on top of the criminal Underworld. They say that wherever he goes Death and Destruction follows. His reputation for peerless efficiency and hyper-lethality when it comes to jobs ranging from Presidential Assassinations to Hacking into Russian military bases has earned him considerable respect and fear within the criminal Underworld. This ultimately makes him a Legendary figure, known to the leaders of virtually all criminal organizations and government agencies as someone never to be crossed with at all costs But the truth is "The Undying King" is actually a High school student named Yamamoto Yuuto who is only doing those jobs due to some circumstances and just wants to live a normal life like everyone else. But due to his intimidating appearance, even in normal society he is viewed as a violent deliquent and is ignored and despised by everyone When he finds out he is transferring to 'Tokiwadai Private High School' an elite school, he hopes to have a peaceful life there without any problems and possibily even make a friend or two. But his hopes of a normal school life are shattered when he shames his teacher, publicly humiliates a girl, drives a classmate to the edge of despair and threatens to kill another classmate on the very first day After making an enemy of the whole school he believes that he will never get a normal school life but his whole life is turned upside down when he meets the mysterious girl 'Kisaragi Yuzuha' who just seems to know everything about him Follow Yamamoto Yuuto, as he meets other girls with traumatic experiences of their own and uses his own life experience as The King of the Underworld to save them from their past and current circumstances and watch him crush everyone that comes in his way

Degenerate_Raven · 现实
119 Chs

Overwhelming Trust

[Kisaragi has Mai's voice from Bunny Senpai if anyone of you wanted to know for a better reading experience]

What the hell?! Kisaragi was sitting there the whole time!? How did I not notice her when she literally stands out more then anyone else in the class?

I mean I did see the back of the class many times but not once did she catch my eye. How is that even possible?!

I can even notice people around me even if all my 5 senses are cut off by sensing their negative emotions towards me but how in the world did she slip up

The only way I wouldn't have noticed her is if she doesn't emit any negative emotions towards me but that's just impossi-...WHAT SHE'S NOT RELEASING ANY ANIMOSITY TOWARDS ME?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!

I looked at her squinting my eyes, but no matter how much I looked I felt nothing. How is this happening?

Because of this 'bloodline' of mine, no matter who the person may be, be it the cashier at the department store I just met or a stranger walking down the street or even a person who I've never seen before, they will show hostility to me if they're in my 'range', even if I've never interacted with them or done anything wrong to them

Even if it's the most kind hearted person in the world who is considered as a saint for never hating anyone, they'll still show fear and hatred towards me and will have their guard up against me. That's just how my bloodline is. It's takes a while to explain how that works so I'll save it for another time

So basically everyone in this planet fears me or loathes me or has some bad intentions towards even if they don't realise it since it's a subconscious phenomenon. And I have the ability to sense those negative emotions if they are in my range and it works perfectly every time

I've gotten so used to it at this point that I don't even notice people are there around me if they don't emit any enmity towards me which is why I didn't notice Kisaragi in the classroom at all

But that shouldn't be possible since the only people I can't detect are the people who don't show the slightest negative intent towards me whatsoever and trust me with all their heart

The trust they have in me has to be up to the point where I can hold a knife to their throat and they still don't fear me, trusting that I won't harm them. And the only people that are that close to me are my family members and 'him'

So the only way I can't sense anything from Kisaragi is if she trusts me so much that she would even bet her life on me. But that can't be possible since I only met her yesterday and there's no way anyone can build that much trust towards a person in a single day. She would atleast have to spend a few months of time with me and come to understand me and know me for her to trust me so much

If it's not that then how?

Ahhhhh!...This is confusing!

The only way I can find out if what I'm thinking is true, is if I test her which I can do later. What I should be focusing on is what she thinks about what I did to those two dipshits now

She already constantly calls me a violent deliquent and trouble maker for no reason whatsoever and even calls me 'Furyo-san' (delinquent-san), not once ever mentioning my real name. But now it's worse since she has a legitimate reason to call me that as I just proved my savage behaviour right it in front of her eyes

Moreover I don't even know what she thinks about me right now after the brutal sight she saw. I don't think anyone in their right mind would have any good thoughts about me or want to associate with me after they saw what I did, fearing for their own safety

It's like telling someone to have a wild animal as a pet that could attack them at any time, just because of it's predatorial instincts

Fuck. I thought I was in the clear when I sent Rena away but I totally forgot about Kisaragi and Hina-san because of the confusion


Wait! What about Hina-san!?!?

I immediately darted my eyes around the class to see if I also missed Hina-san but thankfully she wasn't there in class

Phew...I dodged a bullet there. I'm pretty sure Hina-san would've fainted if she saw that horrific sight. And explaining it to her would've been a nightmare which could potentially break our friendship which hasn't even lasted a day

Since Hina-san is out of the picture, I should think about an explanation for my actions to appease Kisaragi

Now what should I do?...What should do?....Oh!

Maybe Kisaragi didn't notice it at all!

No wait. Don't look at me like I'm some dumb idiot. I know it may sound stupid since she was in the classroom while it happened, but hear me out even though there's only a tiny chance of it happening

Why I think that she might not have noticed it is because of the chance that she was completely immersed in looking out the window like she usually does in class while it happened. I'm not just making this up but know that sometimes she ignores everything around her while looking out the window

I even called out to her multiple times during class yesterday but she didn't seem like she heard me and just continued to look out the window as if she shut off all her other senses and was enraptured in the scenery of the trees swaying in the wind outside which gives me hope that she didn't notice

Or she was just blatantly ignoring my calls and I'm just the dumb one here

I know the chances are extremely small but it's worth a try

"Yes Kisaragi-san, it indeed is a beautiful day. So beautiful that you would want to just ignore your surroundings and just stare at the clear blue sky and start wondering what lies above it and beyond" I said while looking at the sky trying to ease up to the question I was going to ask. I then looked at her with a nervous smile and asked

"Have you ever had moments like that Kisaragi-san? Like when you're so immersed in sometime that you ignore what's happening around you"

Okay step one is over. Now I should see how she responds to see if I can proceed to step two

"Of course Furyo-san. It's happened to me many times before, so I'm not a stranger to that feeling of isolation from the world. Those type of moments especially happen when nothing eventful takes place in one's life and he/she always lives a dull and mundane life. For example to a person like you" She replied with a slight smile

So far so good, even though she added an insult with that remark. She's even saying that it happens many times to her that she's even familiar with

"It especially happens when I'm bored out of my mind during class where we're supposedly gaining knowledge but are only learning useless information that will never be useful in one's life"

It just keeps on getting better! Now I can safely ask that question without looking like an idiot

I gave a serious expression and asked "Ahem! So Kisaragi-san, just out of curiosity did you happen to have that moment now. To be exact, did you notice anything that happened in front of the class?"

Please say no! Please say no! Please say no! For Christ's sake just say no!

Kisaragi smirked at my question and said "What are you talking about Furyo-san? Of course I saw what happened. Even a meteor shower happening outside wouldn't be enough to keep me entranced to ignore what you just did. I would only have to be blind to not notice such an event"


I'll be posting the rest of the chapters I wrote later today

Degenerate_Ravencreators' thoughts